Youtube Api JSON错误地排列结果

时间:2014-03-27 18:06:10

标签: json video youtube youtube-api


例如: 我输入:' Bizarre Inc壮举安吉布朗我会得到你#39; 我在youtube上看到的第一个视频是:' Bizarre Inc壮举安吉布朗 - 我想要你(1992)'。 我在视频选择器应用程序中看到的第一个视频是:' BIZARRE INC - 我和GONNA GETN(保存和MILLER MASHUP MIX)'

注意:两者都设置为orderby = related,当我更改max-results时视频排序会发生变化;仅当max-result设置为1时,才能正确排序结果。



(function ($) {
$.fn.YouTubePicker = function (options) {
    // default option
    var defaults = {
        MaxResults: 10                                      /* number of YouTube results, per "page" */
        , OrderBy: 'relevance'                                     /* what to order the results by */
        , Author: null                                      /* Author of the video */

        , PlayerNumberOp: 1

        , ShowNumOfViews: true                             /* show number of views for the video */
        , Thumbnail: 'small'                                /* small: 120x90 | large: 480 x 360 */

        , ControlIdSuffix: ''                           /* should give the unique string here if you have multiply of YouTubePicker. 
                                                            Using elements in this plugin will fetch by "id + ControlIdSuffix" */
        , ControlQueryHolder: '.YouTubePickerQuery'              /* selector to take a element to be query holder (where we take string to query                                                                   YouTube) */
        , ControlSearchButton: '.YouTubePickerSearch'            /* selector to take a element to be SearchButton. Click this element to start search. */
        , ControlVideoPlayerHolder: '.YouTubePickerVideoPlayer'  /* selector to take a element to render VideoPlayer */
        , ControlVideoTitleHolder: '.YouTubePickerVideoTitle'
        , ControlVideoList: '.YouTubePickerVideoList'           /* selector to take a element to render VideoList */
        , ControlSelectedUrlHolder: '.YouTubePickerSelectedUrl'  /* When user click to select a video, assign the video's url to this input */

        , InitVideoUrl: ''                                  /* Init if no search query existed, you can put YouTubeVideoId here or the full Url */
        , PlayerWidth: '240'                                /* setting for player */
        , PlayerHeight: '220'                               /* setting for player */
        , AutoPlay: false                                    /* AutoPlay video right after user click an item in the list */
        , ShowRelated: false                                 /* show relate video after finish playing */
        , AllowFullScreen: true                            /* enable FullScreen button of Player */
        , EnableJsApi: true                             /* enable Javascript Api*/
    options = $.extend(defaults, options);

    return this.each(function () {
        var $container = $(this);

        $(options.ControlSearchButton).click(function () {
            /// <summary>
            /// handler click on search button
            /// </summary>

            var requestUrl = '' + options.MaxResults;
            try {
            } catch (ex) { }

            return false;

        $(options.ControlQueryHolder).keydown(function (event) {
            /// <summary>
            /// handler press Enter in query textbox
            /// </summary>

            if ((event.which && event.which == 13) || (event.keyCode && event.keyCode == 13)) {
                return false;
            else {
                return true;

        // take the init video and play it if any

        // $(options.ControlVideoPlayerHolder + "").html(_GetPlayerHtml(_GetYouTubeIdFromUrl(options.InitVideoUrl)));
        // _AssignValueToDivOrTextBox(options.ControlSelectedUrlHolder, options.InitVideoUrl);

        $('a.navigation').click(function () {
            /// <summary>
            /// rebind the list whenever user click to change page
            /// </summary>
            try {
            } catch (ex) { }

            return false;

        * Util function, assign value to element. Element can be div, span, or input
        function _AssignValueToDivOrTextBox(selectorToElement, valueToAssign) {
            try {
            } catch (ex) { }
            try {
            } catch (ex) { }

        function _RequestYouTubeVideos(requestUrl) {
            /// <summary>
            /// fire the jsonp request to get data from YouTube Search API
            /// </summary>
            var query = $(options.ControlQueryHolder).val();
            if (options.Author != null) {
                requestUrl += '&author=' + options.Author;
            if (options.OrderBy != null) {
                requestUrl += '&orderby=' + options.OrderBy;
            if (query != null) {
                requestUrl += '&q=' + query;

                type: "GET",
                url: requestUrl,
                cache: false,
                dataType: 'jsonp',
                global: false,
                success: _OnYouTubeSuccess,
                error: function (result) {
                    $(options.ControlVideoList).html('<p>Please fill in a search term</p>');
                ajaxComplete: function (data) {
                    return false;

        function _BuildNavigation(feed) {
            /// <summary>
            /// Build the navigation link Prev and Next base on the return url in the feed (if existed)
            /// </summary>
            if ( {
                var nextLink = null;
                var prevLink = null;

                for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
                    var link =[i];
                    if (link.rel == 'next') {
                        nextLink = link.href;
                    else if (link.rel == 'previous') {
                        prevLink = link.href;

                if (nextLink) {
                    $('').attr('href', nextLink).show();
                else {
                if (prevLink) {
                    $('.navigation.prev').attr('href', prevLink).show();
                else {

        function formatSecondsAsTime(secs) {
        var hr = Math.floor(secs / 3600);
        var min = Math.floor((secs - (hr * 3600)) / 60);
        var sec = Math.floor(secs - (hr * 3600) - (min * 60));

        if (hr < 10) {
        hr = "0" + hr;
        if (min < 10) {
        min = "0" + min;
        if (sec < 10) {
        sec = "0" + sec;
        if (hr) {
        hr = "00";

        return hr + ':' + min + ':' + sec;

        function _ParseYouTubeFeedItem(feedData) {
            /// <summary>
            /// Extract what we want from YouTube feedData                
            /// </summary>
            var dto = [];

   = _StripFeature([0].href.substring([0].href.indexOf('=') + 1,[0].href.length));
            dto.url =[0].href;
            dto.title = feedData.title.$t;
            if (options.Thumbnail == 'large') {
                var index = 0;  // first thumb is large size
            } else {
                var index =$$thumbnail.length - 1; // take the last small thumb
            dto.thumbnail =$$thumbnail[index].url;
            dto.description =$$description.$t;
            dto.duration = formatSecondsAsTime($$content[0].duration);

            if ($statistics) {
                dto.views =$statistics.viewCount;
            else if (!$statistics) {
                dto.views = '0';

            return dto;

        * Process the json result, render the list
        function _OnYouTubeSuccess(result) {
            var feed = result.feed;
            var rfeed = feed.entry || [];
            var relVideos = [];

            var $ctrVideoList = $(options.ControlVideoList);

            // build the navigation

            if (rfeed.length > 0) {
                $(rfeed).each(function (i) {
                    /// <summary>
                    /// from feeditem from YouTube, build the video data object
                    /// </summary>

                    relVideos[i] = _ParseYouTubeFeedItem(rfeed[i]);

                }).ready(function () {
                    var $itemsHtml = $('<div>');    // temporary DOM node to append VideoItem to

                    $(relVideos).each(function (i) {
                        /// <summary>
                        /// Create each list item
                        /// </summary>

                        $itemsHtml.append('<li class="VideoItem">');
                        videoItem = $itemsHtml.find('.VideoItem:last');

                        videoItem.append('<div class="VideoThumb">');
                        videoThumb = videoItem.find('.VideoThumb');
                        $('<a>').addClass('YouTubelink').attr('href', relVideos[i].url).append('<img src="' + relVideos[i].thumbnail + '">').appendTo(videoThumb);

                        videoItem.append('<div class="VideoInfo">');
                        videoInfo = videoItem.find('.VideoInfo');
                        videoInfo.append('<a href="' + relVideos[i].url + '" title="' + relVideos[i].description + '" class="VideoTitle YouTubelink"><strong>' + relVideos[i].title + ' </strong><br /><span class="VideoNumOfViews">' + relVideos[i].views + ' views</span><br /><span></span>' + relVideos[i].duration + '<br /></a>');


                    // clear the list

                // load inital video after finish rendering the list
                // take the first video in the list, take it link, take it href, assign to the Player

                // ERASED THIS PART
                //var firstVid = $ctrVideoList.children("li:first-child").addClass("selected").find("a").eq(1).attr("href");
                //$(options.ControlVideoPlayerHolder + "").html(_GetPlayerHtml(_GetYouTubeIdFromUrl(firstVid)));

                $ctrVideoList.find("li a").unbind('click').bind('click', function () {

                    /// <summary>
                    /// load video on click of a in li
                    /// </summary>
                    try {
                        var selectedUrl = $(this).attr("href");

                        // return the selectedUrl to outside (try catch to avoid error in IE)
                        _AssignValueToDivOrTextBox(options.ControlSelectedUrlHolder, selectedUrl);

                        $(options.ControlVideoPlayerHolder + "").html(_GetPlayerHtml(_GetYouTubeIdFromUrl(selectedUrl)));

                        // DIT IS EEN TEST
                        $(options.ControlVideoTitleHolder + "").html(_GetTitleHtml(_GetYouTubeIdFromUrl(selectedUrl)));

                    } catch (ex) { }

                    return false;

            } else {
                /* if we have no YouTube videos returned, let's tell user */
                $ctrVideoList.html('<p>There is no result</p>');
        }   // end _OnYouTubeSuccess

        function _ArraySort(a, b) {
            if (a.title < b.title) {
                return -1;
            else if (a.title > b.title) {
                return 1;
            else {
                return 0;

        function _StripFeature(vidID) {
            var featureLoc = vidID.indexOf('&feature=YouTube_gdata');
            if (featureLoc >= 0) {
                return vidID.substring(0, featureLoc);
            } else {
                return vidID;

        * Create a Player HTML code to play an YouTubeID, and return it HTML string
        function _GetPlayerHtml(YouTubeVideoId) {
            // if YouTubeVideoId is null or empty, we provide an empty div with same dimension of the Player
            // This will fix a bug of IE (IE will load the swf forever if object movie is empty and/or embbed src is empty              
            if (!YouTubeVideoId) {
                return '<div style="width:240px;height:220px">';

            var html = '';
            var PlayerNumber = options.PlayerNumberOp;

            html += '<object height="220" width="240">';
            html += '<param name="movie" value="'+YouTubeVideoId+'?enablejsapi=1&rel=0&showinfo=2&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1"> </param>';
            html += '<param name="wmode" value="transparent"> </param>';
            // I HAVE CHANGED THIS
            html += '<iframe onload="floaded'+PlayerNumber+'()" id="player'+PlayerNumber+'" width="240" height="220" src="'+YouTubeVideoId+'?enablejsapi=1&rel=0&showinfo=2&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> </iframe>';
            html += '</object>';

            return html;

        function _GetTitleHtml(YouTubeVideoId) {

            var html = '';
            var PlayerNumber = options.PlayerNumberOp;


        var finaltext1="<div id='title1'><h5 class='redtext'>USER SELECTED</h5><h5>"+video_title1+"</h5></div>";


            return html;

        function _GetYouTubeIdFromUrl(url) {
            /// <summary>
            /// use RegEx too grab a YouTube id from a (clean, no querystring) url (thanks to
            /// <return>empty string if cannot match.</return>
            /// </summary>
            if (url && url != '') {
                try {
                    var ytid = url.match("[\\?&]v=([^&#]*)");
                    ytid = ytid[1];
                    return ytid;
                catch (ex) { }
            return '';

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


