@property(弱,非原子)IBOutlet CBAutoScrollLabel * autoScrollLabel;
self.autoScrollLabel.text = @"Some text here some text here some text here Some text here some text here some text here Some text here";
self.autoScrollLabel.textColor = [UIColor blueColor];
self.autoScrollLabel.labelSpacing = 35; // distance between start and end labels
self.autoScrollLabel.pauseInterval = 1.7; // seconds of pause before scrolling starts again
self.autoScrollLabel.scrollSpeed = 30; // pixels per second
self.autoScrollLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter; // centers text when no auto-scrolling is applied
self.autoScrollLabel.fadeLength = 10.f;
self.autoScrollLabel.scrollDirection = CBAutoScrollDirectionLeft;
[self.autoScrollLabel observeApplicationNotifications];
但是现在,如何将这个文本从下到上卷起来并像大门一样向左移动。 任何帮助将不胜感激。 谢谢 !!