命令在Greasemonkey中执行(400-500 ms)的脚本要比在Firefox控制台中执行的时间长得多100毫秒?
var start = new Date ().getTime ();
console.log (
new Date ().getHours ()+" : " + new Date ().getMinutes ()
+ " : " + new Date ().getSeconds () + " : "
+ new Date ().getMilliseconds ()
setTimeout (foo,100);
//foo ();
function foo () {
var time = new Date () - start;
console.log ("Execution time: " + time + "ms");
,Greasemonkey和Firefox控制台都会快速执行它(~10 ms)。
答案 0 :(得分:5)
实际上,在我的临时系统(Win XP,FF 28.0,GM 1.15)上,这与Greasemonkey几乎没什么关系,与(A)控制台和(B)Firefox和/或你的机器有什么关系正在做。
JavaScript timers are notoriously bad。 (另见"Accuracy of JavaScript Time" by John Resig。)
setInterval (foo, 100);
function foo () {
var time = new Date () - start;
console.log ("Execution time: " + time + "ms");
// ==UserScript==
// @name _Greasemonkey timing test
// @include https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22738493/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// @grant GM_addStyle
/*--- Test:
Both grant modes
FF console
Firebug console
Embedded in page.
var numMeasurements = 100;
var measurementList = [];
var startDate = new Date ();
var startTime = startDate.getTime ();
console.log (
startDate.getHours ()+ " : " + startDate.getMinutes () + " : "
+ startDate.getSeconds () + " : " + startDate.getMilliseconds ()
var startDate = new Date (); //-- Record time just before interval start.
//setTimeout (timelog, 100);
/*--- WARNING: for delays less than about 50, system "granularity" and
overhead effects will distort the results even more.
var logTimer = setInterval (timelog, 100);
function timelog () {
timelog.numloops = timelog.numloops || 0;
if (timelog.numloops >= numMeasurements) {
console.log ('===> Reached ' + timelog.numloops + ' loops.');
clearInterval (logTimer);
//--- Calculate stats:
var stats = {};
stats.min = Number.MAX_VALUE; //-- Always start at opposite
stats.max = Number.MIN_VALUE;
stats.sum = 0;
stats.mean = 0;
stats.sumSqrs = 0;
stats.stdDev = 0;
stats.N = measurementList.length;
for (var J = 0; J < stats.N; ++J) {
var measVal = measurementList[J];
stats.sum += measVal;
stats.sumSqrs += measVal * measVal;
if (measVal > stats.max) stats.max = measVal;
if (measVal < stats.min) stats.min = measVal;
stats.mean = stats.sum / stats.N;
stats.stdDev = Math.sqrt (
(stats.sumSqrs / stats.N) - (stats.mean * stats.mean)
//--- Display stats:
var decsToDisplay = 1;
console.log (' Measurements: ' + stats.N);
console.log (' Average: ' + stats.mean.toFixed (decsToDisplay) );
console.log (' Min to Max: ' + stats.min + ' to ' + stats.max);
console.log ('Std Deviation: ' + stats.stdDev.toFixed (decsToDisplay) );
else {
var timeNow = new Date ();
var timeDif = timeNow - startDate;
measurementList.push (timeDif);
console.log (
'==> Execution time ('
//-- Left-pad value for more legible column, 3 chars wide.
+ (" " + timelog.numloops).slice (-3) + '): '
//-- Left-pad value for more legible column, 4 chars wide.
+ (" " + timeDif).slice (-4) + ' ms '
, timeNow.getTime ()
startDate = timeNow;
安装脚本和/或您可以see this code in action at jsFiddle。
@grant GM_addStyle
设置)。@grant none
使用100 ms延迟和100个样本(可能是有意义数据的最小值)进行测试,得到(所有值都以毫秒为单位):
//-- These first were run against stackoverflow.com/q/22738493 Std Condition Min Max Avg Deviation -------------------------- --- --- ----- --------- Firefox console, run 1: 0 518 138.9 133.2 Firefox console, run 2: 1 466 215.4 209.6 Firebug console, run 1: 1 144 100.5 21.8 Firebug console, run 2: 3 209 100.9 25.2 GM to FF cons, in sandbox: 0 398 135.4 112.9 GM to FF cons, @grant none 1: 0 387 125.3 97.4 GM to FF cons, @grant none 2: 0 563 145.2 122.0 GM to Firebug console: 38 401 109.4 49.1 //-- These were run against jsfiddle.net/caL94/2 jsFiddle to FF console 1: 2 375 113.3 82.5 jsFiddle to FF console 2: 1 575 169.7 171.1 jsFiddle to Firebug console: 27 219 103.5 24.9 jsFiddle, consoles closed 1: 0 530 105.3 57.2 jsFiddle, consoles closed 2: 5 195 100.0 21.9