
时间:2014-04-19 03:18:33

标签: algorithm actionscript-3 minesweeper

我正在尝试在闪光灯中为一个项目重新创建扫雷,我已经获得了放置地雷和数字的权利。我似乎无法弄清楚用于扩展点击图块和清除其邻居的递归算法。有两个数组,_map包含背景+地雷和数字,_clickable map保存位于背景顶部的图块。所以基本上,我要求的是递归的帮助。如果这还不够清楚,我会用必要的信息更新问题。

private function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void 
    trace("on Click");

    var symbol = e.currentTarget;
    var tempTileMask:TileMask = symbol;
    var tempTile:Tile = _map[tempTileMask.yCoord][tempTileMask.xCoord]

    if (tempTile.hasMine)
        for (var i:int = _gridSize - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            for (var j:int = _gridSize - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                var temp:TileMask = _clickableMap[i][j];



    if (tempTile.hasNumber)
        tempTile.cleared = true;

        clearTiles(tempTile.xCoord, tempTile.yCoord);


function clearTiles( x:int, y:int )
    // Get an object that contains the tile information for the location
    // we are checking
    if(_map[y][x] != null) 
        var tempTile:Tile = _map[y][x];
        var tempTileMask:TileMask = _clickableMap[y][x];

        // Check if the location we are checking is out of the bounds of the
        // playable area

        if ( tempTile.outOfBounds(x, y) )

        // If the tile has already been revealed then there is nothing to do

        trace("before clearing");
        if ( tempTile.cleared )
            trace("clearing tile");

        // If the tile hasn't been revealed and it's an empty square we
        // reveal the location then call this function again for each
        // surrounding block

        trace("before check for surrounding tiles");
        if ( tempTile.hasNumber != true && tempTile.hasMine != true )
            trace("check for surrounding tiles");

            // Remove the mask hiding the tiles property
            removeChild( tempTileMask );
            // Set the tile as cleared
            tempTile.cleared = true;

            if(_map[tempTile.yCoord][tempTile.xCoord - 1] != null)
                var tile1:Tile =_map[tempTile.yCoord][tempTile.xCoord - 1]

                    clearTiles( tempTile.xCoord - 1 , tempTile.yCoord ); //Check tile to the left

            if(_map[tempTile.yCoord][tempTile.xCoord + 1] != null)
                var tile2:Tile =_map[tempTile.yCoord][tempTile.xCoord + 1]

                    clearTiles( tempTile.xCoord + 1 , tempTile.yCoord ); //Check tile to the left

            if(_map[tempTile.yCoord - 1][tempTile.xCoord] != null)
                var tile3:Tile =_map[tempTile.yCoord - 1][tempTile.xCoord]

                    clearTiles( tempTile.xCoord, tempTile.yCoord - 1 ); //Check tile to the left

            if(_map[tempTile.yCoord + 1][tempTile.xCoord] != null)
                var tile4:Tile =_map[tempTile.yCoord + 1][tempTile.xCoord]

                    clearTiles( tempTile.xCoord, tempTile.yCoord + 1 ); //Check tile to the left

            if(_map[tempTile.yCoord - 1][tempTile.xCoord - 1] != null)
                var tile5:Tile =_map[tempTile.yCoord - 1][tempTile.xCoord - 1]

                    clearTiles( tempTile.xCoord - 1, tempTile.yCoord - 1 ); //Check tile to the left

            if(_map[tempTile.yCoord + 1][tempTile.xCoord + 1] != null)
                var tile6:Tile =_map[tempTile.yCoord + 1][tempTile.xCoord + 1]

                    clearTiles( tempTile.xCoord + 1, tempTile.yCoord + 1 ); //Check tile to the left

            if(_map[tempTile.yCoord - 1][tempTile.xCoord + 1] != null)
                var tile7:Tile =_map[tempTile.yCoord - 1][tempTile.xCoord + 1]

                    clearTiles( tempTile.xCoord + 1, tempTile.yCoord - 1 ); //Check tile to the left

            if(_map[tempTile.yCoord + 1][tempTile.xCoord - 1] != null)
                var tile8:Tile =_map[tempTile.yCoord + 1][tempTile.xCoord - 1]

                    clearTiles( tempTile.xCoord - 1, tempTile.yCoord + 1 ); //Check tile to the left


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


// Function to check if a tile is an empty space and then call
// itself for the surrounding tiles

function clearTiles( x:int, y:int ):void
    // Check if the location we are checking is out of the bounds of the
    // playable area
    if ( outOfBounds( x, y ) )

    // Get an object that contains the tile information for the location
    // we are checking
    var tempTile:Tile = _map[x][y];

    // If the tile has already been revealed then there is nothing to do
    if ( tempTile.cleared )

    // If the tile is a number then reveal it and return without checking
    // surrounding tiles
    var tempTileMask:DisplayObject = getTileMask(x,y);
    // since we're no longer in the click handler context, we need
    // to initialize the variable with something [TODO]
    if ( tempTile.hasNumber )
        removeChild( tempTileMask );
        tempTile.cleared = true;

    // If the tile hasn't been revealed and it's an empty square we
    // reveal the location then call this function again for each
    // surrounding block

    if ( tempTile.isEmpty )
        // Remove the mask hiding the tiles property
        removeChild( tempTileMask );
        // Set the tile as cleared
        tempTile.cleared = true;

        clearTiles( tempTile.x - 1 , tempTile.y ); //Check tile to the left
        clearTiles( tempTile.x + 1 , tempTile.y ); //Check tile to the right
        clearTiles( tempTile.x , tempTile.y - 1 ); //Check tile above
        clearTiles( tempTile.x , tempTile.y + 1 ); //Check tile below



function outOfBounds( int x, int y )
    if ( x < 0 )
        return true;

    if ( y < 0 )
        return true;

    if ( x > _gridSize - 1 )
        return true;

    if ( y > _gridSize -1 )
        return true;

    return false;