
时间:2014-05-13 21:30:17

标签: c# video


好的,所以我有一个来自IP摄像头的直播,我想保存到avi文件。这是我的代码,由于我已经尝试了很多东西,所以很多东西都被注释掉了。代码确实打开了流,因此我可以查看它,并创建一个我选择的名称的avi文件。但是,当您打开该avi文件时,无论您选择多长时间,它都只是黑色,在这种情况下为40秒。我认为我的主要问题是不知道在这段代码中添加的位置:     int width = 320;     int height = 240;

// create instance of video writer
VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter( );
// create new video file
writer.Open( "test.avi", width, height, 25, VideoCodec.MPEG4 );
// create a bitmap to save into the video file
Bitmap image = new Bitmap( width, height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb );
// write 1000 video frames
for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; i++ )
    image.SetPixel( i % width, i % height, Color.Red );
    writer.WriteVideoFrame( image );
writer.Close( );


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Diagnostics;
using AForge.Video;
using AForge.Controls;
using AForge.Video.DirectShow;
using AForge.Video.VFW;
using AForge.Video.FFMPEG;

namespace _11GVideoFeed
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        private MJPEGStream jpegSource1 = new MJPEGStream("IpCameraFeed");
        VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter();

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            jpegSource1.Login = "login";
            jpegSource1.Password = "password";
            Player.VideoSource = jpegSource1;

            //VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter();
            //Create new AVI file and open it
            //writer.Open("test102.avi", 320, 240, 25, VideoCodec.MPEG4);
            //Create frame image

            //Bitmap image1 = new Bitmap(320, 240);

            //for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
            //    //image1.SetPixel(i % 320, i % 240, Color.Red);
            //    //add the image as a new frame of video file
            //    writer.WriteVideoFrame(image1);



        private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender,System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs e)

        private void jpegSource_NewFrame(object sender, AForge.Video.NewFrameEventArgs eventArgs)
            Bitmap FrameData = new Bitmap(eventArgs.Frame);
            Player.BackgroundImage = FrameData;


        private void jpegSource_VideoSourceError(object sender, AForge.Video.VideoSourceErrorEventArgs eventArgs)

        public Form1()
            //this.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(Form1_FormClosing);
            this.Load += new EventHandler(Form1_Load);
            jpegSource1.NewFrame += new NewFrameEventHandler(jpegSource_NewFrame);
            jpegSource1.VideoSourceError += new VideoSourceErrorEventHandler(jpegSource_VideoSourceError);


        private void StartButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            writer.Open("test1000.avi", 320, 240, 25, VideoCodec.MPEG4);
            Bitmap image1 = new Bitmap(320, 240);

            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                //image1.SetPixel(i % 320, i % 240, Color.Red);
                //add the image as a new frame of video file


        private void stopButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


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