# Initial Parameters and Functions
Budget = 1
NumberOfPeriods = 12
rho = 0.996
Utility_Function <- function(x){ x^0.5 }
Time_Array = seq(0,NumberOfPeriods-1)
# Value Function at start of time.
ValueFunctionAtTime1 = function(X){
Frame = data.frame(X, time = Time_Array)
Frame$Util = apply(Frame, 1, function(Frame) Utility_Function(Frame["X"]))
Frame$DiscountedUtil = apply(Frame, 1, function(Frame) Frame["Util"] * rho^(Frame["time"]))
# The sum of all spending in the year should be less than than the annual budget.
# This gives the ui and ci arguments
Sum_Of_Annual_Spends = c(rep(-1,NumberOfPeriods))
# The starting values for optimisation is an equal expenditure in each period.
# The denominator is multiplied by 1.1 to avoid an initial values out of range error.
InitialGuesses = rep(Budget/(NumberOfPeriods*1.1), NumberOfPeriods)
# Optimisation
Optimal_Spending = constrOptim(InitialGuesses,
function(X) -ValueFunctionAtTime1(X),
ui = Sum_Of_Annual_Spends,
ci = -Budget,
outer.iterations = 100,
outer.eps = 1e-10)$par
plot( Time_Array , Optimal_Spending)
outer.eps = 1e-10
)outer.iterations = 100
答案 0 :(得分:3)
我认为您的问题有一个分析解决方案 - 如果您正在测试优化算法,那就太好了。
analytical.solution <- function(rho=0.9, T=10) {
sapply(seq_len(T) - 1, function(t) (rho ^ (2*t)) * (1 - rho^2) / (1 - rho^(2*T)))
sum(analytical.solution()) # Should be 1.0, i.e. the budget
analytical.solution <- function(rho=0.9, T=10) {
sapply(seq_len(T) - 1, function(t) (rho ^ (2*t)) * (1 - rho^2) / (1 - rho^(2*T)))
candidate.solution <- analytical.solution()
sum(candidate.solution) # Should be 1.0, i.e. the budget
objfn <- function(x, rho=0.9, T=10) {
stopifnot(length(x) == T)
sum(sqrt(x) * rho ^ (seq_len(T) - 1))
objfn.grad <- function(x, rho=0.9, T=10) {
rho ^ (seq_len(T) - 1) * 0.5 * (1/sqrt(x))
## Sanity check the gradient
all.equal(grad(objfn, candidate.solution), objfn.grad(candidate.solution)) # True
ui <- rbind(matrix(data=-1, nrow=1, ncol=10), diag(10)) # First row: budget constraint; other rows: x >= 0
ci <- c(-1, rep(10^-8, 10))
all(ui %*% candidate.solution - ci >= 0) # True, the candidate solution is admissible
result1 <- constrOptim(theta=rep(0.01, 10), f=objfn, ui=ui, ci=ci, grad=objfn.grad, control=list(fnscale=-1))
round(abs(result1$par - candidate.solution), 4) # Essentially zero
result2 <- constrOptim(theta=candidate.solution, f=objfn, ui=ui, ci=ci, grad=objfn.grad, control=list(fnscale=-1))
round(abs(result2$par - candidate.solution), 4) # Essentially zero
即使使用grad = NULL,优化似乎也能正常工作,这意味着代码中可能存在错误。看看这个:
result3 <- constrOptim(theta=rep(0.01, 10), f=objfn, ui=ui, ci=ci, grad=NULL, control=list(fnscale=-1))
round(abs(result3$par - candidate.solution), 4) # Still very close to zero
result4 <- constrOptim(theta=c(10^-6, 1-10*10^-6, rep(10^-6, 8)), f=objfn, ui=ui, ci=ci, grad=NULL, control=list(fnscale=-1))
round(abs(result4$par - candidate.solution), 4) # Still very close to zero
跟进rho = 0.996案例:
当rho-> 1时,解决方案应该收敛到rep(1 / T,T) - 这就解释了为什么即使是constrOptim的小错误也会对输出是否单调递减产生显着影响。
当rho = 0.996时,似乎调整参数会影响constrOptim的输出,足以改变单调性 - 见下文:
candidate.solution <- analytical.solution(rho=0.996)
candidate.solution # Should be close to rep(1/10, 10) as discount factor is close to 1.0
result5 <- constrOptim(theta=c(10^-6, 1-10*10^-6, rep(10^-6, 8)), f=objfn,
ui=ui, ci=ci, grad=objfn.grad, control=list(fnscale=-1), rho=0.996)
round(abs(result5$par - candidate.solution), 4)
plot(result5$par) # Looks nice when we used objfn.grad, as you pointed out
play.with.tuning.parameter <- function(mu) {
result <- constrOptim(theta=c(10^-6, 1-10*10^-6, rep(10^-6, 8)), f=objfn,
mu=mu, outer.iterations=200, outer.eps = 1e-08,
ui=ui, ci=ci, grad=NULL, control=list(fnscale=-1), rho=0.996)
return(mean(diff(result$par) < 0))
candidate.mus <- seq(0.01, 1, 0.01)
fraction.decreasing <- sapply(candidate.mus, play.with.tuning.parameter)
candidate.mus[fraction.decreasing == max(fraction.decreasing)] # A few little clusters at 1.0
plot(candidate.mus, fraction.decreasing) # ...but very noisy
result6 <- constrOptim(theta=c(10^-6, 1-10*10^-6, rep(10^-6, 8)), f=objfn,
mu=candidate.mus[which.max(fraction.decreasing)], outer.iterations=200, outer.eps = 1e-08,
ui=ui, ci=ci, grad=NULL, control=list(fnscale=-1), rho=0.996)
round(abs(result6$par - candidate.solution), 4)