尝试制作流量模拟器并完全低估了让所有类一起工作的难度。无论如何,我终于让所有的功能都运行得很好,我现在正试图将它们组合在一起。在我的灯光算法上我已经让灯光在定时器上变好了然后我需要系上一个附加到灯光颜色的布尔值,然后在该类别之外使用它来告诉汽车是否移动(失败了。)所以现在我把汽车课程.move / .draw带到了灯光课程,虽然由于某种原因,布尔人不会对应他们的开关,尽管有一个改变灯光的变量所以我不明白为什么我的布尔值在该开关中的灯保持不变的情况下不断从true切换为false我已经在println中显示灯如何变好但标志不是。我已经注释了几个不同的地方,我试过放置car.draw部分。
int greenX, greenY = 50; // Alphas of Green Lights (50 = OFF & 250 = ON)
int redX, redY = 50; // Alphas of Red Lights (50 = OFF & 250 = ON)
int yellowX, yellowY = 50; // Alphas of Yellow Lights (50 = OFF & 250 = ON)
int time; // set to equal millis()
int lastInterval; // Used to update time since last light change then used to take away from "time" in order to get amount of time specified
float interval = 5; // Interval for Lights in Seconds
float wait = 1000*interval; // turn interval from seconds to millis
char lightX = 'G'; // Switch for Lights on X-Cords
char lightY = 'R'; // Switch for Lights on Y-Cords
boolean X, Y, Xy, Yy; // Booleans for Lights to corespond to draw/make car (Xy & Yy = yellow lights)
void setup() {
void draw() {
time = millis();
println("Last Interval Times is " + lastInterval/1000);
if (time - lastInterval < wait) { // // If the Light has been green for less than wait time
if ((X == true) && (Y == false)) {
println("X-Light = " + X);
println("Y-Light = " + Y);
if (time - lastInterval >= wait) { // If the Light has been green for more than wait time
X = !X;
Y = !Y;
if (lightX == 'G' && lightY == 'R') {
lightX = 'Y';
lightY = 'R';
else if (lightX == 'Y' && lightY == 'R') {
lightX = 'R';
lightY = 'G';
else if (lightX == 'R' && lightY == 'G') {
lightX = 'R';
lightY = 'Y';
else if (lightX == 'R' && lightY == 'Y') {
lightX = 'G';
lightY = 'R';
lastInterval = time; // Update last Interval to time of light change
switch(lightX) { //Switch For X-Cord Lights
case 'G': // Green Light
println("X-Axis = Green Light");
time = millis();
greenX = 250;
yellowX = 50;
redX = 50;
X = true;
Xy = true;
case 'Y': // Yellow Light
println("X-Axis = Yellow Light");
time = millis();
greenX = 50;
yellowX = 250;
redX = 50;
Xy = true;
X = !X;
case 'R': //Red Light
println("X-Axis = Red Light");
time = millis();
greenX = 50;
yellowX = 50;
redX = 250;
Xy = !X;
X = !X;
switch(lightY) { //Switch For Y-Cord Lights
case 'G': // Green Light
println("Y-Axis = Green Light");
time = millis();
greenY = 250;
yellowY = 50;
redY = 50;
Y = true;
Yy = true;
case 'Y': // Yellow Light
println("Y-Axis = Yellow Light");
time = millis();
greenY = 50;
yellowY = 250;
redY = 50;
Yy = true;
Y = !Y;
case 'R': //Red Light
println("Y-Axis = Red Light");
time = millis();
greenY = 50;
yellowY = 50;
redY = 250;
Y = !Y;
Yy = !Yy;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
class LightAlg {
int greenX, greenY = 50; // Alphas of Green Lights (50 = OFF & 250 = ON)
int redX, redY = 50; // Alphas of Red Lights (50 = OFF & 250 = ON)
int yellowX, yellowY = 50; // Alphas of Yellow Lights (50 = OFF & 250 = ON)
int time; // set to equal millis()
int lastInterval; // Used to update time since last light change then used to take away from "time" in order to get amount of time specified
float interval = 5; // Interval for Lights in Seconds
float wait = 1000; // turn interval from seconds to millis
char lightX = 'G'; // Switch for Lights on X-Cords
char lightY = 'R'; // Switch for Lights on Y-Cords
boolean X, Y, Xy, Yy; // Booleans for Lights to corespond to draw/make car (Xy & Yy = whether intersection should be crossed if already entered by cars)
LightAlg (float interval_) { //Constructor and specify light change time wanted
interval = interval_;
void run() {
time = millis(); //Sets time to time since program was executed
println("Last Interval Times is " + lastInterval/1000); // Prints time since last time lights where changed
println("X-Light = " + X); //Prints Boolean of X-Light
println("Xy-Light = " + Xy); //Prints Boolean of X-Light when it supposed to be yellow in order to creat a flag for whether cars should continue throught intersection
println("Y-Light = " + Y); //Prints Boolean of Y-Light
println("Yy-Light = " + Yy);//Prints Boolean of Y-Light when it supposed to be yellow in order to creat a flag for whether cars should continue throught intersection
if (time - lastInterval < wait * interval) { // // If the Light has been green for less than wait time by taking millis() - time since last light change < time wanted for light interval
if (X == true && Xy == true) { //If light is green and intersection is ok to enter
if (time - lastInterval >= wait * interval) { // If the Light hasn't changed for longer then specified interval time
if ((X == false && Xy == false) && (Y == false && Yy == true)) { //If X-Light is Red and Intersection is not safe to cross && Y-Light is yellow and Intersections is safe to cross
lightX = 'G'; //X-Light Goes Green
lightY = 'R'; //Y-Light Goes Red
else if ((X == true && Xy == true) && (Y == false && Yy == false)) { //If X-Light is Green and Intersection is safe to cross && Y-Light is Red and Intersections is not safe to cross
lightX = 'Y'; //X-Light Goes Yellow
lightY = 'R'; //Y-Light Goes Red
else if ((X == false && Xy == true) && (Y == false && Yy == false)) { // If X-Light is Yellow and Intersection is safe to cross && Y-Light is Red and intersection is not safe to cross
lightX = 'R'; //X-Light Goes Red
lightY = 'G'; //Y-Light Goes Green
else if ((X == false && Xy == false) && (Y == true && Yy == true)) { // If X-Light is Red and Intersection is not safe to cross && Y-Light is Green and intersection is safe to cross
lightX = 'R'; //X-Light Goes Red
lightY = 'Y'; //Y-Light Goes Green
else if ((X == false && Xy == false) && (Y == false && Yy == true)) { // If X-Light is Red and Intersection is not safe to cross && Y-Light is Yellow and Intersection is safe to cross
lightX = 'G'; //X-Light Goes Green
lightY = 'R'; //Y-Light Goes Red
lastInterval = time; // Update last Interval to time of light change so that you can Minus it from time in order to set time back to length of interval desired
switch(lightX) { //Switch For X-Cord Lights
case 'G': // Green Light
println("X-Axis = Green Light");
time = millis(); //Update time when light changes
greenX = 250; //Alphas for trafficlight Object
yellowX = 50; //Alphas for trafficlight Object
redX = 50; //Alphas for trafficlight Object
X = true; //Light is Green so boolean for cars on Xpos BEFORE intersection is true
Xy = true;
case 'Y': // Yellow Light
println("X-Axis = Yellow Light");
time = millis(); //Update time when light changes
greenX = 50; //Alphas for trafficlight Object
yellowX = 250; //Alphas for trafficlight Object
redX = 50; //Alphas for trafficlight Object
Xy = true; //Light is Yellow so boolean for cars on Xpos INSIDE/AFTER intersection is true
X = false; //Light is Yellow so boolean for cars on Xpos BEFORE intersection is false
case 'R': //Red Light
println("X-Axis = Red Light");
time = millis(); //Update time when light changes
greenX = 50; //Alphas for trafficlight Object
yellowX = 50; //Alphas for trafficlight Object
redX = 250; //Alphas for trafficlight Object
Xy = false; //Light is RED so boolean for cars on Xpos INSIDE/AFTER intersection is false
X = false; //Light is Red so boolean for cars on Xpos BEFORE intersection is false
switch(lightY) { //Switch For Y-Cord Lights
case 'G': // Green Light
println("Y-Axis = Green Light");
time = millis(); //Update time when light changes
greenY = 250; //Alphas for trafficlight Object
yellowY = 50; //Alphas for trafficlight Object
redY = 50; //Alphas for trafficlight Object
Y = true; //Light is GREEN so boolean for cars on Ypos BEFORE intersection is true
Yy = true; //Light is GREEN so boolean for cars on Ypos INSIDE/AFTER intersection is true
case 'Y': // Yellow Light
println("Y-Axis = Yellow Light");
time = millis(); //Update time when light changes
greenY = 50; //Alphas for trafficlight Object
yellowY = 250; //Alphas for trafficlight Object
redY = 50; //Alphas for trafficlight Object
Yy = true; //Light is YELLOW so boolean for cars on Ypos INSIDE/AFTER intersection is true
Y = false; //Light is YELLOW so boolean for cars on Ypos BEFORE intersection is false
case 'R': //Red Light
println("Y-Axis = Red Light");
time = millis(); //Update time when light changes
greenY = 50; //Alphas for trafficlight Object
yellowY = 50; //Alphas for trafficlight Object
redY = 250; //Alphas for trafficlight Object
Y = false; //Light is RED so boolean for cars on Ypos BEFORE intersection is false
Yy = false; //Light is RED so boolean for cars on Ypos INSIDE/AFTER intersection is false