
时间:2014-05-01 15:44:41

标签: java javascript css jsp pdf

我似乎无法从此JSP页面生成PDF报告。虽然我能够以.pdf格式生成表单,但无法在Adobe Reader中打开。


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  <div class="crtf_div">
<Div class="crtf_head">Office of the <br />
Director of Income Tax (E),<br />
3rd Floor, Aaykar Bhawan,<br />
District Centre Laxmi Nagar, Delhi - 110092<br />
<div class="head_small">Tel. No. 011-2055545, 22054777</div>
<br />

<table class="crtf_table" style="border:0px; text-align:center;">
    <td>NQ.DIT (E) I 2013-14/</td>
    <td>Dated &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 05/05/2014</td>
<table class="crtf_table" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
  <td width="150">NAME</td>
  <td ><input type="text" name="name" value=" "/></td>
  <td><textarea name="add" rows="4" cols="20" value=" "></textarea></td>
    <td>Legal Status</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="lstatus" value="----"/></td>
    <td>PAN NO. </td>
    <td><input type="text" name="pan" value="XXXXX"/></td>
    <td>GIR NO.</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="gir" value="XXXX-XXXX"/></td>
<p><b>Sub :- ORDER UNDER SECTION 80G (5)(vi) OF THE INCOME TAX ACT, 1961</b></p>
<p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; On verification of the facts stated before me/hearing before me, I have come to the conclusion that this organization satisfies the conditions u/s 80G of .the Income Tax act, 1961. The institution/Fund is granted approval subject to the following conditions--</p>

<div class="crtf_list">
    <ol type="i">
    <li>The Donee institution shall forfeit this benefit provided under the law, if any of the conditions stated herein is not 
    complied with/abused/whittled down or in any way violated.</li>
    <li>This exemption is valid for the period from A.Y.2013-14 onwards till it is rescinded    and subject to the following conditions</li>


<div class="crtf_list">
<ol type="i">
    <li>You shall maintain your accounts regularly and also get them audited to comply with sec. 80G (5)(iv) read with section 12A(b) 
    and 12A(c) and submit the same before the assessing officer by the due date as per section 139-(t) of the Income tax Act 1961.</li>
    <li> Every receipt issued to donor shall bear the number and date; of this order and shall state the date up to which this 
    certificate is valid from   A.Y.2013-14 onwards till it is rescinded.</li>
    <li> No change in the deed of the trust/association shall be affected without the due procedure of Law and its intimation 
    shall be given immediately to this office.</li>
    <li> The approval to the institution/fund shall aroply to the donations received only if the fund/institution, established 
    in India for charitable purpose, fulfills the conditions as laid down in section 80G(i), (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) of the Income Tax Act 1961.</li>
    <li> This office and the assessing officer shall also be informed about the managing trustees or Manager of your Trust/Society/Non Profit 
    Company and the places where the activities of the Trust/Institution are undertaken/likely to be undertaken to satisfy the claimed objects.</li>
    <li> You shall file the return of income of liour fund/institution as per section  139(1)/(4A)/(4C) of the Income Tax Act.</li>
<br /><br />

 <table class="crtf_table" style="border:0px; line-height:20px;">
    <td><b>Copy to:</b><br />
    1. The applicant as above<br />
    2. The Assessing Officer
    <td style="float:right; text-align:center;"><br />
    Director of Income Tax (Exemption)<br />
    DELHI<br /><br /><br />
    <br />
    Income Tax Officer (Exemption) (Hqrs.)<br />
    For Director of Income Tax (Exemption) DELHI
 <p>As it is a computer generated letter, No signature is required</p>



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