我需要将一个字节数组写入文件,然后使用jni传递给C ++中的函数。
private void writeData(byte[] array) {
Native nativeobject = new Native();
long tsize = this.size;
long incremental = 0;
while(tsize != 0 && !this.stopped) {
nativeobject.writeFile(whereToSave, array);
incremental += TRANCE_SIZE;
tsize -= TRANCE_SIZE;
JNIEXPORT jbyteArray JNICALL Java_it_mls_secureeraser_algorithms_Native_writeFile(JNIEnv *jni, jobject thiz,
jstring jfileName, jbyteArray jarray) {
const char *fileName = jni->GetStringUTFChars(jfileName, 0);
int len = jni->GetArrayLength (jarray);
unsigned char* buf = new unsigned char[len];
jni->GetByteArrayRegion (jarray, 0, len, reinterpret_cast<jbyte*>(buf));
FILE *output = fopen(fileName, "a+");
fwrite(buf, sizeof(unsigned char*), sizeof(buf), output);
fclose (output);
如何从jbytearray传递到我可以写入文件的内容? 谢谢你的帮助
答案 0 :(得分:2)
看看这里:A correct way to convert byte[] in java to unsigned char* in C++, and vice versa?。我之前遇到过类似的问题,这是解决方案。