
时间:2014-03-18 22:23:39

标签: java foursquare


字符串callbackUrl =" https://developer.foursquare.com/docs/samples/explore?client_id=6666666&v=20140101&ll=43,-79&client_secret=55555555&#34 ;;

FoursquareApi foursquareApi = new FoursquareApi(clientId, client_Secret, callbackUrl);

    Result<Recommended> result = foursquareApi.venuesExplore(ll, null, null, null, null,null,query, null, null);
        if (result.getMeta().getCode() == 200) 

      for (RecommendationGroup venue : result.getResult().getGroups()) 
             for(Recommendation r: venue.getItems())
                CompactVenue cmp = r.getVenue();

      System.out.println("Error occured: ");
      System.out.println("  code: " + result.getMeta().getCode());
      System.out.println("  type: " + result.getMeta().getErrorType());
      System.out.println("  detail: " + result.getMeta().getErrorDetail()); 


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

I had the same error. For me it helped to change the venuesExplore() Method of the FoursquareApi.

public Result<Recommended> venuesExplore(String ll, Double llAcc, Double alt, Double altAcc, Integer radius, String section, String query, Integer limit, String basis) throws FoursquareApiException {..}

It seems that there is something wrong with the json parsing of the keywords. So I changed the:

 KeywordGroup keywords = (KeywordGroup) JSONFieldParser.parseEntity(KeywordGroup.class, response.getResponse().getJSONObject("keywords"), this.skipNonExistingFields);


 KeywordGroup keywords = new KeywordGroup(); 

So no keywords in the result but the rest of the answer ist parsed right.