
时间:2014-06-06 13:12:38

标签: javascript node.js path fs




var baseDir = './',
    path = require('path'),
    fs = require('fs');

// watch the directory for new files
fs.watch(baseDir,  function(event, file) {

    var ext = path.extname(file)
        basename = path.basename(file).substring(0, path.basename(file).length - ext.length);

    // check it wasnt a delete action
    fs.exists(baseDir + file, function(exists) {

        // check we have the right file type
        if(exists && ext === '.ogg'){

            // get the created date
            fs.stat(baseDir + file, function (err, stats){

                if (err)
                    throw err;

                var year = stats.ctime.getFullYear();
                var month = stats.ctime.getMonth()+1;
                var day = stats.ctime.getDate();
                var hour = stats.ctime.getHours();
                var sec = stats.ctime.getSeconds();

                if(month < 10){
                    month = '0' + month;
                if(day < 10){
                    day = '0' + day;
                if(hour < 10){
                    hour = '0' + hour;
                if(sec < 10){
                    sec = '0' + sec;

                var name = year + '' + month + '' + day + '' + hour + '' + sec;

                // does the basename directory exist?
                fs.exists(baseDir + '/' + basename, function(exists) {

                    // if the directory doesnt exist

                        // make the directory
                        fs.mkdir(baseDir + '/' + basename, 0777, function (err, stats){

                            if (err)
                                throw err;

                            moveFile(file, basename, name, ext);


                    } else {

                        moveFile(file, basename, name, ext);







function moveFile(file, basename, name, ext){

    // move the file to the new directory
    fs.rename(baseDir + file, baseDir + '/' + basename + '/' + name + ext, function (err) {

        if (err)
            throw err;

        // console.log('Rename complete');



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


var baseDir = './test',
    path = require('path'),
    fs = require('fs');

// watch the directory for new files
fs.watch(baseDir,  function(event, file) {
  var ext = path.extname(file),
  basename = path.basename(file).substring(0, path.basename(file).length - ext.length);
  // check it wasnt a delete action
  // check we have the right file type
  var filePath = path.join(baseDir, file);
  if(fs.existsSync(filePath) && ext === '.ogg'){
    // get the created date
    var stats = fs.statSync(filePath);
    var name = getName(stats);
    // if the directory doesnt exist
    var baseDirPath = path.join(baseDir, basename);
      // make the directory
      fs.mkdirSync(baseDirPath, 0777);
    moveFile(file, basename, name, ext);

function getName (stats) {
  var year = stats.ctime.getFullYear();
  var month = stats.ctime.getMonth()+1;
  var day = stats.ctime.getDate();
  var hour = stats.ctime.getHours();
  // need minutes!
  var minutes = stats.ctime.getMinutes();
  var sec = stats.ctime.getSeconds();
  if(month %lt 10){
    month = '0' + month;
  if(day < 10){
    day = '0' + day;
  if(hour < 10){
    hour = '0' + hour;
  if(minutes < 10){
    minutes = '0' + minutes;
  if(sec < 10){
    sec = '0' + sec;

  // missing the minute, previously
  return year + '' + month + '' + day + '' + hour + '' + minutes + '' + sec;

function moveFile(file, basename, name, ext){
  // move the file to the new directory
  var src = path.join(baseDir, file),
      dest = path.join(baseDir, basename, name+ext);

  console.log("Moving ", src, "-", dest);

  fs.renameSync(src, dest);


  1. 在处理像这样的简单脚本时,坚持使用以Sync同步的同步fs方法。虽然node.js以其异步能力而闻名,但它有点过早优化IMO。例如,如果您需要将其嵌入到高性能的网络服务器中,那么就要优化,而不是之前。

  2. 创建新文件名时,您错过了minutes变量。这很可能导致名称冲突,所以我纠正了它。

  3. 尝试更多地利用path库(如path.join),因为手动连接路径的字符串通常会导致代码变得脆弱。

  4. 还有一些边缘情况会导致崩溃。创建一个没有扩展名的文件,该扩展名与您将基于另一个文件创建的目录具有相同的名称。 (文件不能成为目录,您无法在另一个文件中移动文件。)。如果您计划进入生产环境,则需要至少通过几次单元测试来强化代码。

  5. 干杯,