object DocState extends Enumeration { thisenum =>
type DocState = State
val New = Value("new", new FromNew)
val Open = Value("open", new FromOpen)
class State(name: String, convertWith: Transduction) extends Val(name) {
def apply(message: Save) = convertWith(message)
def apply(message: Edit) = convertWith(message)
protected final def Value(
name: String, convertWith: Transduction
) = new State(name, convertWith)
sealed trait Message
case class Save(text: String) extends Message
case class Edit(text: String) extends Message
def apply(name: String) = thisenum.withName(name).asInstanceOf[State]
trait Transduction {
def apply(message: Save)
def apply(message: Edit)
class FromNew extends Transduction {
def apply(message: Save): DocState = { ... }
def apply(message: Edit): DocState = { ... }
class FromOpen extends Transduction {
def apply(message: Save): DocState = { ... }
def apply(message: Edit): DocState = { ... }
import DocState._
val currentState = New(Save("hello")) // currentState is New
val newState = currentState(Edit("hello")) // newState is Open
trait DocException[S <: Enumeration] extends ServiceException {
val state: Option[S]
object DocException {
def apply[S <: Enumeration](message: String, _state: Option[S]) = new RuntimeException(message) with DocException[S] {
val state: Option[S] = _state
val e = DocException("state error", Some(New))
inferred type arguments [test.DocState.DocState] do not conform to method apply's type parameter bounds [S <: Enumeration]
[error] val e = DocException("state error", Some(New))
/home/j3d/Projects/test/app/DocFsm.scala:71: type mismatch;
[error] found : Some[test.DocState.DocState]
[error] required: Option[S]
[error] val e = DocException("state error", Some(New))
答案 0 :(得分:0)
object DocState extends Enumeration { thisenum =>
type DocState = Value
val New = Value("new", new FromNew)
val Open = Value("open", new FromOpen)
class Val(name: String, convertWith: Transduction) extends super.Val(name) {
def !(message: Save) = convertWith(message)
def !(message: Edit) = convertWith(message)
private def Value(name: String, convertWith: Transduction) = new Val(name, convertWith)
sealed trait Message
case class Save(text: String) extends Message
case class Edit(text: String) extends Message
def apply(name: String) = thisenum.withName(name).asInstanceOf[Val]
implicit def toVal(value: Value) = value.asInstanceOf[Val]
implicit def toString(state: DocState) = state.toString
trait Transduction {
def apply(message: Save)
def apply(message: Edit)
class FromNew extends Transduction {
def apply(message: Save): DocState = { ... }
def apply(message: Edit): DocState = { ... }
class FromOpen extends Transduction {
def apply(message: Save): DocState = { ... }
def apply(message: Edit): DocState = { ... }
import DocState._
// initialize the state machine
val state1 = DocState("new") // state1 is New
// send an edit message to state1
val state2 = state1 ! Edit("my comment") // state2 is Edit