
时间:2014-04-23 01:43:01

标签: java equals



(MgrBean.getByName(name1).getId() == MgrBean.getByName(name2).getId()),
//This one is false,

int a = MgrBean.getByName(name1).getId();
int b = MgrBean.getByName(name2).getId();
(a == b); //This one is true.

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:-1)



但是,如果使用基本类型来存储该值(例如int a = ....getId()),则会发生自动取消装箱,并且该包装器对象将转换为基本类型值,并使用{{比较基元类型值1}}正在比较价值,这是你期望的工作。


  1. Java中的原始类型与引用类型
  2. Java中的自动装箱和拆箱

答案 1 :(得分:-1)

The most misconception about Integer type happens everywhere including other answers here


Integer i1 = 128
Integer i2 = 128

If you then execute the test (i1 == i2), the returned result is false. The reason is that the JVM maintains a pool of Integer values (similar to the one it maintains for Strings). But the pool contains only integers from -128 to 127. Creating any Integer in that range results in Java assigning those Integers from the pool, so the equivalency test works. However, for values greater than 127 and less than -128), the pool does not come into play, so the two assignments create different objects, which then fail the equivalency test and return false.


Integer i1 = new Integer(1); // Any number in the Integer pool range
Integer i2 = new Integer(1); // Any number in the Integer pool range

因为这些作业是使用' new'关键字,它们是创建的新实例,而不是从池中获取的。因此,对前面的赋值进行测试(i1 == i2)将返回false。


public class IntegerPoolTest {
    public static void main(String args[]){
        Integer i1 = 100;
        Integer i2 = 100;
        // Comparison of integers from the pool - returns true.
        compareInts(i1, i2); 

        Integer i3 = 130;
        Integer i4 = 130;
        // Same comparison, but from outside the pool 
        // (not in the range -128 to 127)
        // resulting in false.
        compareInts(i3, i4); 

        Integer i5 = new Integer(100);
        Integer i6 = new Integer(100);
        // Comparison of Integers created using the 'new' keyword 
        // results in new instances and '==' comparison leads to false.
        compareInts(i5, i6); 


    private static void compareInts(Integer i1, Integer i2){
        System.out.println("Comparing Integers " + 
           i1 + "," + i2 + " results in: " + (i1 == i2) );