我正在开发一个可以解压缩deflate压缩的函数,所以我可以在我的c ++程序中读取/绘制png文件。但是,在某些方面,deflate规范并不十分明确。
所以我的主要问题是: 第3.2.7段。使用规范的动态霍夫曼代码(BTYPE = 10)进行压缩 距离代码遵循文字/长度
但它没有说明距离代码占用了多少位,是整个字节吗? 距离代码是如何关联的?它是什么用的,真的吗?
任何人都有一般性的解释吗?因为规范有点缺乏清晰度。 我在这里找到的规范: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1951.txt
#include "resource.h"
#ifdef _WIN64
typedef unsigned long long SIZE_PTR;
typedef unsigned long SIZE_PTR;
typedef struct _IMAGE {
DWORD Width; //Width in pixels.
DWORD Height; //Height in pixels.
DWORD BitsPerPixel; //24 (RGB), 32 (RGBA).
DWORD Planes; //Count of color planes
PBYTE Pixels; //Pointer to the first pixel of the image.
typedef DWORD LodePNGColorType;
typedef struct _LodePNGColorMode {
DWORD colortype;
DWORD bitdepth;
} LodePNGColorMode;
typedef struct LodePNGInfo
/*header (IHDR), palette (PLTE) and transparency (tRNS) chunks*/
unsigned compression_method;/*compression method of the original file. Always 0.*/
unsigned filter_method; /*filter method of the original file*/
unsigned interlace_method; /*interlace method of the original file*/
LodePNGColorMode color; /*color type and bits, palette and transparency of the PNG file*/
} LodePNGInfo;
typedef struct _ZLIB {
//DWORD DICTID; //if FLG.FDICT (Bit 5) is set, this variable follows.
//Compressed data here...
typedef struct _PNG_IHDR {
DWORD Width;
DWORD Height;
BYTE BitDepth;
BYTE ColourType;
BYTE CompressionMethod;
BYTE FilterMethod;
BYTE InterlaceMethod;
typedef struct _PNG_CHUNK {
DWORD Length;
CHAR ChuckType[4];
typedef struct _PNG {
BYTE Signature[8];
PNG_CHUNK FirstChunk;
代码.cpp文件: 主函数可以在文件的底部找到(LoadPng)
BYTE LoadPng(PPNG PngFile, PIMAGE ImageData)
PDWORD Pixel = 0;
DWORD ChunkSize = 0;
PPNG_IHDR PngIhdr = (PPNG_IHDR) ((SIZE_PTR) &PngFile->FirstChunk + sizeof(PNG_CHUNK));
DWORD Png_Width = Png_ReadDword((PBYTE)&PngIhdr->Width);
DWORD Png_Height = Png_ReadDword((PBYTE)&PngIhdr->Height);
DWORD BufferSize = (Png_Width*Png_Height) * 8; //This just a guess right now, havent done the math yet. !!!
ChunkSize = Png_ReadDword((PBYTE)&PngFile->FirstChunk.Length);
PPNG_CHUNK ThisChunk = (PPNG_CHUNK) ((SIZE_PTR)&PngFile->FirstChunk + ChunkSize + 12); //12 is the length var itself, Chunktype and CRC.
PBYTE UncompressedData = (PBYTE) malloc(BufferSize);
INT RetValue = 0;
ChunkSize = Png_ReadDword((PBYTE)&ThisChunk->Length);
NextChunk = (PPNG_CHUNK) ((SIZE_PTR)ThisChunk + ChunkSize + 12); //12 is the length var itself, Chunktype and CRC.
if (Png_IsChunk(ThisChunk->ChuckType, "IDAT")) //Is IDAT ?
PZLIB iData = (PZLIB) ((SIZE_PTR)ThisChunk + 8); //8 is the length and chunkType.
PBYTE FirstBlock; //ponter to the first 3 bits of the deflate stuff.
if ((iData->CMF & 8) == 8) //deflate compression method.
if ((iData->FLG & 0x20) == 0x20)
FirstBlock = (PBYTE) ((SIZE_PTR)iData + 6); //DICTID Present.
else FirstBlock = (PBYTE) ((SIZE_PTR)iData + 2); //DICTID Not present.
RetValue = puff(UncompressedData, &BufferSize, FirstBlock, &ChunkSize); //I belive chunksize should be fine.
if (RetValue != 0)
WCHAR ErrorText[100];
swprintf_s(ErrorText, 100, L"%u", RetValue); //Convert data into string.
MessageBox(NULL, ErrorText, NULL, MB_OK);
ThisChunk = NextChunk;
} while (!Png_IsChunk(ThisChunk->ChuckType, "IEND"));
//LodePNGInfo ImageInfo;
//PBYTE Png_Real_Image = (PBYTE) malloc(BufferSize);
//ImageInfo.compression_method = PngIhdr->CompressionMethod;
//ImageInfo.filter_method = PngIhdr->FilterMethod;
//ImageInfo.interlace_method = PngIhdr->InterlaceMethod;
//ImageInfo.color.bitdepth = PngIhdr->BitDepth;
//ImageInfo.color.colortype = PngIhdr->ColourType;
//Remove Filter/crap blah blah.
//postProcessScanlines(Png_Real_Image, UncompressedData, Png_Width, Png_Height, &ImageInfo);
ImageData->Width = Png_Width;
ImageData->Height = Png_Height;
ImageData->Planes = 0; //Will need changed later.
ImageData->BitsPerPixel = 32; //Will need changed later.
ImageData->Pixels = 0;
//ImageData->Pixels = Png_Real_Image; //image not uncompressed yet.
return TRUE; //ret true for now. fix later.
答案 0 :(得分:1)
问题不在于粉扑。 在调用puff之前,需要将png文件中的所有IDAT块放在一起。
BYTE LoadPng(PPNG PngFile, PIMAGE ImageData)
PDWORD Pixel = 0;
DWORD ChunkSize = 0;
PPNG_IHDR PngIhdr = (PPNG_IHDR) ((SIZE_PTR) &PngFile->FirstChunk + sizeof(PNG_CHUNK));
DWORD Png_Width = Png_ReadDword((PBYTE)&PngIhdr->Width);
DWORD Png_Height = Png_ReadDword((PBYTE)&PngIhdr->Height);
DWORD BufferSize = (Png_Width*Png_Height) * 8; //This just a guess right now, havent done the math yet. !!!
ChunkSize = Png_ReadDword((PBYTE)&PngFile->FirstChunk.Length);
PPNG_CHUNK ThisChunk = (PPNG_CHUNK) ((SIZE_PTR)&PngFile->FirstChunk + ChunkSize + 12); //12 is the length var itself, Chunktype and CRC.
PBYTE UncompressedData = (PBYTE) malloc(BufferSize);
PBYTE TempBuffer = (PBYTE) malloc(BufferSize); //Put all idat chunks together befor uncompressing.
DWORD DeflateSize = 0; //All IDAT Chunks Added.
PBYTE FirstBlock = NULL; //ponter to the first 3 bits of the deflate stuff.
INT RetValue = 0;
ChunkSize = Png_ReadDword((PBYTE)&ThisChunk->Length);
NextChunk = (PPNG_CHUNK) ((SIZE_PTR)ThisChunk + ChunkSize + 12); //12 is the length var itself, Chunktype and CRC.
if (Png_IsChunk(ThisChunk->ChuckType, "IDAT")) //Is IDAT ?
CopyMemory(&TempBuffer[DeflateSize], (PBYTE) ((SIZE_PTR)ThisChunk + 8), ChunkSize); //8 is the length and chunkType.
DeflateSize += ChunkSize;
ThisChunk = NextChunk;
} while (!Png_IsChunk(ThisChunk->ChuckType, "IEND"));
iData = (PZLIB) TempBuffer;
if ((iData->CMF & 8) == 8) //deflate compression method.
if ((iData->FLG & 0x20) == 0x20)
FirstBlock = (PBYTE) ((SIZE_PTR)iData + 6); //DICTID Present.
else FirstBlock = (PBYTE) ((SIZE_PTR)iData + 2); //DICTID Not present.
RetValue = puff(UncompressedData, &BufferSize, FirstBlock, &DeflateSize); //I belive chunksize should be fine.
if (RetValue != 0)
WCHAR ErrorText[100];
swprintf_s(ErrorText, 100, L"%u", RetValue);
MessageBox(NULL, ErrorText, NULL, MB_OK);
//LodePNGInfo ImageInfo;
//PBYTE Png_Real_Image = (PBYTE) malloc(BufferSize);
//ImageInfo.compression_method = PngIhdr->CompressionMethod;
//ImageInfo.filter_method = PngIhdr->FilterMethod;
//ImageInfo.interlace_method = PngIhdr->InterlaceMethod;
//ImageInfo.color.bitdepth = PngIhdr->BitDepth;
//ImageInfo.color.colortype = PngIhdr->ColourType;
//Remove Filter/crap blah blah.
//postProcessScanlines(Png_Real_Image, UncompressedData, Png_Width, Png_Height, &ImageInfo);
ImageData->Width = Png_Width;
ImageData->Height = Png_Height;
ImageData->Planes = 0; //Will need changed later.
ImageData->BitsPerPixel = 32; //Will need changed later.
ImageData->Pixels = 0;
//ImageData->Pixels = Png_Real_Image; //image not uncompressed yet.
return TRUE; //ret true for now. fix later.
答案 1 :(得分:0)
你需要先阅读压缩,因为你有很多基本的东西没有得到。例如。 数据压缩书,作者:Nelson和Gailly。
如果你不知道距离是什么,那么你需要先了解LZ77 compression approach。
答案 2 :(得分:0)
我希望能够更清楚地说明之前的内容 - 霍夫曼编码是一种使用可变位数编码值的方法。例如,在ASCII编码中,无论使用频率如何,每个字母都会获得相同的位数。在霍夫曼编码中,你可以制作" e"比#" X"。