
时间:2014-06-13 10:15:08

标签: applescript adobe-illustrator


error "Adobe Illustrator got an error: an Illustrator error occurred: -54 (' ˇˇˇ')" number 1200


 Illustrator couldn't open this file as it may be locked or in use

好吧它没有锁定,因为我可以手动打开它,当时它肯定没有被使用。 以下是我的代码,如果可以,请提供帮助:)

 set inputFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select the folder"
 tell application "Finder" to set jobNumber to name of inputFolder
 set aiPath to inputFolder & "Assembly:" & jobNumber & ".ai" --path of outlined file
 set olPath to inputFolder & "Deliverables:" & jobNumber & "_OL.ai" --path of outlined file

tell application id "com.adobe.Illustrator"
open aiPath without dialogs

convert to paths (every text frame of current document) --convert text to paths
save current document in file olPath as Illustrator with options {class:Illustrator save options, compatibility:Illustrator 15, font subset threshold:0.0, embed linked files:true, save multiple artboards:false} --save an outlined copy to Deliverables with name + _OL.ai 

end tell



出于某种原因,这适用于第一条路径,但是当它到达第二条路径时,它说"不能将别名变成类型别名" 我很困惑,请帮忙:/

 set inputFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select the folder"
 tell application "Finder" to set jobNumber to name of inputFolder
 set temp to inputFolder & "Assembly:" & jobNumber & ".ai" as string --path of outlined file
 set aiPath to temp as alias
 set temp to inputFolder & "Deliverables:" & jobNumber & "_OL.ai" --path of outlined file
 set olPath to temp as alias

 tell application id "com.adobe.Illustrator"
open file aiPath without dialogs

convert to paths (every text frame of current document) --convert text to paths
save current document in file olPath as Illustrator with options {class:Illustrator save options, compatibility:Illustrator 15, font subset threshold:0.0, embed linked files:true, save multiple artboards:false} --save an outlined copy to Deliverables with name + _OL.ai 

   end tell

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

你的变量" inputFolder"是一个别名,他们通常不喜欢添加文字。试着把它变成一个字符串。试试这个:

 set inputFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select the folder"
 set inputFolder to inputFolder as string
 tell application "Finder" to set jobNumber to name of folder inputFolder
 set aiPath to inputFolder & "Assembly:" & jobNumber & ".ai" --path of outlined file
 set olPath to inputFolder & "Deliverables:" & jobNumber & "_OL.ai" --path of outlined file

tell application id "com.adobe.Illustrator"
open aiPath without dialogs

convert to paths (every text frame of current document) --convert text to paths
save current document in file olPath as Illustrator with options {class:Illustrator save options, compatibility:Illustrator 15, font subset threshold:0.0, embed linked files:true, save multiple artboards:false} --save an outlined copy to Deliverables with name + _OL.ai 

end tell


检查&#34; olPath&#34;的文件路径存在。 AI不会从我记忆中创建新文件夹。如果我使用你的保存命令并将其更改为保存在我的桌面上,它可以正常工作。

set FilePath to ((path to desktop) as string) & "TestFile.ai"
tell application id "com.adobe.Illustrator"
    save current document in file FilePath as Illustrator with options {class:Illustrator save options, compatibility:Illustrator 15, font subset threshold:0.0, embed linked files:true, save multiple artboards:false} --save an outlined copy to Deliverables with name + _OL.ai 

end tell



set inputFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select the folder"
set inputFolder to inputFolder as string
tell application "Finder" to set jobNumber to name of folder inputFolder
set aiPath to inputFolder & "Assembly:" & jobNumber & ".ai" --path of outlined file
set olPath to inputFolder & "Deliverables:" & jobNumber & "_OL.ai" --path of outlined file

tell application id "com.adobe.Illustrator"
    open file aiPath without dialogs

    convert to paths (every text frame of current document) --convert text to paths
    save current document in file olPath as Illustrator with options {class:Illustrator save options, compatibility:Illustrator 15, font subset threshold:0.0, embed linked files:true, save multiple artboards:false} --save an outlined copy to Deliverables with name + _OL.ai 

end tell