
时间:2014-04-15 13:37:48

标签: linux-kernel kernel linux-device-driver

我正在尝试编写内核驱动程序。但是,当我在cat / dev / pSeudoDrv上执行cat操作时。它只是不断打印价值。它永远不会退出。我假设cat操作应该在读取一次后退出。但是,它正在永远阅读。这有什么问题?

#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h> /** needed by all modules **/
#include <linux/kernel.h>  /** This is for KERN_ALERT **/
#include <linux/fs.h> /** for file operations **/
#include <linux/cdev.h>  /** character device **/
#include <linux/device.h>  /** for sys device registration in /dev/ and /sys/class **/
/** for copy_to_user **/
#include <asm/uaccess.h>

/** For class registration to work, you need GPL license **/

static struct cdev basicCdev;
static struct class *basicDriverClass;

static int  basicMajorNumber = 0;

/** Prototype for read, this will be invoked when the read function is done on to the driver **/
/** The declaration type is file operations based function pointer - read **/
static ssize_t basicRead(struct file *filp, char *buffer, size_t length,loff_t *offset);

static int basicOspen(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);   

/** File Operations function pointer table **/
/** There are plenty of file operations  **/

static struct file_operations fops = {
  .read = basicRead,
  .write = NULL,
  .open = basicOspen,
  .release = NULL

static ssize_t basicRead(struct file *filp, char *buffer, size_t length, loff_t *offset)
     char msg[1024] = "Hello SJ_read\0";
     printk(KERN_ALERT "The Read operation called\r\n");
     copy_to_user( buffer, msg, sizeof(msg) );
     return sizeof(msg);

static int basicOspen(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)

   printk("Kernel.Basic Driver Opened now!!\r\n");

   return 0;

static void setup_cdev(struct cdev *dev, int minor, struct file_operations *fops)
         int err = -1;
         /** MKDEV call creates a device number i.e. combination of major and minor number **/
         int devno = MKDEV(basicMajorNumber, minor);
         /** Initiliaze character dev with fops **/
         cdev_init(dev, fops);
         /**owner and operations initialized **/
         dev->owner = THIS_MODULE;
         dev->ops = fops;
         /** add the character device to the system**/
         /** Here 1 means only 1 minor number, you can give 2 for 2 minor device, the last param is the count of minor number enrolled **/
         err = cdev_add (dev, devno, 1);

         if (err)
                 printk (KERN_NOTICE "Couldn't add cdev");

static int chrDriverInit(void)

    int result;
    dev_t dev; 

    printk("Welcome!! Device Init now..");

    /** int alloc_chrdev_region(dev_t *dev, unsigned int firstminor,unsigned int count, char *name);  **/
    /** dev -> The dev_t variable type,which will get the major number that the kernel allocates.  **/
    /**The same name will appear in /proc/devices.  **/

    /** it is registering the character device **/   
    /** a major number will be dynamically allocated here **/
    result = alloc_chrdev_region(&dev, 0, 1, "pSeudoDrv");

    if( result < 0 )
      printk("Error in allocating device");
      return -1;    

    /** From these two if's we are avoiding the manual mknod command to create the /dev/<driver> **/
    /**  creating class, and then device created removes the dependency of calling mknod  **/
    /** A good method - the mknod way is depreciated **/
    /** mknod way is -  mknod /dev/<driver_name> c <majorNumber> <minorNumber>

    /** add the driver to /sys/class/chardrv **/
    if ((basicDriverClass = class_create(THIS_MODULE, "chardrv")) == NULL)    //$ls /sys/class
        unregister_chrdev_region(dev, 1);
        return -1;

     /** add the driver to /dev/pSeudoDrv -- here **/
    if (device_create(basicDriverClass, NULL, dev, NULL, "pSeudoDrv") == NULL) //$ls /dev/
        unregister_chrdev_region(dev, 1);
        return -1;

     /** let's see what major number was assigned by the Kernel **/
     basicMajorNumber = MAJOR(dev);
     printk("Kernel assigned major number is %d ..\r\n",basicMajorNumber );

    /** Now setup the cdev **/
    setup_cdev(&basicCdev, 0, &fops);

    return 0;   


static void chrDriverExit(void)
    /** A reverse - destroy mechansim -- the way it was created **/
    printk("Releasing Simple Devs -- %s\r\n",  __FUNCTION__);
    /** delete the character driver added **/
    /** destroy the device created **/
    device_destroy(basicDriverClass, MKDEV(basicMajorNumber, 0));
    /** destroy the class created **/
    /** unregister the chr dev **/
    unregister_chrdev(basicMajorNumber, "pSeudoDrv");



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



要避免这种情况,必须使用在用户空间“char * buffer”中复制的字节数增加“loff_t * offset”并返回确切的数字。当下一次读取呼叫到达时,此“* offset”将保持其值。

现在您将再次接到阅读电话。您必须将“* offset”与需要复制到用户空间的“内核数据大小”进行比较。如果“* offset”大于或等于“内核数据的大小”,则应返回0.这将使用户空间程序知道文件(或设备)中没有更多可用数据,并且该过程将停止读数。

答案 1 :(得分:0)




read的返回值由调用应用程序解释   程序:

  • 如果值等于传递给read系统调用的count参数,则传输所请求的字节数。这是   最佳案例。

  • 如果值为正,但小于count,则只传输部分数据。这可能由于多种原因而发生,   取决于设备。大多数情况下,应用程序重试   阅读。例如,如果您使用fread函数读取,则   库函数重新发出系统调用,直到完成   请求数据传输。

  • 如果值为0,则表示已达到文件结尾(并且未读取任何数据)。

  • 负值表示出现错误。根据,该值指定错误是什么。返回典型值   错误包括-EINTR(中断系统调用)或-EFAULT(错误   地址)。


在你的情况下,sizeof(msg)小于length,它表示用户空间有关部分读取。 如果您不关心部分读取,您可以简单地执行return length;,这样用户空间就会知道读取已完成。
