
时间:2014-03-21 17:30:44

标签: python algorithm math numpy graph

我正在进行图表分析。我想计算N×N相似度矩阵,其包含每两个顶点之间的Adamic Adar相似性。为了概述Adamic Adar,让我从这个介绍开始:

给定无向图A的邻接矩阵GCN是两个顶点xy的所有常见邻居的集合。两个顶点的公共邻居是两个顶点具有边缘/链接的顶点,即两个顶点对于A中的对应公共邻居节点将具有1。 k_n是节点n的度数。

Adamic-Adar定义如下:enter image description here



def aa(graph):

    Calculates the Adamic-Adar index.

N = graph.num_vertices()
A = gts.adjacency(graph)
S = np.zeros((N,N))
degrees = get_degrees_dic(graph)
for i in xrange(N):
    A_i = A[i]
    for j in xrange(N):
        if j != i:
            A_j = A[j]
            intersection = A_i + A_j
            common_ns_degs = list()
            for index in xrange(N):
                if intersection[index] == 2:
                    cn_deg = degrees[index]
            S[i,j] = np.sum(common_ns_degs)
return S 

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我相信你使用的是相当缓慢的方法。最好还原它 -
   - 用零初始化AA(Adamic-Adar)矩阵    - 对于每个节点k得到它的度k_deg
   - calc d = log(1.0/k_deg)(为什么log10 - 重要与否?)
   - 将d添加到所有AA ij ,其中i,j - k th 行中的所有1对  邻接矩阵的 修改
   - 对于稀疏图,将k th 行中所有1的位置提取到列表以达到O(V *(V + E))复杂度而不是O(V ^ 3)

AA = np.zeros((N,N))
for k = 0 to N - 1 do
    AdjList = []
    for j = 0 to N - 1 do
        if A[k, j] = 1 then
    k_deg = AdjList.Length
    d = log(1/k_deg)
    for j = 0 to AdjList.Length - 2 do
      for i = j+1 to AdjList.Length - 1 do
         AA[AdjList[i],AdjList[j]] = AA[AdjList[i],AdjList[j]] + d  
         //half of matrix filled, it is symmetric for undirected graph

答案 1 :(得分:1)


def adar_adamic(adj_mat):    
    """Computes Adar-Adamic similarity matrix for an adjacency matrix"""

    Adar_Adamic = np.zeros(adj_mat.shape)
    for i in adj_mat:
        AdjList = i.nonzero()[0] #column indices with nonzero values
        k_deg = len(AdjList)
        d = np.log(1.0/k_deg) # row i's AA score

        #add i's score to the neighbor's entry
        for i in xrange(len(AdjList)):
            for j in xrange(len(AdjList)):
                if AdjList[i] != AdjList[j]:
                    cell = (AdjList[i],AdjList[j])
                    Adar_Adamic[cell] = Adar_Adamic[cell] + d

    return Adar_Adamic

答案 2 :(得分:1)


degrees = A.sum(axis=0)
weights = np.log10(1.0/degrees)
adamic_adar = (A*weights).dot(A.T)


from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

degrees = A.sum(axis=0)
weights = csr_matrix(np.log10(1.0/degrees))
adamic_adar = A.multiply(weights) * A.T


答案 3 :(得分:1)

我认为大多数功能都类似于Rigraph python_igraph中定义的one以及节点相似度(Adamic_Adar)