这是我做的第一个asp MVC项目。我以前用JAVA开发,更新值更容易。例如,我可以使用MyeditText.set或anything.set来更改值。
private Db database = new Db();
// GET: /Assessment/
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to your assessment ";
int assessment = 1;
// DropDownList TYPE ANSWER
string queryTA = "Select distinct TA.type_answer_id, TA.type_name from pfi_type_answer TA, pfi_assessment ASS, pfi_form FO, pfi_contain_answer CA, pfi_contain_question CQ, pfi_question QU where ASS.form_id = FO.form_id and FO.form_id = CQ.form_id and CQ.question_id = QU.question_id and QU.question_id = CA.question_id and TA.type_answer_id = CA.type_answer_id and ASS.assessment_id = "+ assessment;
List<SelectListItem> DropListTA = new List<SelectListItem>();
List<object[]> ListTA = database.Select(queryTA);
foreach (object[] s in ListTA)
DropListTA.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = s[1].ToString(), Value = s[0].ToString() });
ViewBag.formListTA = DropListTA;
// DropDownList LANGUAGE
string queryL = "SELECT * FROM PFI_LANGUAGE";
List<SelectListItem> DropListL = new List<SelectListItem>();
List<object[]> ListL = database.Select(queryL);
foreach (object[] s in ListL)
DropListL.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = s[1].ToString(), Value = s[0].ToString() });
ViewBag.formListL = DropListL;
int TypeAnswer = (int)ListTA.ElementAt(0).GetValue(0);
string queryC = "Select count(*) from PFI_ANSWER AN, PFI_TYPE_ANSWER TA where TA.type_answer_id = AN.type_answer_id and TA.type_answer_id= " + TypeAnswer;
//Select count(*) from PFI_ANSWER AN, PFI_TYPE_ANSWER TA, pfi_assessment ASS, pfi_form FO, pfi_question QU, pfi_contain_question CQ, pfi_contain_answer CA where TA.type_answer_id = AN.type_answer_id and ASS.form_id = FO.form_id and FO.form_id = CQ.form_id and QU.question_id = CQ.question_id and QU.question_id = CA.question_id and AN.answer_id = CA.answer_id and TA.type_answer_id = 1 and ASS.assessment_id = 1;
int countAnswers = database.Count(queryC);
ViewBag.countAnswersVB = countAnswers;
//String[] tableValue = new String[countAnswers];
//string queryAn = "Select answer from PFI_ANSWER AN, PFI_TYPE_ANSWER TA where TA.type_answer_id = AN.type_answer_id and TA.type_answer_id= " + TypeAnswer;
string queryAn = "Select answer from PFI_ANSWER AN, PFI_TYPE_ANSWER TA, pfi_assessment ASS, pfi_form FO, pfi_question QU, pfi_contain_question CQ, pfi_contain_answer CA where TA.type_answer_id = AN.type_answer_id and ASS.form_id = FO.form_id and FO.form_id = CQ.form_id and QU.question_id = CQ.question_id and QU.question_id = CA.question_id and TA.type_answer_id = CA.type_answer_id and ASS.assessment_id = 1 and TA.type_answer_id = " + TypeAnswer + " group by answer";
List<object[]> ListAn = database.Select(queryAn);
ViewBag.tableHeaderVB = ListAn;
//Question and Radio buttons
String queryQ = "Select distinct question_number, question from PFI_ANSWER AN, PFI_TYPE_ANSWER TA, pfi_assessment ASS, pfi_form FO, pfi_question QU, pfi_contain_question CQ, pfi_contain_answer CA where TA.type_answer_id = AN.type_answer_id and ASS.form_id = FO.form_id and FO.form_id = CQ.form_id and QU.question_id = CQ.question_id and QU.question_id = CA.question_id and TA.type_answer_id = CA.type_answer_id and ASS.assessment_id = 1 and TA.type_answer_id = " + TypeAnswer;
List<object[]> ListQuestion = database.Select(queryQ);
ViewBag.questionVB = ListQuestion;
return View();
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$('#formListL').change(function () {
var selectedLanguage = $(this).val();
alert("Alert Box Language " + selectedLanguage);
$('#formListTA').change(function () {
var selectedVal = $(this).val();
var selectedLanguage = $('#formListL').val();
//alert("Alert Box Type Answer " + selectedVal);
type: 'POST',
url: "/Assessment/Index",
data: { 'valueTA': selectedVal, 'valueL': selectedLanguage },
success: function (data) {
alert("Alert Box Type Answer " + selectedVal);
ViewBag.Title = "Welcome to your assessment";
<label class= "marge_left">Language</label>
@using (Html.BeginForm("LogIn", "Home", FormMethod.Post))
<div class ="containTable">
<table border="1" frame="void" rules="rows" class= "assess">
@foreach (object[] s in ViewBag.tableHeaderVB)
@foreach (object[] q in ViewBag.questionVB)
<a href="#***" class= "linkTable" id= @q[0]>@q[1]</a>
@for (int i = 0; i < ViewBag.countAnswersVB; i++)
<input type="radio" name=@q[0] id=@q[0]@i class="css-checkbox" />
<label for=@q[0]@i class="css-label"></label>
<div class = "Submit">
<input type="submit" class="submit" value="Submit" name="Submit" />
public ActionResult Index(String valueTA, String valueL)
int value = Convert.ToInt32(valueTA);
int valueLan = Convert.ToInt32(valueL);
int assessment = 1;
// DropDownList TYPE ANSWER
string queryTA = "Select distinct TA.type_answer_id, TA.type_name from pfi_type_answer TA, pfi_assessment ASS, pfi_form FO, pfi_contain_answer CA, pfi_contain_question CQ, pfi_question QU where ASS.form_id = FO.form_id and FO.form_id = CQ.form_id and CQ.question_id = QU.question_id and QU.question_id = CA.question_id and TA.type_answer_id = CA.type_answer_id and ASS.assessment_id = " + assessment;
List<SelectListItem> DropListTA = new List<SelectListItem>();
List<object[]> ListTA = database.Select(queryTA);
foreach (object[] s in ListTA)
DropListTA.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = s[1].ToString(), Value = s[0].ToString() });
// DropDownList LANGUAGE
string queryL = "SELECT * FROM PFI_LANGUAGE";
List<SelectListItem> DropListL = new List<SelectListItem>();
List<object[]> ListL = database.Select(queryL);
foreach (object[] s in ListL)
DropListL.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = s[1].ToString(), Value = s[0].ToString() });
ViewBag.formListL = DropListL;
ViewBag.formListTA = DropListTA;
string queryC = "Select count(*) from PFI_ANSWER AN, PFI_TYPE_ANSWER TA where TA.type_answer_id = AN.type_answer_id and TA.type_answer_id= " + value;
//Select count(*) from PFI_ANSWER AN, PFI_TYPE_ANSWER TA, pfi_assessment ASS, pfi_form FO, pfi_question QU, pfi_contain_question CQ, pfi_contain_answer CA where TA.type_answer_id = AN.type_answer_id and ASS.form_id = FO.form_id and FO.form_id = CQ.form_id and QU.question_id = CQ.question_id and QU.question_id = CA.question_id and AN.answer_id = CA.answer_id and TA.type_answer_id = 1 and ASS.assessment_id = 1;
int countAnswers = database.Count(queryC);
ViewBag.countAnswersVB = countAnswers;
String queryAn = "Select answer from PFI_ANSWER AN, PFI_TYPE_ANSWER TA, pfi_assessment ASS, pfi_form FO, pfi_question QU, pfi_contain_question CQ, pfi_contain_answer CA where TA.type_answer_id = AN.type_answer_id and ASS.form_id = FO.form_id and FO.form_id = CQ.form_id and QU.question_id = CQ.question_id and QU.question_id = CA.question_id and TA.type_answer_id = CA.type_answer_id and ASS.assessment_id = 1 and TA.type_answer_id = " + value + " group by answer";
List<object[]> ListAn = database.Select(queryAn);
ViewBag.tableHeaderVB = ListAn;
//Question and Radio buttons
String queryQ = "Select distinct question_number, question from PFI_ANSWER AN, PFI_TYPE_ANSWER TA, pfi_assessment ASS, pfi_form FO, pfi_question QU, pfi_contain_question CQ, pfi_contain_answer CA where TA.type_answer_id = AN.type_answer_id and ASS.form_id = FO.form_id and FO.form_id = CQ.form_id and QU.question_id = CQ.question_id and QU.question_id = CA.question_id and TA.type_answer_id = CA.type_answer_id and ASS.assessment_id = 1 and TA.type_answer_id = " + value;
List<object[]> ListQuestion = database.Select(queryQ);
ViewBag.questionVB = ListQuestion;
//return PartialView();
return View();
我只想刷新表格(Viewbags),我将进入函数&#34; public ActionResult Index(String valueTA,String valueL)&#34;当我更改我的下拉列表的值但没有发生任何事情..
希望你能帮助我。 谢谢。