def main():
#This program uses a while loop, to give the user the option to go again.
while True:
#This displays the heading & instructions.
print ('*********************************')
print('**Please input data in the following format: 10000 **')
print('**Please be aware that inputs of zero(0) are invalid**')
#The program asks the user to input the total price of the cars, one by one.
kluger_price = float(input('Please enter the selling price of the Toyota Kluger: $'))
patrol_price = float(input('Please enter the selling price of the Nissan Patrol: $'))
territory_price = float(input('Please enter the selling price of the Ford Territory: $'))
#The program asks the user to input the total amount of cars sold, one by one.
kluger_sold = int(input('Please enter the number of Toyota Klugers sold in 2014:'))
patrol_sold = int(input('Please enter the number of Nissan Patrols sold in 2014:'))
territory_sold = int(input('Please enter the number of Ford Territorys sold in 2014:'))
#The program calculates the totals of each of the cars, one by one.
kluger_total = kluger_price*kluger_sold
patrol_total = patrol_price*patrol_sold
territory_total = territory_price*territory_sold
total = kluger_total + patrol_total + territory_total
#The program calculates the total bonus
if total <= 500000:
bonus = 0.001*total
elif total <= 1000000:
bonus = 500 + (total - 500000)*0.002
elif total <= 5000000:
bonus = 1500 + (total -1000000)*0.003
elif total <= 10000000:
bonus = 13500 + (total - 5000000)*0.004
bonus = 33500 + (total - 10000000)*0.005
#The program calculates the bonus contributed by each car
global kluger_bonus
kluger_bonus = kluger_total/total*bonus
global patrol_bonus
patrol_bonus = patrol_total/total*bonus
global territory_bonus
territory_bonus = territory_total/total*bonus
print ('*********************************')
#The program displays the total income made and bonus
print ('The amount made from the Toyota Klugers is $', format(kluger_total,',.2f'))
print ('The amount made from the Nissan Patrols is $', format(patrol_total,',.2f'))
print ('The amount made from the Ford Territorys is $', format(territory_total,',.2f'))
print ('The total amount amount made from all three cars is $', format(total,',.2f'))
print ('The total bonus for 2014 is $', format(bonus,',.2f'))
print ('The bonus contributed through the sale of the Toyota Klugers is $', format(kluger_bonus,',.2f'))
print ('The bonus contributed through the sale of the Nisssan Patrols is $', format(patrol_bonus,',.2f'))
print ('The bonus contributed through the sale of the Ford Territorys is $', format(territory_bonus,',.2f'))
cartype = ['Toyota Kluger', 'Nissan Patrol', 'Ford Territory']
bonus = [kluger_bonus, patrol_bonus, territory_bonus]
[CalculateAdditionalBonus(cartype, bonus) for cartype, bonus in enumerate(3)]
def CalculateAdditionalBonus(cartype,bonus):
rate = input('Please input the value the assessed for the additional bonus of the', cartype')
additional_bonus = rate*bonus
print('The additional bonus for the', cartype' is $', format(additional_bonus,',.2f')
def CalculateTotalBonus():
#This ends the while loop, giving the user the option to go again.
try_again = int(input('This is the end of the calculations.Press 1 to try again, 0 to exit.'))
if try_again == 0:
if try_again == 1:
答案 0 :(得分:0)
cartype = ['Toyota Kluger', 'Nissan Patrol', 'Ford Territory']
bonus = [kluger_bonus, patrol_bonus, territory_bonus]
[CalculateAdditionalBonus(cartype, bonus) for cartype, bonus in zip(cartype, bonus)]
答案 1 :(得分:0)