File input = new File("shipMove.txt");
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(input, null);
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要获取这些信息,最好的方法是使用 Jsoup的选择器API 。使用选择器,您的代码看起来像这样(pseudeocode!):
File input = new File("shipMove.txt");
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(input, null);
Elements matches = doc.select("<your selector here>");
for( Element element : matches )
// do something with found elements
这里提供了很好的文档:Use selector-syntax to find elements。如果您遇到困难,请描述您的问题。
// Select the table with class 'shipinfo'
Elements tables = doc.select("table.shipinfo");
// Iterate over all tables found (since it's only one, you can use first() instead
for( Element element : tables )
// Select all 'td' tags of that table
Elements tdTags = element.select("td");
// Iterate over all 'td' tags found
for( Element td : tdTags )
// Print it's text if not empty
final String text = td.text();
if( text.isEmpty() == false )