DataHandler.getAssignedTasks(Id, Role, Type, city, Flag, Loc, Month, cat, Act,
{ callback : function(data){
* Setting result values into local variable
resultSet = data;
var Grid = $("#Grid");
* Deciding the sorting format according to the Date format.
var sortingType = "";
if("yy/mm/dd" == gUserDateFormat)
sortingType = 'text';
else if("dd/mm/yy" == gUserDateFormat)
sortingType = 'date';
* Configure the grid for the required fields with values and load the data in
* the DIV 'taskGrid'
datatype : "local",
data : resultSet,
height : (gridRows * 7) + 5,
width : pageInnerWidth - (pageInnerWidth * 0.1225),
sortable : false,
ignoreCase : true,
sortorder : "desc",
colNames : ['Title', 'Location','Act', 'mat', 'Date', 'Status', 'Action', 'Aging', 'Imp', 'Mon', 'Rev', 'Type', 'city'],
colModel : [{
name : 'title',
index : 'title',
formatter : function(cellValue, rowObject) {
return '<a href="taskDetails?taskId=' + rowObject.rowId + '" target="_blank">' + cellValue + '</a>';
width : '160',
align : 'left',
sorttype : 'text'
name : 'cLocation',
index : 'cLocation',
width : '275',
align : 'left',
sorttype : 'text',
hidden : hideLocationData
name : 'act',
index : 'act',
width : '160',
align : 'left',
sorttype : 'text'
}, {
name : 'mat',
index : 'mat',
width : '160',
align : 'left',
sorttype : 'text'
name : 'date',
index : 'date',
width : '120',
align : 'left',
sorttype : sortingType,
datefmt: 'd/m/Y',
sortable: true,
formatoptions: {srcformat: 'd/m/Y', newformat:'d/m/Y'}
}, {
name : 'status',
index : 'status',
width : '110',
align : 'left',
sorttype : 'text'
}, {
name : 'actionLink',
index : 'actionLink',
formatter : function(cellValue, rowObject) {
return '<a href="companyDetails?taskId=' + rowObject.rowId + '" target="_blank">' + cellValue + '</a>';
width : '80',
align : 'left',
sortable : false,
searchable : false,
hidden : hideActionLink
}, {
name : 'aging',
index : 'aging',
width : '70',
align : 'left',
sorttype : 'numeric'
}, {
name : 'imp',
index : 'imp',
width : '120',
align : 'left',
sorttype : 'text',
hidden : hideimpData
}, {
name : 'mon',
index : 'mon',
width : '120',
align : 'left',
sorttype : 'text',
hidden : hideMonData
}, {
name : 'revName',
index : 'revName',
width : '120',
align : 'center',
sorttype : 'text',
hidden : hideRevData
}, {
name : 'typeName',
index : 'typeName',
width : '5',
align : 'center',
sorttype : 'text',
hidden : true,
searchoptions : { searchhidden : true }
}, {
name : 'cityName',
index : 'cityName',
width : '5',
align : 'center',
sorttype : 'text',
hidden : true,
searchoptions : { searchhidden : true }
rowList : [ 15, 30, 50, 75, 100 ],
pager : '#taskPager',
rowNum : gridRows,
altRows : true,
altclass : "myclass",
viewrecords : true
if (!searchEnabledOnTaskGrid)
* Configure the grid 'taskGrid' to enable search on fields
searchOnEnter : false,
defaultSearch : "cn",
beforeSearch : function(){
if (specialCharactersCheck($("#gs_title").val())
|| specialCharactersCheck($("#gs_cLocation").val())
|| specialCharactersCheck($("#gs_act").val())
|| specialCharactersCheck($("#gs_mat").val())
|| specialCharactersCheck($("#gs_date").val())
|| specialCharactersCheck($("#gs_statusText").val())
|| specialCharactersCheck($("#gs_actionLink").val())
|| specialCharactersCheck($("#gs_aging").val())
|| specialCharactersCheck($("#gs_impName").val())
|| specialCharactersCheck($("#gs_monName").val())
|| specialCharactersCheck($("#gs_revName").val())
|| specialCharactersCheck($("#gs_typeName").val())
|| specialCharactersCheck($("#gs_cityName").val()))
return true;
valtypeName = $("#typeName option:selected").text();
if (valTaskType == "Show All")
valtypeName = "";
valcity = $("#city option:selected").text();
if (valcity == "Show All")
valcity = "";
var myGrid = $("#taskGrid");
var myFilter = {groupOp: "AND", mats: []};
var postData = myGrid.jqGrid('getGridParam','postData');
var searchData = jQuery.parseJSON(postData.filters);
for (var iMat = 0; iMat < searchData.rules.length; iMat ++)
myFilter.mats.push({ field: searchData.mats[iMat ].field, op: "cn", data: searchData.mats[iMat ].data });
if (valtypeName .length !== 0)
myFilter.mats.push({ field: "typeName", op: "cn", data: valtypeName });
if (valcity.length !== 0)
myFilter.mats.push({ field: "cityName", op: "cn", data: valcity });
myGrid[0].p.search = true;
$.extend(myGrid[0].p.postData, { filters: JSON.stringify(myFilter) });
myGrid.trigger("reloadGrid", [{ page: 1, current: true}]);
return true;
searchEnabledOnTaskGrid = true;
errorHandler : function(){
async : false
答案 0 :(得分:1)
我认为加载10秒的问题不在加载 5000行中。唯一的问题是您使用rowNum : gridRows
设置一些更合理的值,例如rowNum: 50
。我建议您另外使用height: "auto"
而不是height : (gridRows * 7) + 5
我无论如何我都会严格建议添加gridview: true
作为网格选项,以提高网格性能,而不会有任何其他缺点。有关其他信息,请参阅the answer。