
时间:2014-04-06 12:45:29

标签: php class properties getter-setter


我认为我理解吸气剂和制定者以及魔术方法,至少是专业人士使用它们。 (我现在正在使用一种神奇的方法,所以在我学习的时候,我需要维护更少的代码,而且我也不确定我需要存储多少关于我的用户的信息)

我想将$ _userdata作为具有一组属性的对象。 loggedin(true false) firstname(用户的名字) lastname(用户的姓氏) ....和其他人


require_once('facebook/facebook.php'); // require facebook sdk
require_once('config.class.php'); // require config class
require_once('dbconn.class.php'); //require database connector

class user{
    public $_userData; // holds information of our user
    private $conn; // our database connection
    public $facebook; // facebook sdk
    public $fbuser; // the facebook user
    public function __construct(Array $properties=array()) {
        $this->conn = DBconn::getInstance(); //get DB instance
        $this->facebook = new Facebook(Config::read('fb.facebook'));
        $this->_userData = $properties;

    // magic methods for reading/writing our user properties!
    public function __set($property, $value){
        return $this->_userData[$property] = $value;

    public function __get($property){
        return array_key_exists($property, $this->_userData)? 
    * getSession - saves session vars to our user
    * @return bool: true - session retrieved
    *               false - no session found
    public function getSession(){
        if (isset($_SESSION['loggedin']) && $_SESSION['loggedin'] == true) {
            //save session to this user
            $this->_userData->email = $_SESSION['email'];
            $this->_userData->loggedin = $_SESSION['loggedin'];
            $this->_userData->provider = $_SESSION['provider'];
            $this->_userData->uid = $_SESSION['uid'];
            //something wrong as the properties dont get set!!!!
            return true;
            return false;
    public function getProfile(){
        //first set the users profile information
            $pdoQuery = ("SELECT
                email_upl as'email',
                firstname_upl as 'firstname',
                lastname_upl as 'lastname',
                username_upl as 'username',
                image_upl as 'image',
                info_upl as 'info'
                FROM userprofile_upl
                WHERE email_upl = :email"
            $stmt = $this->conn->dbh->prepare($pdoQuery);
            //this->_userdata->email returns null...
            $stmt->bindParam(':email', $this->_userData->email); 
            $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
            // row has no data because the email property has no value!!!
            $this->_userData->email = $row->email;
            $this->_userData->firstname= $row->firstname;
            $this->_userData->lastname = $row->lastname;
            $this->_userData->info = $row->info;
            return (true);
        }catch(PDOException $e){
            echo('There was an error while connecting to your profile<br>');
            return false;
     * loginFacebook - Logs a user into the site with facebook
     * Checks to see if user has an account and if not make one.
     * Checks to see if user has a profile and if not make one.
     * Checks to see if user has facebook credentials on this site
     * @return mixed
    public function loginFacebook(){
        $fbuser = $this->facebook->getUser();//get facebook user
        if($fbuser){// if we have a user returned we have user who's authenticated and logged in with facebook
            try { // Proceed knowing we have a user.
                $me = $this->facebook->api('/me'); // the facebook user
                //generate a log-out url
                $params = array( 'next' => config::read('url.logout'));
                //set user logout_url
                $this->_userData->logout_url = $this->facebook->getLogoutUrl($params);
                //set the users details
                // this values are not getting set
                // so when the setSession is called it has no values to poulate the session with
                $this->_userData->uid = $this->facebook->getUser();
                $this->_userData->firstname = $me['first_name'];
                $this->_userData->lastname = $me['last_name'];
                $this->_userData->email = $me['email'];
                $this->_userData->provider = 'facebook';
            catch (FacebookApiException $e){ //if theres an error
                $fbuser = null; //set the user to nothing
                return false();
            //get a login url, returns to this page so we can process the login($fblogin_url)
            $loginUrl = $this->facebook->getLoginUrl(array('redirect_uri'=>Config::read('url.fblogin'), false));
            header('Location: '.$loginUrl);//redirect to the login page



$user = new user(); // create a new user
$user->getSession(); //get the user from the session
var_dump($user->_userData); // data contains null values



[ “的loggedIn”] =&GT;布尔(真)   [ “电子邮件”] =&GT;空值   [ “UID”] =&GT; NULL [“provider”] =&gt; NULL}



$这 - &GT; _userData



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