我正在尝试使用谷歌图表绘制图表,我的数据存储在mysql中。 mysql表中我的数据列是“timestamp”[存储CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()],“Side A Score”和“Side B Score”。
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Load the Visualization API and the piechart package.
google.load('visualization', '1.0', {'packages':['corechart']});
// Set a callback to run when the Google Visualization API is loaded.
// Callback that creates and populates a data table,
// instantiates the pie chart, passes in the data and
// draws it.
function drawChart() {
// Create the data table.
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('datetime', 'Date');
data.addColumn('number', 'Side 0 score');
data.addColumn('number', 'Side 1 score');
[2014-06-15 09:40:22 , 79.5 , 20.5] , [2014-06-15 12:57:15 , 79.5 , 20.5] , [2014-06-15 12:58:48 , 79.5 , 20.5] , [2014-06-15 12:59:21 , 79.5 , 20.5] , [2014-06-15 13:00:46 , 79.5 , 20.5] , [2014-06-15 13:00:51 , 79 , 21.5] , [2014-06-15 13:02:39 , 79 , 21.5] , [2014-06-15 18:39:54 , 79 , 21.5] , [2014-06-15 18:43:01 , 78.75 , 21.25] , [2014-06-15 18:45:35 , 78.8 , 21.2] , [2014-06-15 18:46:18 , 78.8 , 21.2] , [2014-06-15 18:50:44 , 79 , 21] , [2014-06-15 18:50:52 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 18:51:02 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 18:54:02 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 19:03:27 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 19:03:38 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 19:04:49 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 19:05:07 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 19:05:27 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 19:05:55 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 19:06:33 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 19:06:57 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 19:07:43 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 19:07:45 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 19:07:52 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 21:23:10 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 21:23:16 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 21:23:31 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 21:23:53 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 21:24:17 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 21:25:21 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 21:27:25 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 21:28:03 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 21:28:10 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 21:34:55 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-15 21:35:13 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 21:25:53 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 21:26:02 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 21:26:08 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 21:26:39 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 21:27:36 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 21:57:06 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 21:58:00 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 21:59:14 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 22:00:17 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 22:01:44 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 22:03:40 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 22:05:04 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 22:07:42 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 22:08:17 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 22:09:15 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 22:11:47 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 22:12:45 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 22:14:13 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 22:17:22 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 22:17:31 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 22:19:10 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 22:20:10 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 22:20:27 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 22:20:51 , 79.3 , 20.7] , [2014-06-16 22:20:57 , 58.6 , 41.4] , [2014-06-16 22:32:58 , 58.6 , 41.4] , [2014-06-16 22:33:06 , 57.9 , 42.1] , [2014-06-16 22:36:06 , 58.4 , 41.6] , [2014-06-16 22:48:26 , 58.4 , 41.6]
// Set chart options
var options = {'title':'Score Chart',
// Instantiate and draw our chart, passing in some options.
var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
chart.draw(data, options);
<div id="chart_div" style="width:300; height:300"></div>
答案 0 :(得分:1)
['2014-06-15 09:40:22' , 79.5 , 20.5],
['2014-06-15 12:57:15' , 79.5 , 20.5],
['2014-06-15 12:58:48' , 79.5 , 20.5],
['2014-06-15 12:59:21' , 79.5 , 20.5],
['2014-06-15 13:00:46' , 79.5 , 20.5]
[new Date('2014-06-15 09:40:22') , 79.5 , 20.5],
[new Date('2014-06-15 12:57:15') , 79.5 , 20.5],
[new Date('2014-06-15 12:58:48') , 79.5 , 20.5],
[new Date('2014-06-15 12:59:21') , 79.5 , 20.5],
[new Date('2014-06-15 13:00:46') , 79.5 , 20.5]
您的示例是使用Google Charts而不是D3,因此请记住,您必须调整语法。