SWIG是否支持“智能”C ++指针?

时间:2014-03-26 13:44:43

标签: c++ templates operator-overloading swig

我使用模板类来处理C ++中的 smart 指针。这是模板的代码(简化)

#ifndef __IL_REF_PTR_H__
#define __IL_REF_PTR_H__

// (More stuff here...)

// This is for DLL creation
#define OPENIL_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define OPENIL_API __declspec(dllimport)

namespace openil

    /** Smart pointer for handling referenced counted objects.*/
    template<class T> class OPENIL_API IL_ref_ptr
            typedef T element_type;

            IL_ref_ptr() :m_ptr(0L) {}
            IL_ref_ptr(T* t):m_ptr(t)              { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->ref(); }
            IL_ref_ptr(const IL_ref_ptr& rp):m_ptr(rp.m_ptr)  { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->ref(); }
            ~IL_ref_ptr()                           { if (m_ptr) m_ptr->unref(); m_ptr=0; }

            inline IL_ref_ptr& operator = (const IL_ref_ptr& rp)
                if (m_ptr==rp.m_ptr)
                    return *this;

                T* tmp_ptr = m_ptr;
                m_ptr       = rp.m_ptr;

                if (m_ptr)
                // unref second to prevent any deletion of any object which might
                // be referenced by the other object. i.e rp is child of the
                // original _ptr.
                if (tmp_ptr)

                return *this;

            inline IL_ref_ptr& operator = (T* ptr)
                if (m_ptr==ptr)
                    return *this;

                T* tmp_ptr = m_ptr;
                m_ptr       = ptr;

                if (m_ptr)
                // unref second to prevent any deletion of any object which might
                // be referenced by the other object. i.e rp is child of the
                // original _ptr.
                if (tmp_ptr)

                return *this;

            // comparison operators for IL_ref_ptr.
            inline bool operator == (const IL_ref_ptr& rp) const { return (m_ptr==rp.m_ptr); }
            inline bool operator != (const IL_ref_ptr& rp) const { return (m_ptr!=rp.m_ptr); }
            inline bool operator <  (const IL_ref_ptr& rp) const { return (m_ptr<rp.m_ptr); }
            inline bool operator >  (const IL_ref_ptr& rp) const { return (m_ptr>rp.m_ptr); }

            // comparison operator for const T*.
            inline bool operator == (const T* ptr) const { return (m_ptr==ptr); }
            inline bool operator != (const T* ptr) const { return (m_ptr!=ptr); }
            inline bool operator <  (const T* ptr) const { return (m_ptr<ptr); }
            inline bool operator >  (const T* ptr) const { return (m_ptr>ptr); }

            inline       T& operator   *  ()       {return *m_ptr;}

            inline const T& operator   *  () const {return *m_ptr;}

            inline       T *operator   -> ()       {return  m_ptr;}

            inline const T *operator   -> () const {return  m_ptr;}

            inline       bool operator !  () const {return  m_ptr == 0L;}

            inline       bool valid       () const {return  m_ptr != 0L;}

            inline       T    *get        ()       {return  m_ptr;}

            inline const T    *get        () const {return  m_ptr;}

            /** take control over the object pointed to by IL_ref_ptr, unreference but do not delete even if ref count goes to 0,
            * return the pointer to the object.
            * Note, do not use this unless you are 100% sure your code handles the deletion of the object correctly, and
            * only use when absolutely required.*/
            inline T* take    () {return release();}

            inline T* release ()
                T *tmp = m_ptr;

                if (m_ptr)

                m_ptr = 0;

                return tmp;

            T* m_ptr;


此模板是复杂C ++ DLL的一部分,我需要在Java,Python,PHP和Ruby项目中使用它。所以,我尝试使用SWIG 3创建一个包装器。但是阅读documentation,我发现了这个:


目前不支持以下C ++功能:已重载   某些运算符的版本(new,delete等)

由于我在模板中基本上超载了一些操作符,我是否会遇到SWIG问题?我之前从未使用过它,所以我想在获得结果之前需要相当长的时间。我不想走所有路,然后发现它对我的目的没用(再次:使用我的Java库,Python PHP和Ruby库)。



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