
时间:2014-04-22 02:58:10

标签: scheme racket

我正在尝试在列表中找到最重复的元素。问题是我必须使用count函数,该函数查找特定值在列表中重复的次数(例如,(count 7 '(4 8 9 2 4 8 9)) => 0,(count 2 '(4 8 9 2 2 4 8 9 2)) => 3)。 我完成了count函数,我认为我接近mode函数。任何帮助将不胜感激。

(define (count item list)
    [(null? list) '()]
    [(= item (car list)) (+ 1 (count item (cdr list)))]
    [#t (count item (cdr list))]))

(define (mode lst)
    [(null? lst) '()]
    [(> (count (car lst) lst) (mode (cdr lst))) (car lst)]
    [else (mode (cdr lst))]))

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

看起来是mode晚 - 检查之前使用不同方法的question:它假定输入列表已排序。但是当然 - mode过程可以用count实现,带有非排序的输入列表,虽然效率较低 - 但它是O(n^2)解决方案:

(define (mode lnum)
  (let loop ((lst lnum)         ; list to traverse
             (max-counter 0)    ; number of times the mode appears
             (max-current #f))  ; the mode
    (if (null? lst)             ; if the list is empty
        max-current             ; return the mode
        (let ((n (count (car lst) lnum))) ; # of times current element appears
          (if (> n max-counter) ; if it appears more times
              (loop (cdr lst) n (car lst)) ; then we found a new maximum
              (loop (cdr lst) max-counter max-current)))))) ; else continue

