我正在尝试创建一个在临时表中插入第一条记录的游标。 之后,它应该获取下一条记录,并将employeeId + date(格式05/05/2014)与之前的记录employeeId + date进行比较。如果它是相同的,它应该使用当前记录tim out数据更新先前的记录超时数据。 否则它应该插入新行。
I have table in my database with the following columns:
employeeID(int), employeeName varchar(max), Time datetime.
1 , Tim , 05/05/2014 08:15:42
1 , Tim , 05/05/2014 16:30:51
1 , Tim , 06/23/2014 07:00:00
1 , Tim , 06/23/2014 09:00:00
1 , Tim , 06/23/2014 11:00:00
1 , Tim , 06/23/2014 16:30:00
employeeID, employeeName , Time in , Time out
1 , Tim , 05/05/2014 08:15:42 , 05/05/2014 16:30:51
1 , Tim , 06/23/2014 07:00:00 06/23/2014 16:30:00
Drop Table #temp
Create Table #temp
userid int,
empname varchar(50),
checkin datetime,
checkout datetime
Declare @empid int, @empname varchar(50), @date1 datetime, @strdate varchar(12);
Declare @date2 datetime, @time datetime, @loop int;
Declare Report Cursor
For select e.employeeId,e.name,tp.TimePunch, tp.TimePunch as date2,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),TimePunch,110) as stringDate
from EmpTimePunch tp
left join EmploeeInfo e on tp.employeeId = tp.employeeId
where (DATEDIFF(s,'2014-05-01 00:00:00.000',TimePunch) >=0
and DATEDIFF(s,getdate(),TimePunch)<=0)
order by employeeId,TimePunch
Open Report
-- looking at each record
Fetch Next From Report
Into @empid, @empname, @date1, @date2,@strdate
declare @empDate varchar(50);
declare @empDate2 varchar(50);
set @empDate = '';
set @empDate2 = '';
set @loop = 0
--0 equals true; while fetching equal true
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
-- insert first record in temp table
if @loop != 0 and @empDate = @empDate2
insert into #temp values(@empid, @empname, @date1, @date2)
--I want to compare the next record
-- if next record have same employee id and date2(05/05/2014) as prievous record.
--update previous record date2 with the date2 from record 2
set @empDate = cast(@empid as varchar(10))+ @strdate;
fetch next from report
Into @empid, @empname, @date1, @date2,@strdate
close Report
Deallocate Report
select * from #temp
答案 0 :(得分:0)
根据经验,在SQL中应避免使用迭代逻辑。 在可能的情况下,应该利用语言的声明性质 - 将代码表示为基于集合的查询。
;WITH MyData (employeeID, employeeName, [Time])
SELECT 1, 'Tim', '05/05/2014 08:15:42' UNION ALL
SELECT 1, 'Tim', '05/05/2014 16:30:51' UNION ALL
SELECT 1, 'Tim', '06/23/2014 07:00:00' UNION ALL
SELECT 1, 'Tim', '06/23/2014 09:00:00' UNION ALL
SELECT 1, 'Tim', '06/23/2014 11:00:00' UNION ALL
SELECT 1, 'Tim', '06/23/2014 16:30:00'
SELECT employeeID
,[Time In] = MIN([Time])
,[Time Out] = MAX([Time])
GROUP BY employeeID, employeeName, CAST([Time] AS DATE)
employeeID INT,
employeeName VARCHAR(50), -- Please use VARCHAR(MAX) as infrequently as possible
ClockTime DATETIME -- In this example, I've changed the field name from [Time] to ClockTime
) -- It is best to avoide reserved words for object\field naming
INSERT INTO #MyData (employeeID, employeeName, ClockTime)
SELECT 1, 'Tim', '05/05/2014 08:15:42' UNION ALL
SELECT 1, 'Tim', '05/05/2014 16:30:51' UNION ALL
SELECT 1, 'Tim', '06/23/2014 07:00:00' UNION ALL
SELECT 1, 'Tim', '06/23/2014 09:00:00' UNION ALL
SELECT 1, 'Tim', '06/23/2014 11:00:00' UNION ALL
SELECT 1, 'Tim', '06/23/2014 16:30:00'
SELECT employeeID
,[Time In] = MIN(ClockTime)
,[Time Out] = MAX(ClockTime)
FROM #MyData
GROUP BY employeeID, employeeName, CAST(ClockTime AS DATE)