001 11/11/2013
001 11/21/2013
001 11/25/2013
002 12/04/2013
002 12/05/2013
003 12/05/2013
001 11/23/2013
ID DATE RESULT IN HOURS (Last Date - First Date)
001 11/11/2013 =(11/25/2013)-(11/11/2013)
001 11/21/2013
001 11/25/2013
002 12/04/2013 =(12/05/2013)-(12/04/2013)
002 12/05/2013
003 12/05/2013
001 11/23/2005
在当前表格中,有2个或更多重复的ID具有不同的日期,您可以在001 ID样本中看到。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Sub jzz()
Dim cArray() As Variant
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim rw As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim firstDate As Date
Dim lastDate As Date
Dim id As Long
Dim idColl As Collection
Set idColl = New Collection
'determine last row:
lastRow = Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
'if you plan to loop the cells repeatedly,
'the use of an array to hold cell values pays off, performancewise
cArray = Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(lastRow, 2)).Value
For rw = 1 To lastRow
id = Cells(rw, 1)
'determine if id is used or not:
For i = 1 To idColl.Count
If idColl(i) = id Then GoTo nextRow
Next i
'id is not in collection, add it:
idColl.Add id
firstDate = cArray(rw, 2)
lastDate = 0
'loop array to find first and last dates:
For i = LBound(cArray) To UBound(cArray)
If cArray(i, 1) = id Then
If cArray(i, 2) < firstDate Then firstDate = cArray(i, 2)
If cArray(i, 2) > lastDate Then lastDate = cArray(i, 2)
End If
Next i
Debug.Print id, firstDate, lastDate
Next rw
End Sub
Private Function TimeDiffHours(T0 As Date, T1 As Date) As String
'function that returns the difference between T0 and T1 in hours:mins
TimeDiffHours = Int((T1 - T0) * 24) & ":" _
& Format(Round(((T1 - T0) * 24 - Int((T1 - T0) * 24)) * 60, 0), "00")
End Function