
时间:2014-05-20 17:07:25

标签: algorithm scala recursion



  abstract class TweetSet {

  def isEmpty: Boolean
   * This method takes a predicate and returns a subset of all the elements
   * in the original set for which the predicate is true.
   * Question: Can we implment this method here, or should it remain abstract
   * and be implemented in the subclasses?
  def filter(p: Tweet => Boolean): TweetSet

   * This is a helper method for `filter` that propagetes the accumulated tweets.
  def filterAcc(p: Tweet => Boolean, acc: TweetSet): TweetSet

   * Returns a new `TweetSet` that is the union of `TweetSet`s `this` and `that`.
   * Question: Should we implment this method here, or should it remain abstract
   * and be implemented in the subclasses?
   def union(that: TweetSet): TweetSet;

   * Returns the tweet from this set which has the greatest retweet count.
   * Calling `mostRetweeted` on an empty set should throw an exception of
   * type `java.util.NoSuchElementException`.
   * Question: Should we implment this method here, or should it remain abstract
   * and be implemented in the subclasses?
  def mostRetweeted: Tweet = ???

   * Returns a list containing all tweets of this set, sorted by retweet count
   * in descending order. In other words, the head of the resulting list should
   * have the highest retweet count.
   * Hint: the method `remove` on TweetSet will be very useful.
   * Question: Should we implment this method here, or should it remain abstract
   * and be implemented in the subclasses?
  def descendingByRetweet: TweetList = ???

   * The following methods are already implemented

   * Returns a new `TweetSet` which contains all elements of this set, and the
   * the new element `tweet` in case it does not already exist in this set.
   * If `this.contains(tweet)`, the current set is returned.
  def incl(tweet: Tweet): TweetSet

   * Returns a new `TweetSet` which excludes `tweet`.
  def remove(tweet: Tweet): TweetSet

   * Tests if `tweet` exists in this `TweetSet`.
  def contains(tweet: Tweet): Boolean

   * This method takes a function and applies it to every element in the set.
  def foreach(f: Tweet => Unit): Unit

class Empty extends TweetSet {

  def union(that: TweetSet): TweetSet = that  
  def isEmpty = true

  def filter(p: Tweet=> Boolean): TweetSet = new Empty()

  def filterAcc(p: Tweet => Boolean, acc: TweetSet): TweetSet = new Empty()

   * The following methods are already implemented

  def contains(tweet: Tweet): Boolean = false

  def incl(tweet: Tweet): TweetSet = new NonEmpty(tweet, new Empty, new Empty)

  def remove(tweet: Tweet): TweetSet = this

  def foreach(f: Tweet => Unit): Unit = ()

class NonEmpty(elem: Tweet, left: TweetSet, right: TweetSet) extends TweetSet {

  def union(that: TweetSet): TweetSet = (left.union(right)).union(that).incl(elem)
  val isEmpty = false

  def filter(p: Tweet => Boolean): TweetSet = filterAcc(p,left.union(right))

  def filterAcc(p: Tweet => Boolean, acc: TweetSet): TweetSet = {
          if(acc.isEmpty) acc
          else if(p(elem)) {acc.incl(elem); left.filterAcc(p,acc).union(right.filterAcc(p,acc))}
          else new Empty


   * The following methods are already implemented

  def contains(x: Tweet): Boolean =
    if (x.text < elem.text) left.contains(x)
    else if (elem.text < x.text) right.contains(x)
    else true

  def incl(x: Tweet): TweetSet = {
    if (x.text < elem.text) new NonEmpty(elem, left.incl(x), right)
    else if (elem.text < x.text) new NonEmpty(elem, left, right.incl(x))
    else this

  def remove(tw: Tweet): TweetSet =
    if (tw.text < elem.text) new NonEmpty(elem, left.remove(tw), right)
    else if (elem.text < tw.text) new NonEmpty(elem, left, right.remove(tw))
    else left.union(right)

  def foreach(f: Tweet => Unit): Unit = {


更新 我也试图用这种方式解决这个问题:

    def filterAcc(p: Tweet => Boolean, acc: TweetSet): TweetSet = {
          if(acc.isEmpty) acc
          else if(p(elem)) {acc.incl(elem); left.filterAcc(p,acc).union(right.filterAcc(p,acc))}
          else left.filterAcc(p,acc).union(right.filterAcc(p,acc))




@lpiepiora和@Ende Neu拼命试图告诉我,acc的开头应该是空的。我最终仍然使用了一个联盟,因为我的思绪只是堆积了这个想法而我无法解决它。这是最后一段代码:

def filterAcc(p: Tweet => Boolean, acc: TweetSet): TweetSet = {

    if(left.isEmpty && right.isEmpty) acc
    else if(p(elem)){ left.filterAcc(p,acc.incl(elem)).union(right.filterAcc(p,acc.incl(elem)))}
    else left.filterAcc(p,acc).union(right.filterAcc(p,acc))


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


您的方法中的一个问题是您没有正确使用累加器,事实上您正在传递集合联合,累加器应该只存储与给定谓词p匹配的结果,如您可以在forwhile循环中使用累加器,应将其初始化为起始值(例如Int 0String为空字符串,等等)。


val list = List(0, -1, -2, 4, 9, -7)

def countPositive(list: List[Int]): Int = {
  def loop(list: List[Int], acc: Int): Int = list match {
    case Nil => acc
    case head :: tail => {
      if( head > 0) loop(tail, acc + 1)
      else loop(tail, acc)
  loop(list, 0)



回到代码,您可以认为将其视为可以递归的集合,我的方法是使用自定义tailhead函数,如果{ {1}}存在,您可以继续迭代到下一个对象,并将满足谓词的tail元素添加到累加器。每次迭代时,都会创建一个新的三个结构,避开已经检查的部分,使用head方法确实知道NonEmpty是左边还是三个。




答案 1 :(得分:2)

你的班级&#34;空&#34;为filterAcc函数返回错误的值! (因此,太多不必要的代码和我遇到了同样的问题)

如果你考虑一下 - tweetSet二叉树总是以空类结束 - 那么filterAcc在空返回时会是什么?

class Empty extends TweetSet {
    def filterAcc(p: Tweet => Boolean, acc: TweetSet): TweetSet = ???

提示,提示 - &gt;注意累加器也传递给Empty class
