
时间:2014-05-06 18:44:28

标签: python dictionary

我尝试创建一个函数,它生成随机的int值,并且在值出现两次之后,函数应该返回所有生成的int值的数量。 我必须使用字典。


def repeat(a,b):
    for c in range(1,d):
        for f in dict:
            if dict['f']==dict['c']:
                return c


>>> repeat(1,5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#144>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<pyshell#143>", line 7, in repeat
    if dict['f']==dict['c']:
KeyError: 'f'

第二个问题:if dict['f']==dict['c']: 在第一步中应该是真的,因为两个值都是相同的。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

将变量名称括在引号中会使它们成为字符串 - Python正在寻找字母f的键,而不是f变量中带整数的键。


def repeat(a, b):
    stored = {}
    d = b - a + 2
    for c in range(1, d):
        stored[c] = random.randint(a, b)
        for f in stored:
            if stored[f] == stored[c]:
                return c

另请注意,您通过命名变量dict()来遮蔽内置函数dict - 因此最好使用其他名称。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

这不是你问题的真正答案。 @Lattyware告诉你这个问题。但是我不能将代码放在评论中,所以我将其作为答案发布。


我已经更改了您的变量名称并添加了注释。我还输入了一个“doc string”,但我并不真正理解这个函数,所以我实际上并没有写一个文档消息。

def repeat(a,b): # short names are okay for a,b as they are just two numbers
    This is the "doc string".  You should put in here a short summary of what the function
    does.  I won't write one because I don't understand what you are trying to do.
    # do not use built-in names from Python as variable names!  So don't use "dict"
    # I often use "d" as a short name for a dictionary if there is only one dictionary.
    # However, I like @Lattyware's name "stored" so I will use it as well.
    # You only used "d" once, and it's the upper bound of a range; might as well just
    # put the upper bound inside the call to range().  If the calculation was really long
    # and difficult I might still use the variable, but this calculation is simple.

    # I guess you can use "c" in the loop, but usually I use "n" for number if the loop
    # is making a series of numbers to use.  If it is making a series of indexes I use "i".
    for n in range(1,b-a+2):
        # Any for loop that loops over a dictionary is looping over the keys.
        for key in stored:
            # I don't understand what you are trying to do.  This loop will always terminate
            # the first time through (when n == 1).  The line above this for loop assigns
            # a value to stored[n], and n will be equal to 1 on the first loop; then this
            # test will trivially succeed.
            if stored[key] == stored[n]:
                return n