我目前正在编写一个程序,帮助大学跟踪哪些学生在哪些俱乐部。这段代码将粘贴到我的教授提供的现有代码中。 有人可以看看我的代码,并帮助我解决我的错误?我提供了一些评论来解释应该所做的一切。
class Club
Club(Club &c);
Club(string cname);
void addMember(string name);
void removeMember(string name);
string getClubName() const;
string setClubName(const string& nameOfClub);
void loadClub();
bool isMember(string& name) const;
string getAllMembers() const;
friend Club mergeClubs(Club& c1, Club& c2);
string *members;
int numMembers;
string clubName;
clubName = "";
numMembers = 0;
Club::Club(Club &c)
numMembers = c.numMembers;
members = new string [numMembers];
for (int i = 0; i < numMembers; i++)
members[i] = c.members[i];
//copy constructor
//watch out for memory leaks
Club::Club(string cname)
clubName = cname;
//cname should be saved as the club's name in the clubName variable
void Club::addMember(string name)
string *m;
m = new string [numMembers];
string *members = m;
for (int i = 0; i < numMembers; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < name.length(); i++)
m[i] = name[j];
delete [] m;
//adds new member to the club
//records their name in the members variable
//may need a dynamic array to make this work, watch for memory leaks!
void Club::removeMember(string name)
string *m;
m = new string [numMembers];
string *members = m;
for (int i = 0; i < numMembers; i++)
if ( m[i] == name)
m[i] = "";
delete [] m;
//deletes the person from the array in members
//will do nothing if the person is not in the array to begin with
//may require dynamic array to make this work- watch for memory leaks!
//if the person's name appears more than once, just delete the first instance
string Club::getClubName() const
return clubName;
//getter of clubName
string Club::setClubName(const string& nameOfClub)
return clubName = nameOfClub;
//setter of clubName
void Club::loadClub()
//should print "tell me the name of the next member of the club"
//reads into the variable name
//uses addMember() to add that person to the club
//the input should include up to the line break as the name, so it should take in "jane doe" as an entry
//keeps asking for more names until the user enters a blank entry
string name;
cout << "Tell me the name of the next member of the club, ";
cout << "or submit a blank entry to stopent ering names." << endl;
getline(cin, name, '\n');
} while (name != "");
bool Club::isMember(string& name) const
/*for (int i = 0; i < numMembers; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < name.length(); j++)
if (members[i] == name)
return true;
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < numMembers; i++)
if (members[i] == name)
return true;
return false;
//returns true if the person is a member of the club, false otherwise
string Club::getAllMembers() const
for (int i = 0; i < numMembers; i++)
return members[i];
cout << ", ";
cout << endl;
//returns a string of all the names of the members of the club
//commas and spaces separating every entry of the list
//should not be a comma following the last name in the list
Club mergeClubs(Club& c1, Club& c2)
//creates a new club from 2 existing clubs
//combined club name should be Club 1/Club 2
Club temp;
temp.clubName = c1.clubName + "/" + c2.clubName;
return temp;
delete [] members;
//watch out for memory leaks
答案 0 :(得分:2)
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
class Club
Club(const Club &c);
Club(string cname);
void addMember(string name);
void removeMember(string name);
string getClubName() const;
string setClubName(const string& nameOfClub);
void loadClub();
bool isMember(const string& name) const;
string getAllMembers() const;
friend Club mergeClubs(Club& c1, Club& c2);
vector<string> members;
string clubName;
: members()
, clubName()
Club::Club(const Club &c)
: members(c.members)
, clubName(c.clubName)
Club::Club(string cname)
: members()
, clubName(cname)
void Club::addMember(string name)
void Club::removeMember(string name)
members.erase(remove(members.begin(), members.end(), name), members.end());
string Club::getClubName() const
return clubName;
//getter of clubName
string Club::setClubName(const string& nameOfClub)
return clubName = nameOfClub;
//setter of clubName
void Club::loadClub()
//should print "tell me the name of the next member of the club"
//reads into the variable name
//uses addMember() to add that person to the club
//the input should include up to the line break as the name, so it should take in "jane doe" as an entry
//keeps asking for more names until the user enters a blank entry
string name;
cout << "Tell me the name of the next member of the club, ";
cout << "or submit a blank entry to stopent ering names." << endl;
getline(cin, name, '\n');
} while (name != "");
bool Club::isMember(const string& name) const
return find(members.begin(), members.end(), name) != members.end();
string Club::getAllMembers() const
stringstream result;
vector<string>::const_iterator b = members.begin(), e = members.end();
for (bool comma = false ; b != e; ++b, comma = true)
if (comma) {
result << ", ";
result << *b;
return result.str();
Club mergeClubs(Club& c1, Club& c2)
Club temp(c1.clubName + "/" + c2.clubName);
struct memberAdd {
Club& _club;
memberAdd(Club& club) : _club(club) {}
void operator()(const string& member) {
for_each(c1.members.begin(), c1.members.end(), memberAdd(temp));
for_each(c2.members.begin(), c2.members.end(), memberAdd(temp));
return temp;
//watch out for memory leaks
int main()
Club boys("red");
Club girls("blue");
Club unisex = mergeClubs(boys, girls);
cout << unisex.getClubName() << " has the following members: " << unisex.getAllMembers() << endl;
答案 1 :(得分:1)
Club(const club&amp; club)
成员和numMembers是不合时宜的。对成员使用std :: vector并完全删除numMembers(std :: vector有一个size()方法)。
Club :: Club不会初始化会员或numMembers。这将导致破坏者可能崩溃。如果用矢量替换它们,这将得到解决。
isMember应该采用const字符串&amp;你最好用std :: find()(#include&lt; algorithm&gt;)来写它