
时间:2014-06-06 10:19:40

标签: regex vba ms-access text-parsing


     LANGNAME "DFES / Gruppenstellvertreter für gemeinsame MIl Entprellung von DFC_DMTLmax"
     EINHEIT_W "-"
   WERT 253.25

KENNFELD CrCtl_StM.CrCtl_facPwrMaxaDem_MAP 6 6
   LANGNAME "GRA (Geschwindigkeits Regel Automat) - Zustandsautomat / leistungsabhängiger Faktor für max. Sollbeschleuniung"
   FUNKTION CrCtl_Gov 
   EINHEIT_X "km/h"
   EINHEIT_W "-"
   ST/X   20.0000000000000000   50.0000000000000000   80.0000000000000000   120.0000000000000000   150.0000000000000000   200.0000000000000000   
   ST/Y   85.0000000000000000
   WERT   1.0000000000000000   1.0000000000000000   1.0000000000000000   0.7500000000000000   0.5468750000000000   0.2031250000000000   
   ST/Y   92.0000000000000000
   WERT   1.0000000000000000   1.0000000000000000   1.0000000000000000   0.7500000000000000   0.5468750000000000   0.2031250000000000   
   ST/Y   103.0000000000000000
   WERT   1.0000000000000000   1.0000000000000000   1.0000000000000000   0.7500000000000000   0.5468750000000000   0.2031250000000000   
   ST/Y   110.0000000000000000
   WERT   1.0000000000000000   1.0000000000000000   1.0000000000000000   0.7500000000000000   0.5468750000000000   0.2031250000000000   
   ST/Y   125.0000000000000000
   WERT   1.0000000000000000   1.0000000000000000   1.0000000000000000   0.7500000000000000   0.5468750000000000   0.2031250000000000   
   ST/Y   132.0000000000000000
   WERT   1.0000000000000000   1.0000000000000000   1.0000000000000000   0.7500000000000000   0.5468750000000000   0.2031250000000000   


enter image description here



Option Compare Database

Sub ImportDcmlDaten(path As String, ID As Long)
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim ts As TextStream
Dim nameknl, nameknf, namefknl, namefwr, lien, DCMfilename As String
Dim testid As Integer

Dim regknf As New regexp
Dim regstx As New regexp
Dim regend As New regexp
Dim regxnum As New regexp
Dim regsty As New regexp
Dim regwert As New regexp
Dim regwertnum As New regexp
Dim regknl As New regexp
Dim regname As New regexp
Dim regfknl As New regexp
Dim regfstwrt As New regexp
Dim rega2l As New regexp
Dim regprodat As New regexp
Dim rega2lhex As New regexp

Dim regtxt As New regexp
Dim regwtxt As New regexp

Dim regeinheitx As New regexp
Dim regx As New regexp
Dim regeinheity As New regexp
Dim regeinheitwert As New regexp
Dim regfunktion As New regexp

   Dim swknnf, swknl, swfst As Boolean

Dim matchkennfeld, matchstx, matchend, matchxnum, matchynum, matchsty, matchwert, matchwertnum, matchkennlinie, matchname, matchfestkennlinie, matchprodat, matchfstwert, matcha2lhex, matchtxt As MatchCollection
Dim stxnums(0 To 1000) As String
Dim wertnums(0 To 1000) As String
Dim stynums(0 To 1000) As String
Dim X As Integer
Dim mycollection As New Collection

   Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qry As DAO.QueryDef

Set db = CurrentDb

DCMfilename = fso.GetFileName(path)
   Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile(path, ForReading)

Set qry = db.QueryDefs("Test_qr_emptyDCM")
qry.Parameters("fzg_ID").Value = ID
Set rs = qry.OpenRecordset

'On Error GoTo Errhandler

regknf.Pattern = "KENNFELD\s+([\w|\s]*)"
regname.Pattern = "[\w|\s]*"
regknl.Pattern = "KENNLINIE\s+([\w|\s]*)"
regfstwrt.Pattern = "FESTWERT\s+([\w|\s]*)"
regfknl.Pattern = "FESTKENNLINIE\s+([\w|\s]*)"
regstx.Pattern = "(ST/X)\s*(-?[\d]*(\.)?[\d]*\s*)+"
regend.Pattern = "(END)"
regxnum.Pattern = "-?\d{1,}\.{0,1}\d{0,}"
regsty.Pattern = "(ST/Y)\s*(-?[\d]*(\.)?[\d]*\s*)+"
regwert.Pattern = "\bWERT\b\s*(-?[\d]*(\.)?[\d]*\s*)+"
regprodat.Pattern = "(Datensatz:|Projekt:)[\s\w*,*]*[\\\w]*"
rega2lhex.Pattern = "[\\][\w]*"
regxnum.Global = True
'regwertnum.Pattern = "-?\d{1,}\.{0,1}\d{0,}"
regwertnum.Global = True

regeinheitx.Pattern = "EINHEIT_X\s+[\""?\w\/\s\-\_]*"
regeinheity.Pattern = "EINHEIT_Y\s+[\""?\w\/\s\_\-]*"
regeinheitwert.Pattern = "EINHEIT_W\s+[\""?\w\/\s\-\_]*"
regfunktion.Pattern = "FUNKTION\s+[\""?\w\/\s\-\_]*"

regtxt.Pattern = "\bTEXT\b\s+[\""?\w\/\s\-\_]*"
regwtxt.Pattern = "\s+[\""?\w\/\s\-\_]*"
Do While Not ts.AtEndOfStream

line = ts.ReadLine

'specifying von KENNFELD Block
Set matchkennfeld = regknf.Execute(line)
Set matchend = regend.Execute(line)
Set matchstx = regstx.Execute(line)
Set matchsty = regsty.Execute(line)
Set matchwert = regwert.Execute(line)
Set matchkennlinie = regknl.Execute(line)
Set matchfestkennlinie = regfknl.Execute(line)
Set matchfstwert = regfstwrt.Execute(line)
Set matchprodat = regprodat.Execute(line)

Set matcheinheitx = regeinheitx.Execute(line)
Set matcheinheity = regeinheity.Execute(line)
Set matcheinheitwert = regeinheitwert.Execute(line)
Set matchfunktion = regfunktion.Execute(line)

Set matchtxt = regtxt.Execute(line)

If matchprodat.Count <> 0 Then
Set matcha2lhex = rega2lhex.Execute(matchprodat.Item(0))
 DCMfilename = DCMfilename + "<>" + Mid(matcha2lhex.Item(0), 2)
  If rs.Fields(0) = 0 Then
       MsgBox "Hier darf man nicht eine neue DCM einfügen"
       Exit Sub
       'MsgBox DCMfilename
  End If
End If

If matchkennfeld.Count <> 0 Then
Set nameknf = regname.Execute(Mid(Trim(matchkennfeld.Item(0)), 9))
  swknnf = True
  X = 0
  W = 0
End If

If matcheinheitx.Count <> 0 And (swknnf = True Or swknl = True) Then
 Einheitx = Mid(Trim(matcheinheitx.Item(0)), 11)
End If

If matcheinheity.Count <> 0 And (swknnf = True) Then
 EinheitY = Mid(Trim(matcheinheity.Item(0)), 11)
End If

If matcheinheitwert.Count <> 0 And (swknnf = True Or swknl = True Or swfst = True) Then
 Einheitwert = Mid(Trim(matcheinheitwert.Item(0)), 11)
End If

If matchfunktion.Count <> 0 And (swknnf = True Or swknl = True Or swfst = True) Then
 Funktion = Mid(Trim(matchfunktion.Item(0)), 9)
End If

If matchfstwert.Count <> 0 Then
Set namefwr = regname.Execute(Mid(Trim(matchfstwert.Item(0)), 9))
swfst = True
End If

If matchkennlinie.Count <> 0 Then
  Set nameknl = regname.Execute(Mid(Trim(matchkennlinie.Item(0)), 10))
  swknl = True
End If

If matchfestkennlinie.Count <> 0 Then
  Set namefknl = regname.Execute(Mid(Trim(matchkennlinie.Item(0)), 14))
  swknl = True
End If

If matchend.Count <> 0 Then
 If swknnf = True Then
   'DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO tb_DCM_Daten_info (EinheitX,EinheitY,Einheitwert,Name,Funktion,FzgID) VALUES('" & Trim(Einheitx) & "','" & Trim(EinheitY) & "','" & Trim(Einheitwert) & "','" & Trim(nameknf.Item(0)) & "','" & Trim(Funktion) & "','" & ID & "');")
   db.Execute ("INSERT INTO tb_DCM_Daten_info (EinheitX,EinheitY,Einheitwert,Name,Funktion,FzgID) VALUES('" & Trim(Einheitx) & "','" & Trim(EinheitY) & "','" & Trim(Einheitwert) & "','" & Trim(nameknf.Item(0)) & "','" & Trim(Funktion) & "','" & ID & "');")
 End If

 If swfst = True Then
   'DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO tb_DCM_Daten_info (Einheitwert,Name,Funktion,FzgID) VALUES('" & Trim(Einheitwert) & "','" & Trim(namefwr.Item(0)) & "','" & Trim(Funktion) & "','" & ID & "');")
   db.Execute ("INSERT INTO tb_DCM_Daten_info (Einheitwert,Name,Funktion,FzgID) VALUES('" & Trim(Einheitwert) & "','" & Trim(namefwr.Item(0)) & "','" & Trim(Funktion) & "','" & ID & "');")
 End If

 If swknl = True Then
    For K = 0 To X - 1
     ' MsgBox nameknl.Item(0) + ":" + stxnums(K) + ":" + wertnums(K)
    ' DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO tb_DCM_Daten (XValue,Wert,name,FzgID) VALUES ('" & stxnums(K) & "','" & wertnums(K) & "','" & Trim(nameknl.Item(0)) & "','" & ID & "');")
     db.Execute ("INSERT INTO tb_DCM_Daten (XValue,Wert,name,FzgID) VALUES ('" & stxnums(K) & "','" & wertnums(K) & "','" & Trim(nameknl.Item(0)) & "','" & ID & "');")
    Next K
    'DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO tb_DCM_Daten_info (EinheitX,EinheitY,Einheitwert,Name,Funktion,FzgID) VALUES('" & Trim(Einheitx) & "','" & Trim(EinheitY) & "','" & Trim(Einheitwert) & "','" & Trim(nameknl.Item(0)) & "','" & Trim(Funktion) & "','" & ID & "');")
    db.Execute ("INSERT INTO tb_DCM_Daten_info (EinheitX,EinheitY,Einheitwert,Name,Funktion,FzgID) VALUES('" & Trim(Einheitx) & "','" & Trim(EinheitY) & "','" & Trim(Einheitwert) & "','" & Trim(nameknl.Item(0)) & "','" & Trim(Funktion) & "','" & ID & "');")
 End If
swknnf = False
swknl = False
swfst = False
X = 0
W = 0
Y = 0
Erase stxnums
Erase wertnums
Erase stynums
End If

If matchstx.Count <> 0 And (swknnf = True Or swknl = True) Then

 Set matchxnum = regxnum.Execute(Mid(Trim(matchstx.Item(0)), 5))
 For Each M In matchxnum
   stxnums(X) = M
   X = X + 1
 Next M
 ' Wir haben ein Array voll von STX Werte

End If

If matchsty.Count <> 0 And swknnf = True Then
  Set matchynum = regxnum.Execute(Mid(Trim(matchsty.Item(0)), 5))
End If

If (matchwert.Count <> 0 Or matchtxt.Count <> 0) And swfst = True Then

If matchwert.Count <> 0 Then
 Set matchwertnum = regxnum.Execute(Mid(Trim(matchwert.Item(0)), 5))
End If

If matchtxt.Count <> 0 Then
 Set matchwertnum = regwtxt.Execute(Mid(Trim(matchtxt.Item(0)), 5))
End If
 For Each M In matchwertnum
   'DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO tb_DCM_Daten (Wert,name,FzgID) VALUES ('" & M & "','" & namefwr.Item(0) & "','" & ID & "');")
    db.Execute ("INSERT INTO tb_DCM_Daten (Wert,name,FzgID) VALUES ('" & M & "','" & namefwr.Item(0) & "','" & ID & "');")
 Next M
End If

If matchwert.Count <> 0 And swknnf = True Then
Set matchwertnum = regxnum.Execute(Mid(Trim(matchwert.Item(0)), 5))
For Each M In matchwertnum
  wertnums(W) = M
  W = W + 1
Next M
If W = X Then
For K = 0 To X - 1
 'MsgBox stxnums(K) + " " + matchynum(0) + " " + wertnums(K) + " " + nameknf.Item(0)
    'DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO tb_DCM_Daten (XValue,YValue,Wert,name,FzgID) VALUES ('" & stxnums(K) & "','" & matchynum(0) & "','" & wertnums(K) & "','" & nameknf.Item(0) & "','" & ID & "');")
    db.Execute ("INSERT INTO tb_DCM_Daten (XValue,YValue,Wert,name,FzgID) VALUES ('" & stxnums(K) & "','" & matchynum(0) & "','" & wertnums(K) & "','" & nameknf.Item(0) & "','" & ID & "');")
 Next K
 W = 0
End If
End If

If matchwert.Count <> 0 And swknl = True Then
  Set matchwertnum = regxnum.Execute(Mid(Trim(matchwert.Item(0)), 5))
  For Each M In matchwertnum
     wertnums(W) = M
     W = W + 1
    Next M
End If
'DoCmd.RunSQL ("Update tb_KonzeptDaten  Set DCMFile=""" & DCMfilename & """ where (Konzept= " & ID & ")")
MsgBox "Die Daten sind Erfolgreich gespeichert"
Exit Sub

'MsgBox "An error has occurred. The macro will end."
 'hier musste ein Code sein, um die Vorherige Daten zu löschen
End Sub

但将此文件保存到数据库(超过一小时)需要很长时间才有更好的方法来完成这项工作? (仅解析文本文件而不保存在db中需要15秒)

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



答案 1 :(得分:1)



...然后使用VBA DoCmd.TransferText方法导入CSV文件。


答案 2 :(得分:0)
