Welcome to COP 2500 Tax Service!
Your taxable income is $5300
Welcome to COP 2500 Tax Service!
Your taxable income is $5300
Based on a taxable income of $5300 your tax rate is 10 percent
Your calculated taxes owed are $530
You overpaid your taxes, you will receive a refund of $120
Thank you for using COP 2500 Tax Service!
<script type="text/javascript">
const TEN = 0.10;
const FIFTEEN = 0.15;
const TWENTYFIVE = 0.25;
const TWENTYEIGHT = 0.28;
const THRITYTHREE = 0.33;
const THIRTYFIVE = 0.35;
const THREENINETYSIX = 0.396;
function getTaxRate(inIncome); {
var income = parseInt(inIncome);
var taxRate;
if (income <= 8925 && income >= 0) {
taxRate = TEN;
else if (income >= 8926 && income <= 36250) {
taxRate = FIFTEEN;
else if (income >= 36251 && income <= 87850) {
else if (income >= 87851 && income <= 183250) {
else if (income >= 183251 && income <= 398350) {
else if (income >= 398351 && income <= 400000) {
else if {
return taxRate;
function calculateTaxes(inTaxableIncome, inTaxRate) {
var income = parseInt(inTaxableIncome);
var rate = parseFloat(inTaxRate);
var taxesOwed = income * rate;
return taxesOwed;
function refundOrPay(inTaxesOwed, inTaxesPaid) {
var taxesOwed = parseInt(inTaxesOwed);
var taxesPaid = parseInt(inTaxesPaid);
var taxDifference = taxesOwed - taxesPaid;
return taxDifference;
<script type="text/javascript">
document.writeln("Welcome to COP 2500 Tax Service!<br>");
//Determine the tax rate
var income = prompt("Enter your year-end income");
var deductions = prompt("Enter your taxable deductions for the year", "");
var taxableIncome = (parseInt(income) - parseInt(deductions));
document.writeln("Your taxable income is $" + taxableIncome + "<br>");
var rate = getTaxRate(taxableIncome);
document.writeln("Based on a taxable income of $" + taxableIncome + " your tax rate is " + rate * 100 + " percent<br>")
var taxesOwed = calculateTaxes(taxableIncome, rate);
document.writeln("Your calculated taxes owed are $" + taxesOwed + "<br>");
var taxesPaid = prompt("Enter the taxes you paid for the year", "");
var taxResult = refundOrPay(taxesOwed, taxesPaid);
if (taxResult == 0) {
document.writeln("Congratulations you broke even!<br>");
} else if (taxResult > 0) {
document.writeln("Unfortunately you still owe more, please pay an additional $" + taxResult + " by April 15, 2014<br>");
} else {
document.writeln("You overpaid your taxes, you will recieve a refund of $" + (-1 * taxResult) + "<br>");
document.writeln("Thank you for using COP 2500 Tax Service!");