E.g。这是下面文件的示例。我想按照Corr的顺序对所有行进行排序,其中数字之前的分隔符是" ="数字之后的分隔符为" at"。
PrecipNH0to90vsNetNH0to90 Corr = -0.5073 at Net Leading Precip by -1 Months Time Lag
PrecipNH0to90vsNetSH0to90 Corr = -0.6498 at Net Leading Precip by 2 Months Time Lag
PrecipNH0to90vsNetHemDif0to90 Corr = 0.66939 at Net Leading Precip by 9 Months Time Lag
PrecipNH0to90vsNetGlobal0to90 Corr = -0.66036 at Net Leading Precip by 0 Months Time Lag
PrecipNH0to90vsNetAsymIndex0to90 Corr = 0.65726 at Net Leading Precip by 0 Months Time Lag
PrecipNH0to90vsNetNH0to14 Corr = -0.46212 at Net Leading Precip by -2 Months Time Lag
PrecipNH0to90vsNetSH0to14 Corr = -0.70731 at Net Leading Precip by 4 Months Time Lag
PrecipNH0to90vsNetHemDif0to14 Corr = 0.70494 at Net Leading Precip by 8 Months Time Lag
PrecipNH0to90vsNetGlobal0to14 Corr = -0.66121 at Net Leading Precip by 0 Months Time Lag
PrecipNH0to90vsNetAsymIndex0to14 Corr = 0.64884 at Net Leading Precip by 8 Months Time Lag
PrecipNH0to90vsNetNH14to30 Corr = 0.46232 at Net Leading Precip by 10 Months Time Lag
PrecipNH0to90vsNetSH14to30 Corr = -0.80044 at Net Leading Precip by 2 Months Time Lag
PrecipNH0to90vsNetHemDif14to30 Corr = 0.74188 at Net Leading Precip by 9 Months Time Lag
PrecipNH0to90vsNetGlobal14to30 Corr = -0.62494 at Net Leading Precip by 2 Months Time Lag
PrecipNH0to90vsNetAsymIndex14to30 Corr = 0.46709 at Net Leading Precip by 5 Months Time Lag
PrecipNH0to90vsNetNH30to49 Corr = 0.49765 at Net Leading Precip by 10 Months Time Lag
PrecipNH0to90vsNetSH30to49 Corr = 0.21001 at Net Leading Precip by 10 Months Time Lag
答案 0 :(得分:5)
sort -nk4,4 <filename>
awk '{print $4}' <filename> | sort -n
sort -nk4 =仅在第4个字段上以数字(n)排序(k4,4)
awk - {print $ 4} =仅打印第4个字段。 Awk会自动按空格分割。
最后,为了好玩,我做了一个只使用awk来实现它自己的冒泡排序的版本。 :-)它可能有点干净,但它确实有效。
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# Script to sort a data file based on column 4
# Read every line into an array
line[NR] = $0
# Also save the sort column so we don't have to split the line again repeatedly
value[NR] = $4
END { # sort it with bubble sort
do {
haschanged = 0
for(i=1; i < NR; i++) {
if ( value[i] > value[i+1] ) {
# Swap adjacent lines and values.
t = line[i]
line[i] = line[i+1]
line[i+1] = t
t = value[i]
value[i] = value[i+1]
value[i+1] = t
haschanged = 1
} while ( haschanged == 1 )
# Print out the result.
for(i=1; i <= NR; i++) {
print line[i]