public void readFromFile() throws IOException
int index = 0;
int j = -1;
int spaceCount = 0;
BufferedReader inputFile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(INPUT_FILE));
PrintWriter outputFile = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(OUTPUT_FILE));
String lineOfText = inputFile.readLine();
while (lineOfText != null)
lineOfText = inputFile.readLine();
for (char c : lineOfText.toCharArray())
if (c == ' ')
if(spaceCount == 1)
delimiter = DELIMITER_SPACE;
else if(spaceCount == 2)
delimiter = DELIMITER_TAB;
System.out.println("Course" + courseNumber + "\n");
// for each token in the string
while ((j = lineOfText.indexOf(delimiter, (index = ++j))) != -1)
System.out.println(courseField[k] + ": " + lineOfText.substring(index, j));
// extract the last token
if (index > 0)
System.out.println("Year: " + lineOfText.substring(index));
if(k == 3)
k = k - k;
index = 0;
} // while(lineOfText != null)
Name: Computer Engineering Technology
Level: IB
Code: TEJ4M
Year: 2017
Name: Communications Technology
Level: Special Education
Code: TGJ2O
Year: 2002
String name;
char level;
String code;
int academicYear;
public class Course extends Object implements Serializable
// class constants
public static final String DEFAULT_CODE = "AAA10";
public static final char DEFAULT_LEVEL = 'X';
public static final String DEFAULT_NAME = "unassigned";
public static final int DEFAULT_YEAR = 1900;
private static final char ACADEMIC_LEVEL = '1';
private static final char ENGLISH_LANGUAGE_LEARNERS_LEVEL = '9';
private static final int ERROR_CODE = -1;
private static final char IB_LEVEL = '7';
private static final int MAXIMUM_YEAR = 2014;
private static final int MINIMUM_YEAR = 1900;
private static final char SPECIAL_EDUCATION_LEVEL = '8';
// instance variables
private int academicYear;
private String code;
private static int counter = 0;
private char level;
private String name;
private int serialNumber;
* Constructs a course with default characteristics.
public Course()
this.academicYear = DEFAULT_YEAR;
this.code = DEFAULT_CODE;
this.level = DEFAULT_LEVEL;
this.name = DEFAULT_NAME;
serialNumber = ++counter;
} // end of constructor Course()
* Constructs a course with the specified characteristics.
* @param name - the Ministry-assigned name of this course;
* ex: Introduction to Computer Science
* @param code - the Ministry-assigned code of this course; ex: ICS3U
* @param level - one of the enumerated levels ex: '7', '1', '9', '8'
* @param academicYear - a 4-digit year of the Gregorian calendar
* set between a minimum and maximum year
public Course(String name, String code, char level, int academicYear)
if(name == null)
this.name = DEFAULT_NAME;
this.name = name;
} // end of if(name == null)
if(code == null)
this.code = DEFAULT_CODE;
this.code = code;
} // end of if(code == null)
if (level == IB_LEVEL || level == ACADEMIC_LEVEL
this.level = level;
this.level = DEFAULT_LEVEL;
} // end of if (level == IB_LEVEL || level == ACADEMIC_LEVEL || level ==
if (academicYear >= MINIMUM_YEAR && academicYear <= MAXIMUM_YEAR)
this.academicYear = academicYear;
this.academicYear = DEFAULT_YEAR;
} // end of (academicYear >= MINIMUM_YEAR && academicYear <= MAXIMUM_YEAR)
serialNumber = ++counter;
} // end of constructor Course(String name, String code, char level, int academicYear)
/* Comparison methods*/
* Indicates whether another object has a state identical to this object’s state.
* @param otherCourse - the object whose state is compared to this object’s
* @return true if the other object has an identical state; otherwise false
public boolean equals(Object otherCourse)
if(otherCourse == null) return false;
if (this.getClass() != otherCourse.getClass()) return false;
if (this == otherCourse) return true;
// Typecasting Object otherCourse into a Course to compare objects' states
Course course1 = (Course) otherCourse;
if(serialNumber != course1.getSerialNumber()) return false;
if(academicYear != course1.getYear()) return false;
if(level != course1.getLevel()) return false;
if(code != course1.getCode()) return false;
if(name != course1.getName()) return false;
// needed to satisfy the compiler
return true;
} // end of method boolean equals(Object course)
* Indicates whether another object has a state identical to this object’s state,
* ignoring each object's unique serial number.
* @param otherCourse - the object whose state is compared to this object’s
* @return true if the other object has an identical state; otherwise false
public boolean equalsIgnoreSerial(Object otherObject)
if(otherObject == null) return false;
if (this.getClass() != otherObject.getClass()) return false;
boolean courseEquals;
Course anotherCourse = (Course) otherObject;
// Ignore unique serial number of each course
if(this.serialNumber == anotherCourse.getSerialNumber()) return false;
if(this.academicYear != anotherCourse.getYear()) return false;
else courseEquals = true;
if(this.level != anotherCourse.getLevel()) return false;
else courseEquals = true;
if(this.code != anotherCourse.getCode()) return false;
else courseEquals = true;
if(this.name != anotherCourse.getName()) return false;
else courseEquals = true;
return courseEquals;
} // end of method boolean equalsIgnoreSerial(Object course
* Compares this Course to another.
* @return a negative value, if this course should come before the other course;
* 0, if this course and the other course have equal states;
* a positive value if this course should come after the other course
public int compareTo(Course otherCourse)
int before = -1;
int after = 1;
int equals = 0;
int resultCode = code.compareTo(otherCourse.getCode());
int resultName = name.compareTo(otherCourse.getName());
if(otherCourse == null) return -1;
if(this.equals(otherCourse)) return equals;
if(serialNumber < otherCourse.getSerialNumber()) return before;
if(serialNumber > otherCourse.getSerialNumber()) return after;
if(academicYear < otherCourse.getYear()) return before;
if(academicYear > otherCourse.getYear()) return after;
if(!(sortLevel(level) == -1 || sortLevel(otherCourse.getLevel()) == -1))
if(sortLevel(level) < sortLevel(otherCourse.getLevel())) return before;
if(sortLevel(level) > sortLevel(otherCourse.getLevel())) return after;
} // end of if(!(sortLevel(level) == -1 || sortLevel(otherCourse.getLevel()) ==
if(code.compareTo(otherCourse.getCode()) != 0) return resultCode;
if(name.compareTo(otherCourse.getName()) != 0) return resultName;
// neccessary to satisfy the compiler
return 5;
} // end of public int compareTo(Course otherCourse)
/* utility methods*/
public static int sortLevel(char level)
final char[] LEVEL = {'7', '1', '9', '8'};
for (int index = 0; index < LEVEL.length; index++)
if(LEVEL[index] == level) return index;
if(LEVEL[index] != level) return ERROR_IO_EXCEPTION;
} // end of for (int index = 0; index < LEVEL.length; index++)
// error code for not found, should not be reached
return -1;
****************************************/ //code taken from in class discussion
final char[] LEVEL = {'7', '1', '9', '8'};
for (int index = 0; index < LEVEL.length; index++)
if(LEVEL[index] == level) return index;
if(LEVEL[index] != level) return -1;
} // end of for (int index = 0; index < LEVEL.length; index++)
// error code for not found, should not be reached
return ERROR_CODE;
} // end of public static int sortLevel(char level)
/* accessors*/
* Returns the code of this course.
* @returns Returns the code of this course
public String getCode()
return code;
} // end of method getCode()
* Returns the level of this course.
* @return the level of this course
public char getLevel()
return level;
} // end of method getLevel()
* Returns the name of this course.
* @return the name of this course.
public String getName()
return name;
} // end of method getName()
* Returns the unique serial number of this course.
* @return the unique serial number of this course.
public int getSerialNumber()
return serialNumber;
} // end of method getSerialNumber()
* Returns the academic year of this course.
* @return the 4-digit academic year of this course
public int getYear()
return academicYear;
} // end of method getYear()
/* mutators */
* Sets the code of this course.
* @param newCode - the new code of this course.
public void setCode(String newCode)
if (newCode == null) return;
this.code = newCode;
} // end of method setCode(String newCode)
* Sets the level of this course.
* @param newLevel - one of the enumerated levels
public void setLevel(char newLevel)
if(newLevel == IB_LEVEL || newLevel == ACADEMIC_LEVEL || newLevel ==
level = newLevel;
} // end of if(newLevel == IB_LEVEL || newLevel == ACADEMIC_LEVEL || newLevel ==
} // end of method setLevel(char newLevel)
* Sets the name of this course.
* @param newName - the new name of this course
public void setName(String newName)
if (newName == null) return;
this.name = newName;
} // end of method setName(String newName)
* Sets the academic year of this course.
* @param newYear - the new 4-digit academic year of this course
public void setYear(int newYear)
if (newYear >= MINIMUM_YEAR && newYear <= MAXIMUM_YEAR)
this.academicYear = newYear;
academicYear = DEFAULT_YEAR;
} // end of if (newYear >= MINIMUM_YEAR && newYear <= MAXIMUM_YEAR)
} // end of method setYear(int newYear)
* Returns a string representation of this course.
* @override toString in class Object
* @return a string representation of this course.
public String toString()
+ "Serial Number: " + serialNumber
+ ", academic year: " + academicYear
+ ", level: " + level
+ ", code: " + code
+ ", name: " + name
} // end of String toString()
public class CourseUtility
// class constants
private static final String INPUT_FILE = "courses.text";
private static final String OUTPUT_FILE = "CoursesTokenized.text";
private static int counter = 0;
private static int courseNumber = 0;
private static int k = 0;
private static final String DELIMITER_SPACE = " ";
private static final String DELIMITER_TAB = "\t";
String delimiter = DELIMITER_TAB;
private static final String DEFAULT_LEVEL = "X";
String name = "";
String code = "";
String year = "";
String level = "";
String lineOfText;
private static String[] courseField = new String[5];
* Constructor for objects of class CourseUtility
public CourseUtility() throws IOException
public void readFromFile() throws IOException
int index = 0;
int j = -1;
int spaceCount = 0;
BufferedReader inputFile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(INPUT_FILE));
PrintWriter outputFile = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(OUTPUT_FILE));
String lineOfText = inputFile.readLine();
while (lineOfText != null)
for (char c : lineOfText.toCharArray())
if (c == ' ')
if(spaceCount == 1)
delimiter = DELIMITER_SPACE;
else if(spaceCount == 2)
delimiter = DELIMITER_TAB;
System.out.println("Course" + courseNumber);
// for each token in the string
while ((j = lineOfText.indexOf(delimiter, (index = ++j))) != -1)
System.out.println(courseField[k] + ": " + lineOfText.substring(index, j));
outputFile.println(lineOfText.substring(index, j));
// extract the last token
if (index > 0)
System.out.println("Year: " + lineOfText.substring(index));
// for each token in the string
// Course c = new Course(hm.get("Name"), hm.get("Code"),
hm.get("Level"), Integer.parseInt(hm.get("Year")) );
// System.out.println(c);
if(k == 3)
k = k - k;
index = 0;
lineOfText = inputFile.readLine();
} // while(lineOfText != null)
public CourseUtility(String name, String code, String level, String year)
if(name == null)
this.name = Course.DEFAULT_NAME;
this.name = name;
} // end of if(name == null)
if(code == null)
this.code = Course.DEFAULT_CODE;
this.code = code;
} // end of if(code == null)
if(level == null)
this.level = DEFAULT_LEVEL;
this.level = level;
} // end of if(level == null)
if(year == null)
this.year = null;;
this.year = year;
} // end of if(year == null)
private void delayDisplay()
} catch(InterruptedException ex)
} // end of try
} // end of method void delayDisplay()
private void convertLevel(String courseLevel)
if(level == "IB") level = "7";
if(level == "Academic")level = "1";
if(level == "Applied") level = "1";
if(level == "ELL") level = "9";
if(level == "Special Education") level = "8";
} // end of method convertLevel(String courseLevel)
public void deleteCourse()
private void setCourseFields()
courseField[0] = "Name";
courseField[1] = "Level";
courseField[2] = "Code";
courseField[3] = "Year";
} // end of method setCourseFields()
答案 0 :(得分:0)
// for each token in the string
HashMap<String,String> hm = new HashMap<String,String>(); //NEW
while ((j = lineOfText.indexOf(delimiter, (index = ++j))) != -1)
hm.put(courseField[k], lineOfText.substring(index, j)); //NEW
System.out.println(courseField[k] + ": " + lineOfText.substring(index, j));
// extract the last token
if (index > 0)
System.out.println("Year: " + lineOfText.substring(index));
hm.put("Year", lineOfText.substring(index)); //NEW
//translate level string to a character
char lvl;
String sLevel = hm.get("Level");
if (sLevel.equals("IB"))
lvl = '7';
else if (sLevel.equals("Special Education"))
lvl = '8';
else if (sLevel.equals("Academic"))
lvl = '8';
else if (sLevel.equals("English Language Learners"))
lvl = '1';
lvl = ' '; /* unknown level */
//create the Course object
Course c = new Course(hm.get("Name"), hm.get("Code"), lvl , Integer.parseInt(hm.get("Year")) );