<office:body><office:text><text:sequence-decls><text:sequence-decl text:display-outline-level="0" text:name="Illustration"/><text:sequence-decl text:display-outline-level="0" text:name="Table"/><text:sequence-decl text:display-outline-level="0" text:name="Text"/><text:sequence-decl text:display-outline-level="0" text:name="Drawing"/></text:sequence-decls><text:p text:style-name="Standard"/><text:p text:style-name="Standard">Hello <office:annotation office:name="__Fieldmark__4_822755319"><dc:creator>Unknown Author</dc:creator><dc:date>2014-06-06T09:29:21.051317276</dc:date><text:list text:style-name=""><text:list-item><text:p text:style-name="P1"><text:span text:style-name="T1">This is a comment</text:span></text:p></text:list-item></text:list></office:annotation>World<office:annotation-end office:name="__Fieldmark__4_822755319"/>, Hello Simple ODF!</text:p></office:text></office:body>
我正在尝试使用Perl ODF::lpOD库。例如,我能够提取主段落的内容:
use ODF::lpOD;
$doc = odf_get_document("test.odt")
or die "Failed to load the document\n";
$contenu = $doc->get_body;
$p = $contenu->get_paragraph(position=>-2);
$texte = $p->get_text;
print $texte
output> Hello World, Hello Simple ODF!
use ODF::lpOD;
$doc = odf_get_document("test.odt")
or die "Failed to load the document\n";
$contenu = $doc->get_body;
$p = $contenu->get_paragraph(position=>-2);
print "\n";
$annot = $p->get_annotations; # output is the same with $annot=$contenu->get_annotations
print $annot
output> 1
答案 0 :(得分:0)
来自man ODF::lpOD::TextElement
"get_annotations()" always returns a list
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -Ian! D. Allen - idallen@idallen.ca - www.idallen.com
use strict;
use ODF::lpOD;
my $doc = odf_new_document('text')
or die "$0: Failed to create new text\n ";
my $content = $doc->get_part(CONTENT) or die;
my $context = $content->get_body or die;
style => "Standard",
text => "Hello World !"
my $p = $context->get_paragraph(position=>1) or die;
my $t = $p->get_text or die;
print "$t\n";
text => "This is an annotation.",
after => "World",
) or die;
my @as = $p->get_annotations() or die;
for my $a ( @as ) {
&Dump("", $a);
sub Dump {
my $k = shift;
my $v = shift || '';
if ( ref($v) ne '' ) {
for my $k2 ( keys %{$v} ) {
my $v2 = $$v{$k2};
if ( $k2 ne 'parent' && $k2 ne 'last_child' && $k2 ne 'prev_sibling' ) {
my $r = &Pretty($v);
print "$k $r\[$k2] => ";
&Dump("$k $r", $v2);
} else {
print " $v\n";
sub Pretty {
my $r = shift;
local $_ = ref($r);
return $_;
$doc->save(target => "helloworld.odt");
Hello World !
Annotation[next_sibling] => Annotation TextNode[next_sibling] =>
Annotation TextNode[gi] => 1
Annotation TextNode[pcdata] => !
Annotation[gi] => 29
Annotation[style] =>
Annotation[first_child] => Annotation Element[next_sibling] => Annotation Element Element[next_sibling] => Annotation Element Element Paragraph[gi] => 28
Annotation Element Element Paragraph[first_child] => Annotation Element Element Paragraph TextNode[next_sibling] =>
Annotation Element Element Paragraph TextNode[gi] => 1
Annotation Element Element Paragraph TextNode[pcdata] => This is an annotation.
Annotation Element Element Paragraph[next_sibling] =>
Annotation Element Element[gi] => 15
Annotation Element Element[first_child] => Annotation Element Element TextNode[pcdata] => 2016-06-11T05:04:36
Annotation Element Element TextNode[next_sibling] =>
Annotation Element Element TextNode[gi] => 1
Annotation Element[gi] => 17
Annotation Element[first_child] => Annotation Element TextNode[gi] => 1
Annotation Element TextNode[next_sibling] =>
Annotation Element TextNode[pcdata] => idallen