如何为Ass​​embly 8086添加像素(int10h)的特定点

时间:2014-05-18 11:34:11

标签: assembly x86-16


org  100h

mov ah, 0   ; set display mode function.
mov al, 13h ; mode 13h = 320x200 pixels, 256 colors.
int 10h     ; set it!

setrow db '50'
setcol db '50'

mov ax, setcol
mov bx, setrow

mov cx, 10  ; column
mov dx, 20  ; row
mov al, 15  ; white
mov ah, 0ch ; put pixel
int 10h

inc cx
int 10h

cmp ax,cx    
JNE addpixel

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


 mov cx, 100 ; number of times to loop
 ; draw the pixel here
 ; remember not to mess up cx
loop addpixel

使用int 10h绘制像素很慢,非常慢。直接写入视频存储器更快更简单,模式13h为0xa000:0000。

push 0xa000
pop  es

mov  di, 20*320+10    ; col=10, row=20
mov  cx, 100 ; number of pixels to draw
mov  al, 15  ; white
rep  stosb   ; write 100 white pixels

答案 1 :(得分:0)


所有源代码行都引用了' setcol'和' setrow'在这个小程序中没用/没用过 执行cmp ax,cx AX时只包含BIOS功能编号和使用的颜色!所以这个比较完全是错误的。



答案 2 :(得分:0)


org 100h

mov ah, 0      ;set display mode function
mov al, 13h    ;mode 13h= 320x200 pixels, 256 colors.
int 10h        ;set it!
jmp short omit_variables ;jump over the variables, otherwise they'll be interpreted false.

left_border dw 0      ;The first X-Value you want to draw. Use DW instead of DB, cause cx and 

dx are 16 bit registers
upper_border dw 0     ;The uppermost row.
right_border dw 319   ;The right border.
bottom_border dw 199  ;The lowermost row.
mov cx, [left_border] 
mov dx, [upper_border]

mov al, 15  ;white
mov ah, 0ch ;put pixel
int 10h

inc cx
cmp cx, [right_border]
jb looping             ;Repeat the inner loop until cx is over the maximal X value
mov cx, [left_border]
inc dx
cmp dx, [bottom_border]
jb looping             ;Repeat the outer loop until dx is over the maximal Y value
