我尝试创建一个跟随jquery / javascript函数的asp“经典”版本,以防止恶意代码输入到数据库中。
当用户在输入字段中键入产品名称时,它会自动更改permlink P的html值和隐藏的输入字段。一旦用户点击提交按钮,我希望它在进入数据库之前在服务器端进行验证。
$(".item-name").keyup(function() {
function convertToSlug(Text)
return Text
.replace(/[^\w ]+/g,'')
.replace(/ +/g,'-')
replace(strItem, "<", "")
replace(strItem, ">", "")
replace(strItem, "/", "")
replace(strItem, "\", "")
... etc etc
此致 沙恩
答案 0 :(得分:1)
刚刚在博客上发现这个与jquery相同。 它将字符串转换为url / seo。似乎完美无缺。
Function isURL(strURL)
Dim Slug, re, re2
'Everything to lower case
Slug = lcase(strURL)
' Replace - with empty space
Slug = Replace(Slug, "-", " ")
' Replace unwanted characters with space
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "[^a-z0-9\s-]"
re.Global = True
Slug = re.Replace(Slug, " ")
' Replace multple white spaces with single space
Set re2 = New RegExp
re2.Pattern = "\s+"
re2.Global = True
Slug = re2.Replace(Slug, " ")
Slug = Trim(Slug)
' Replace white space with -
Slug = Replace(Slug," ", "-")
isURL = Slug
End Function