
时间:2014-04-03 09:39:21

标签: visual-c++ visual-studio-2013 sybase

我将VC ++代码从VS2008迁移到VS2013。它连接到sybase数据库。我收到此错误"错误消息:0"和警告"警告信息:1",它很奇怪,不幸的是点击此错误也不会错误代码。


3>------ Rebuild All started: Project:Tools, Configuration: Release MinDependency Win32 ------
3>  Performing registration
3>  M_WHEN_WARN,Unable to find the SQL statement 'WHENEVER WARNING'.
3>  0 Error(s) and 1 Warning(s) found.
3>  Statistical Report:
3>      Program name: cpre 
3>      Options specified: /m /r  
3>      Input file name: sqlbox.cp 
3>      Listing file name:  
3>      Target file name: sqlbox.cpp 
3>      ISQL file name:  
3>      Tag ID specified:  
3>      Compiler used: ANSI_C 
3>      Open Client version: CS_VERSION_150 
3>      Number of information messages: 11 
**3>CUSTOMBUILD : Number of warning messages: 1**
**3>CUSTOMBUILD : Number of error messages: 0**
3>      Number of SQL statements parsed: 34 
3>      Number of host variables declared: 43 
3>      Number of SQL cursors declared: 1 
3>      Number of dynamic SQL statements: 0 
3>      Number of stored Procedures generated: 2 
3>      Connection(s) information:
3>          User id: yyyyy
3>          Server: xxxxxx 
3>          Database: zzzz
========== Rebuild All: 2 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========


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