我需要一些帮助来制作一个PHP计算器!它是建筑机械租赁的计算器。因此,我将计算租用挖掘机“x”天的费用。第一天它将在此之后每天花费300和+ 200。但如果您租用超过7天,您将获得20%的折扣,如果您租用超过30天,您将获得50%的折扣!请帮帮我!
<form action="calc.php" method="get">
<label value="days">Antall dager: </label>
<input class="field" type="number" min="1" max="50" name="days" value="1">
<input id="button" type="submit" value="Regn ut!">
<div style="text-align:center;">
if (isset($_GET['days'])) {
@$days = ($_GET['days']);
$total = 300 + $days*200;
echo "<br>";
echo "Det vil koste ";
echo "<span style='color:red;'>";
echo $total, " KR ";
echo "</span>";
echo" å leie en byggtørker i ";
echo $days;
echo " dager.";
答案 0 :(得分:-1)
var $total = 300;
$total+= 200* $numDays; // price per day
现在你想知道折扣,只需使用if / else / elseif:
if( $days > 30 ){ /* Do something with the price here, the 50% disacount */ ;}
elseif( $days > 20 ){ /* Do something with the price here, for upto 20days */ ;}
elseif( $days > 7 ){ /* Do something with the price here, 20% discounts */ ;}