但我无法让它发挥作用。编译错误无效使用' sorcerer :: sorcerer'当我尝试使用sorcerer::takeStrength(s.sorcerer);
class sorcerer
// models a sorcerer
// default constructor, sets name to empty string and strength to 0
sorcerer(string initName, double initStrength);
// constructor; sets name to the value of initName; if initStrength > 0
// strength is set to the value of initStrength, otherwise strength is
// set to .1
string getName();
// returns the value of name
// postcondition: the value of name is returned
double getStrength();
// returns the value of strength
// postcondition: the value of strength is returned
void takeStrength(sorcerer & s);
// takes half the strength of the sorcerer represented by parameter s and
// adds it to strength
// precondition: s is passed a valid sorcerer object or an object from a
// class that inherits class sorcerer
// postcondition: strength is increased by half of the strength of the
// object passed to s; the object passed to s has its
// strength reduced by half
virtual void fight(sorcerer & s) = 0;
// pure virtual function, makes class sorcerer abstract so that class
// sorcerer must be inherited and function fight must be implemented
// postcondition: a fight has occurred between the calling sorcerer and the
// passed sorcerer
double strength; // sorcerer strength; 0 or greater
string name; // sorcerer name
class witch : public sorcerer
// inherits class sorcerer in order to model a witch
// default constructor
// // calls default constructor of class sorcerer
witch(string name, double initStrength);
// constructor
// calls parametrized constructor of classs sorcerer to initialize strength
// and name
void fight(sorcerer & s);
// fights a sorcerer (an instance object of any class that inherits class
// sourcerer) on the witch's home turf
// postcondition: A fight has occured between the witch and the passed
// sourcerer. A tie halts the function. If there is a
// winner, the winner's strength is increased by 1/2 of the
// strength of the loser and the loser's strenght is
// decreased by half.
答案 0 :(得分:0)
void witch::fight(sorcerer & s)
// taking strength away from the other sorcerer
// and giving it to this sorcerer
// taking strength away from this sorcerer
// and giving it to the other sorcerer
void wizard::fight(sorcerer & s)
// taking strength away from the other sorcerer
// and giving it to this sorcerer
// taking strength away from this sorcerer
// and giving it to the other sorcerer