答案 0 :(得分:0)
* Sends the registration ID to your server over HTTP, so it can use GCM/HTTP or CCS to send
* messages to your app. Not needed for this demo since the device sends upstream messages
* to a server that echoes back the message using the 'from' address in the message.
private void sendRegistrationIdToBackend() {
// Your implementation here.
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mDisplay = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.display);
context = getApplicationContext();
// Check device for Play Services APK. If check succeeds, proceed with GCM registration.
if (checkPlayServices()) {
gcm = GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance(this);
regid = getRegistrationId(context);
if (regid.isEmpty()) {
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "No valid Google Play Services APK found.");
* Registers the application with GCM servers asynchronously.
* <p>
* Stores the registration ID and the app versionCode in the application's
* shared preferences.
private void registerInBackground() {
new AsyncTask<Void, Void, String>() {
protected String doInBackground(Void... params) {
String msg = "";
try {
if (gcm == null) {
gcm = GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance(context);
regid = gcm.register(SENDER_ID);
msg = "Device registered, registration ID=" + regid;
// You should send the registration ID to your server over HTTP, so it
// can use GCM/HTTP or CCS to send messages to your app.
// For this demo: we don't need to send it because the device will send
// upstream messages to a server that echo back the message using the
// 'from' address in the message.
// Persist the regID - no need to register again.
storeRegistrationId(context, regid);
} catch (IOException ex) {
msg = "Error :" + ex.getMessage();
// If there is an error, don't just keep trying to register.
// Require the user to click a button again, or perform
// exponential back-off.
return msg;
protected void onPostExecute(String msg) {
mDisplay.append(msg + "\n");
}.execute(null, null, null);
所有代码示例均来自official GCM Demo app。