
时间:2014-06-11 15:42:14

标签: networking applescript directory finder




global theWatchedFolder
set theWatchedFolder to choose folder
on idle
tell application "Finder"
    set theDetectedItems to every item of theWatchedFolder
    repeat with aDetectedItem in theDetectedItems
        set jobNumber to display dialog "Please enter the job number for this photo." buttons {"Submit", "Cancel"}
        display dialog "File detected: " & jobNumber
        --tell finder
        -- search for jobNumber in (path to desktop)
        --set jobFolder to top search result
        --end tell
        --set colourFolder to jobfolder & /colour
        move aDetectedItem to the desktop --move to colourFolder
    end repeat
end tell
if theDetectedItems is not {} then
    display dialog "test move complete"
end if
return 1
 end idle


1 个答案:

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然后回到你的搜索。 Finder没有搜索命令。由于Mac OS X Tiger Apple引入了聚光灯,这是一个用于查找不同类型数据(文件,捆绑,邮件等)的元数据库。然而,聚光灯从来没有可编写脚本,但AppleScript只能在命令行上使用mdlsmdfindmdutil访问。要在命令行上执行命令,我们使用AppleScript中的do shell script命令或do script命令来编写Terminal.app脚本。这是一个如何使用do shell脚本命令

set theFolder to choose folder
set searchKey to "the*" --use * as wild card 

findMetaDataInFolderByName(theFolder, searchKey)

on findMetaDataInFolderByName(HFSPath, searchKey)
    set options to " -onlyin " & quoted form of POSIX path of HFSPath
    set options to options & " \"kMDItemFSName == " & quoted form of searchKey & "\""
    return paragraphs of (do shell script "mdfind " & options)
end findMetaDataInFolderByName


但是,您已经提到必须在服务器上调用搜索。通常,当您正确安装服务器时,共享位于应用程序和用户主文件夹之外。默认情况下,这些文件夹仅由聚光灯索引,因此聚光灯需要动态索引。换句话说,与普通聚光灯搜索相比,它在不到一秒的时间内完成得非常慢。所以我建议使用与find相同的脚本的另一个版本。 Find将以递归方式遍历给定目录并打印每个匹配项。

set theFolder to choose folder

set searchKey to "the*" --use * as wild card
findFilesInFolderByName(theFolder, searchKey)

on findFilesInFolderByName(HFSPath, searchKey)
    --the HFSPath can't have a trailing "/"
    set UFSPath to POSIX path of HFSPath
    if UFSPath ends with "/" and UFSPath is not "/" then set UFSPath to text 1 thru -2 of UFSPath
    set options to space & quoted form of UFSPath
    set options to options & " -iname " & quoted form of (searchKey) --iname is case insensitive file name match
    paragraphs of (do shell script "find " & options & " -print 2>/dev/null ; exit 0") --pipe error to /dev/null to exclude permission denied messages
end findFilesInFolderByName
