
时间:2014-03-15 00:10:56

标签: jquery forms


  1. 在li上添加/删除一个类(基本上是活动状态)。
  2. 将li的值设置为相应文本字段中的值。
  3. 脚本:

        var hinput = $('input[name="range1"]');
        $("ul#range1 li").click( function() {


    <ul class="rangeSelect" id="range1">
         <li value="1"><span>1</span></li>
         <li value="2"><span>2</span></li>
         <li value="3"><span>3</span></li>
    <input type="text" name="range1">



    1. 要设置为父UL上的ID的输入名称(在脚本中)。
    2. 要在父UL上设置ID的UL ID(在脚本中)。
    3. 将活动类应用于活动列表中的li(而不是仅在多个UL之间激活一个活动状态)。
    4. 所有这些点都旨在允许使用多个列表而无需修改/复制脚本。




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


// creating a jQuery plug-in, protecting the '$' alias:
(function ($) {
    // defining the name of the plug-in itself, and supplying 'opts' to make it,
    // in some small way, customisable:
    $.fn.listRadio = function (opts) {
        // incorporating the user-defined options (from 'opts') with
        // the defined defaults (those defined in the object literal):
        var settings = $.extend({
            'activeClassName' : 'active',
            'valueProperty' : 'data-value'
        }, opts);

        // 'this' is the jQuery object, not a DOM node, we're iterating over that:
        this.each(function () {
            // $(this) is the current element in the collection over
            // which we're iterating:
            var wrapper = $(this),

                // defining which element should receive the value,
                // in this case it's the 'input' whose 'name' is equal
                // to the current-element's id property:
                outputTo = $('input[name="' + wrapper.prop('id') + '"]');

            // binding a click-handler to the current element:
            wrapper.on('click', function (e) {

                // caching the clicked element:
                var target = e.target,

                // finding out which element should receive the active state,
                // if the clicked element is an 'li' that should be the active element:
                if (target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'li') {
                    $self = $(target);

                // otherwise, it should be the element that has the activeClassName:
                else if (wrapper.find('li.' + settings.activeClassName).length) {
                    $self = wrapper.find('li.' + settings.activeClassName);

                // otherwise it's the first 'li' in the current element
                // (this will likely be the case only on page-load):
                else {
                    $self = wrapper.find('li').eq(0);

                // setting the value to the relevant property/attribute of
                // whichever element is currently 'active':


                    // adding the activeClassName to the 'active' element:

                    // finding the siblings of the active element:

                    // removing the activeClassName from those siblings:
            // triggering the click-event, so the plugin acts on page-load:

// call like so (no customisation):

JS Fiddle demo

// call and set a different class-name to represent the 'active' state:
    'activeClassName' : 'otherClassName'

JS Fiddle demo

在上面的说明中,仍有liactive类名称的元素,它仍然将其着色为红色,但不影响其他li的选择} elements。

// call and set a different attribute from which to receive the 'value':
    'valueProperty' : 'id'

JS Fiddle demo
