function bindEvents(marker, id, venueName, website){
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function(){
// TARGET and show eventsFeed on click
var eventsList = document.getElementById('eventsList');
// ADDS styles to the events feed divs when created
// DECLARED here for the inclusion of the venueName & website as feedhead
// even when no events are present
var venueNameDiv = "<div class='venueNameFeed'>";
var webSiteDiv = "<a target='_blank' class='websiteInFeed' href='http://"+website+"'><span class='fa fa-home'></span></a>";
var titleInFeed = "<div class='"+id+" eventTitleFeed'>";
var accordDataWrap = "<h2 class='accordWrap>";
var eventInFeed = "<div class='eventDescFeed'>";
var dateInFeed = '<div class="eventDateFeed">';
var priceInFeed = "<div class='eventPriceFeed'>";
// CLOSE the divs after each entry
var divBrk = "</div>";
var closeAccordDataWrap = "</h2>";
var feedHead = venueNameDiv + venueName + divBrk;
// EMPTY array to line up matched events in
var eventsLine = [];
// CYCLE through eventsArray
for (var key in eventsArray){
var eventLoop = eventsArray[key];
// MATCH id to venue_id
var venue_id = eventLoop.venue_id;
if (venue_id == id){
// ONLY show events from todays date onward
var now = new Date();
var date = new Date(eventLoop.eventDATE);
// SET hours to 0 to ignore time part (always as 01:00:00 for event date?)
if (date >= now){
//ADD all matched events to eventsLine array
eventsLine.push(titleInFeed + eventLoop.eventTitle + divBrk +
accordDataWrap + eventInFeed + eventLoop.event + divBrk +
dateInFeed + formatDate(eventLoop.eventDATE) + divBrk +
priceInFeed + "£" + eventLoop.price + divBrk + closeAccordDataWrap);
// TURNS the array into a string and replaces those damned, infernal commas!!
var outputString = eventsLine.toString().replace(/>,/g, '>');
// PUT the compiled array into the eventsFeed div (with venueName as title)
if (website==""){
eventsList.innerHTML = feedHead + outputString;
} else {
eventsList.innerHTML = feedHead + webSiteDiv + outputString;
// ADD the accordion
$(document).on('click', marker, function(){
header: "div."+id,
icons: null
// OR
header: "div."+id,
icons: null
// OR
accordion(eventsList, id);
function accordion(placement,id){
header: "div."+id,
icons: null
正如你可能会说我对这一切都很陌生,所以对任何帮助或建议都会非常感激! :)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
header: "div."+id,
icons: null
header: "div."+id,
icons: null
然后试试。如果你能Create a fiddle代码,那就更好了。