Feature: Browse posts
In order to browse all posts on the site
As a Visitor on the site
I need a site which shows list of all posts
Scenario: Listing all posts
Given I am on "/post"
And The database is clean
And There are following posts:
| title | content |
| Testowy tytuł posta | Testowa treść posta |
| Testowy tytuł posta numer 2 | Testowa treść posta numer 2 |
Then the response status code should be 200
Then I should see "All posts" in the "title" element
And I should see "Listing all posts"
And I should see "Testowy tytuł posta"
Scenario: View one post by slug
Given I am on "/post/testowy-tytul-posta"
Then the response status code should be 200
Then I should see "Testowy tytuł posta" in the "title" element
And I should see "Testowa treść posta"
Scenario: View one post by slug # src/MyVendor/BlogBundle/Features/blog/listing_posts.feature:18
Given I am on "/post/testowy-tytul-posta" # MyVendor\BlogBundle\Features\Context\FeatureContext::visit()
Then the response status code should be 200 # MyVendor\BlogBundle\Features\Context\FeatureContext::assertResponseStatus()
Current response status code is 500, but 200 expected. (Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException)
Then I should see "Testowy tytuł posta" in the "title" element # MyVendor\BlogBundle\Features\Context\FeatureContext::assertElementContainsText()
And I should see "Testowa treść posta"
Current response status code is 500, but 200 expected
Scenario: View one post by slug # src/MyVendor/BlogBundle/Features/blog/listing_posts.feature:18
Given I am on "/post/testowy-tytul-posta" # MyVendor\BlogBundle\Features\Context\FeatureContext::visit()
Then the response status code should be 200 # MyVendor\BlogBundle\Features\Context\FeatureContext::assertResponseStatus()
Current response status code is 500, but 200 expected.
+--[ HTTP/1.1 500 | http://localhost/post/testowy-tytul-posta | KernelDriver ]
| <body>
| <div id="content">
| <div class="header clear-fix">
| <div class="header-logo">
| <img src="...
Then I should see "Testowy tytuł posta" in the "title" element # MyVendor\BlogBundle\Features\Context\FeatureContext::assertElementContainsText()
And I should see "Testowa treść posta" # MyVendor\BlogB
看起来有限,并没有显示所有的响应内容。如果有一个选项只接受异常消息,那将非常有用 - 在这种情况下:
Entity 'MyVendor\BlogBundle\Entity\Post' has no field 'slug'. You can therefore not call 'findOneBySlug' on the entities' repository
答案 0 :(得分:1)
我需要做的就是在Behat \ MinkExtensio下添加behat.yml以下行:
show_auto: true
show_cmd: firefox %s