function homepage_screensaver()
Create Raphael object in the space of the div with id "homeandidiv"
var pappos = $("#homeanidiv").position();
var papx = pappos.left;
var papy = pappos.top;
var papheight = $("#homeanidiv").height();
var papwidth = $("#homeanidiv").width();
var paper = Raphael(papx, papy, papwidth, papheight);
paper: space in which the circle will be bound
var circx = Math.floor(Math.random() * Number.MAX_VALUE) % papwidth;
var circy = Math.floor(Math.random() * Number.MAX_VALUE) % papheight;
circx, circy: initial positions of circle on the paper
var mycirc = paper.circle(circx, circy, 10);
var theta = Math.floor(Math.random() * Number.MAX_VALUE) % 4 + 1;
theta = 1 <---> object moving at a 45-degree angle
theta = 2 <---> object moving at a 135-degree angle
theta = 3 <---> object moving at a 225-degree angle
theta = 4 <---> object moving at a 315 degree angle
var circwrapper = new Array(mycirc, theta);
window.setInterval(function() { move_obj(circwrapper, papwidth, papheight);}, 100);
function move_obj(obwrap, backwidth, backheight)
var ob = obwrap[0]; // object
var th = obwrap[1]; // theta, the current direction of the object
var BB = ob.getBBox(); // bounding box for object
var dx = 0;
var dy = 0;
if (BB.x >= backwidth && (th == 1 || th == 2))
dx = -1;
else if (BB.x <= 0 && (th == 3 || th == 4))
dx = 1;
if (BB.y >= backheight && (th == 2 || th == 3))
dy = -1;
else if (BB.y <= 0 && (th == 1 || th == 4))
dy = 1;
ob.transform("T " + dx + ", " + dy);
if (dx == 1 && dy == -1)
th = 1;
else if (dx == 1 && dy == 1)
th = 2;
else if (dx == -1 && dy == 1)
th = 3;
else // (dx == -1 && dy == -1)
th = 4;
obwrap[0] = ob;
obwrap[1] = th;
obwrap[0] = ob;
obwrap[1] = th;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
window.setInterval(function() {
var wrapper = [mycirc, theta];
move_obj(wrapper, papwidth, papheight);
mycirc = wrapper[0];
theta = wrapper[1];
}, 100);