
时间:2014-05-21 22:43:52

标签: php xml parsing xml-parsing html-parsing



    Some content 1
        Section 1
    <b>Some content 2
        Section 2
            Section 3
    Some content 3

注意:它故意格式错误。我不能/不想使用正确的HTML / XML解析器,因为我的内容没有正确形成,或者在某些情况下甚至不是XML。同样,我不能/不想对它进行整洁,因为它并不总是HTML / XML。



array (size=2)

  0 => string '<some:tag>
            Section 1
        </some:tag>' (length=52)

  1 => string '<some:tag>
            Section 2
                Section 3
        </some:tag>' (length=125)


我已尝试使用strpos / substr来取出匹配项,但我在逻辑上有点迷失:

function findSomeTag($str) {
    $result = [];
    $startTag = "<some:tag>";
    $endTag = "</some:tag>";
    $offset = 0;
    $start = strpos($str, $startTag, $offset);
    while ($start !== false) {
        $nextStart = strpos($str, $startTag, $start + 1);
        $nextEnd = strpos($str, $endTag, $start + 1);
        if ($nextStart === false || $nextEnd < $nextStart) {
            $result[] = substr($str, $start, $nextEnd - $start + strlen($endTag));
        $start = $nextStart;
    return $result;


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


同时$nextEnd > $nextStart增加$counter,并且仅在您$nextEnd < $nextStart && $counter == 1时添加新结果(您有一个开放标记)。如果$nextEnd < $nextStart && $counter < 1递减$counter

答案 1 :(得分:1)


$text = "
    Some content 1
        Section 1
    <b>Some content 2
        Section 2
            Section 3
    Some content 3

$parser = new Parser( new TextReader($text) );
$found = $parser->findTags("<some:tag>", "</some:tag>");

class TextReader {
    private $idx = 0;
    private $reading;
    private $lastIdx;

    public function __construct($reading) {
        $this->reading = $reading;
        $this->lastIdx = strlen($reading) - 1;

    public function hasMore() {
        return $this->idx < $this->lastIdx;

    public function nextChar() {
        if( !$this->hasMore() ) return null;

        return $this->reading[$this->idx++];

    public function rewind($howFar) {
        $this->idx -= $howFar;
        if( $this->idx < 0 ) $this->idx = 0;

class Parser {
    private $TextReader;

    public function __construct($TextReader) {
        $this->TextReader = $TextReader;

    public function findTags($startTagName, $endTagName) {
        $found = array();

        while( ($next = $this->findNextTag($startTagName, $endTagName)) != null ) {
            $found[] = $next;

        return $found;

    public function findNextTag($startTagName, $endTagName) {
        // find the start of our first tag
        $junk = $this->readForTag($startTagName);
        if( $junk == null ) return null; // didn't find another tag

        $nests = 0;
        $started = false;

        $startLength = strlen($startTagName);
        $endLength = strlen($endTagName);

        $readSoFar = "";

        while($this->TextReader->hasMore()) {
            // found a start tag
            if( substr( $readSoFar, $readSoFarLength - $startLength ) == $startTagName ) {
                $started = true;

            // found an end tag
            if( substr( $readSoFar, $readSoFarLength - $endLength ) == $endTagName ) $nests--;

            $readSoFar .= $this->TextReader->nextChar();

            // if we've started, and we found as many starts as ends
            if( $started && $nests == 0 ) return $readSoFar;

        return null;

     * read the Text Reader until you find a certain tag, and
     * return what you read before finding the tag, including the tag itself
     * Text Reader will be rewound to the beginning of the tag
    private function readForTag($tagName) {
        $readSoFar = "";

        $tagNameLength = strlen($tagName);

        while($this->TextReader->hasMore()) {
            // if the last few characters read are the tag
            if( substr( $readSoFar, strlen($readSoFar) - $tagNameLength ) == $tagName ) {
                // rewind

                // return what we've read
                return $readSoFar;

            $readSoFar .= $this->TextReader->nextChar();

        return null;

答案 2 :(得分:0)




class StateMachine {
    private $TextReader;

    public function __construct($TextReader) {
        $this->TextReader = $TextReader;

    public function getTagContents($startTagName, $endTagName) {
        $tagsFound = array();

        // read until we get to the start of a tag
        while( $this->stateReadForTag($startTagName) != null ) {
            // now read until we find the end
            $contents = $this->stateReadForTag($endTagName);

            // didn't find the end
            if( $contents == null ) break;

            $tagsFound[] = $contents;

        return $tagsFound;

     * read the Text Reader until you find a certain tag, and
     * return what you read before finding the tag, including the tag itself
     * Text Reader will be rewound to the beginning of the tag
    private function stateReadForTag($tagName) {
        $readSoFar = "";

        $tagNameLength = strlen($tagName);

        while($this->TextReader->hasMore()) {
            // if the last few characters read are the tag
            if( substr( $readSoFar, strlen($readSoFar) - $tagNameLength ) == $tagName ) {
                // rewind

                // return what we've read
                return $readSoFar;

            $readSoFar .= $this->TextReader->nextChar();

        return null;


$found = $myStateMachine->getTagContents("<some:tag>", "</some:tag>");


class TextReader {
    private $idx = 0;
    private $reading;
    private $lastIdx;

    public function __construct($reading) {
        $this->reading = $reading;
        $this->lastIdx = strlen($reading) - 1;

    public function hasMore() {
        return $this->idx < $this->lastIdx;

    public function nextChar() {
        if( !$this->hasMore() ) return null;

        return $this->reading[$this->idx++];

    public function rewind($howFar) {
        $this->idx -= $howFar;
        if( $this->idx < 0 ) $this->idx = 0;


$myStateMachine = new StateMachine( new TextReader($myXmlFileContents) );
$found = $myStateMachine->getTagContents("<some:tag>", "</some:tag>");

答案 3 :(得分:0)


class TagExtractor {

    public $content;
    public $tag;

    public function getTagContent() {
        $result = [];
        $startTag = "<{$this->getTag()}>";
        $endTag = "</{$this->getTag()}>";
        $content = $this->getContent();
        $offset = strpos($content, $startTag);
        while ($offset !== false) {
            $end = $this->findEnd($content, $offset, $startTag, $endTag);
            $result[] = substr($content, $offset, $end - $offset);
            $offset = strpos($content, $startTag, $end);
        return $result;

    public function findEnd($content, $offset, $startTag, $endTag, $counter = 1) {
        $nextStart = strpos($content, $startTag, $offset);
        $nextEnd = strpos($content, $endTag, $offset);
        if ($nextEnd === false) {
            $counter = 0;
        } elseif ($nextStart < $nextEnd && $nextStart !== false) {
            $offset = $nextStart;
        } elseif ($nextEnd < $nextStart || ($nextStart === false && $nextEnd !== false)) {
            $offset = $nextEnd;
        if ($counter === 0) {
            return $offset + strlen($endTag);
        return $this->findEnd($content, $offset, $startTag, $endTag, $counter);

    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Getters and setters">
    public function getContent() {
        return $this->content;

    public function setContent($content) {
        $this->content = $content;
        return $this;

    public function getTag() {
        return $this->tag;

    public function setTag($tag) {
        $this->tag = $tag;
        return $this;
    // </editor-fold>