我有以下代码,所以当访问者选择"国内"一个隐藏的下拉选择出现在国内。如果访问者选择"学生"然后出现另一个隐藏的下拉选择。要查看其工作原理,您可以check it out here 我还使用了jquery验证器,因此如果没有选择字段或下拉菜单,则弹出窗口。但是因为只能选择一个隐藏字段(与学生或国内相关的字段),所以这个验证器总是会弹出。如果没有选择这些隐藏的下拉菜单中的选项,我该怎么做才能弹出。
function formCheck(formobj){
var x=document.forms["form1"]["email"].value;
var atpos=x.indexOf("@");
var dotpos=x.lastIndexOf(".");
var fieldRequired = Array("reason1", "reason2");
// Enter field description to appear in the dialog box
var fieldDescription = Array("Reason 1", "Reason 2");
// dialog message
var alertMsg = "Please complete all fields and enter a valid email address";
var l_Msg = alertMsg.length;
for (var i = 0; i < fieldRequired.length; i++){
var obj = formobj.elements[fieldRequired[i]];
if (obj){
case "select-one":
if (obj.selectedIndex == -1 || obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value == ""){
alertMsg += " " + "\n";
case "select-multiple":
if (obj.selectedIndex == -1){
alertMsg += " " + "\n";
case "text":
case "textarea":
if (obj.value == "" || obj.value == null || atpos<1 || dotpos<atpos+2 || dotpos+2>=x.length){
alertMsg += " " + "\n";
if (obj.type == undefined){
var blnchecked = false;
for (var j = 0; j < obj.length; j++){
if (obj[j].checked){
blnchecked = true;
if (!blnchecked){
alertMsg += " " + "\n";
if (alertMsg.length == l_Msg){
return true;
return false;
// -->
<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
if ($(this).val() == "student" ) {
$("#hidestudent").slideDown("fast"); //Slide Down Effect
} else {
$("#hidestudent").slideUp("fast"); //Slide Up Effect
if ($(this).val() == "domestic" ) {
$("#hidedomestic").slideDown("fast"); //Slide Down Effect
} else {
$("#hidedomestic").slideUp("fast"); //Slide Up Effect
/* ]]> */
<div class="contactform">
<div class="forminside">
<div id="apDiv1">
<form id="form1" name="form1" method="get" form action="page2.php" onsubmit="return formCheck(this); ">
<div class="detailscolumn1"><h3></h3>
<div class="storagetype">
<div class="input select">
<div class="labelfortype">
<label for="storagetype"> select your business type</label> </div><!--end of labelfortype class-->
<select name="storagetype" id="storagetype">
<option value="">(select)</option>
<option value="domestic">domestic</option>
<option value="student">student</option>
</div><!--end of storagetype class-->
<div class="hiddenreason">
<div class="hide" id="hidedomestic"><!-- this select box will be hidden at first -->
<div class="input select">
<div class="labelforreason"> <label for="reasonstorage">reason for business</label></div><!--end of labelfortype class-->
<select name="reason2" id="reason1">
<option value="">(select)</option>
<option value="moving">moving</option>
<option value="diy/home improvements">diy/home improvements</option>
<option value="decluttering">decluttering</option>
<option value="other">other</option>
</div><!--end of hidden reason-->
<div class="hiddenreason">
<div class="hide" id="hidestudent"><!-- this select box will be hidden at first -->
<div class="input select">
<div class="labelforreason"> <label for="reasonstorage">reason for business</label></div><!--end of labelfortype class-->
<select name="reason3" id="reason2">
<option value="">(select)</option>
<option value="holiday">holiday</option>
<option value="moving">moving</option>
<option value="other">other</option>
</div><!--end of hidden reason-->
</div><!--end of detailscolumn1-->
</div><!--end of forminside-->
</div><!--end of contactform-->
答案 0 :(得分:0)
if ($(this).val() == "student" ) {
$("#hidestudent").slideDown("fast"); //Slide Down Effect
$("#reason2").prop('disabled', false);
} else {
$("#hidestudent").slideUp("fast"); //Slide Up Effect
$("#reason2").prop('disabled', true);
if ($('#test').prop('disabled') == true) {
// do stuff if true
} else {
// do stuff if false
此外,没有电子邮件字段(在js代码中指定和检查 - 我添加了它),也没有提交按钮(也添加了)。