这是我的学校项目 - 我的老师说只做'做这个工作'(这段代码应该成对地交换字母)并且没有说装配甚至是如何工作的。
ORG 100h
jmp Poczatek
Text DB 'Some text$'
mov ax, OFFSET Text
mov ds, ax
mov bx, 0
cmp ax, "$"
mov al, [bx]
je Show
inc bh
mov [bx], ah
cmp al, '$'
mov [bx-1], ax
je Show
mov [bx], bl
dec bl
jmp Loop
mov ah, 09h
mov dx, OFFSET Text
int 21h
mov ax, 4C00h
int 21h
END Start
答案 0 :(得分:-1)
jmp Poczatek ; jump to?
Text DB 'Some text$'
mov ax, OFFSET Text
mov ds, ax
; An offset address can not be a segment address.
; For to address some ASCII-data stored in the codesegment
; we have to use the segment address of the codesegment
; together in combination with an offset address of the codesegment
; Example for to store the address of the codesegment into the data
; segment register: "mov ax,cs" + "mov ds,ax"
mov bx, 0 ; The offset address of the ASCIIs is not zero.
; Use "mov bx,OFFSET Text" for to get the offset address.
cmp ax, "$" ; "$"= ASCII "24h" is only one byte, but with AX we compare two bytes = "??24h",
; so the result can only be equal if AL=24 and AH=0. But from the last instruction
; of the AX-register above we get the low and the high byte of an address.
; We do not load the AX-Register with two ASCIIs of the text-buffer.
mov al, [bx] ; We get one byte from the address of DS:BX; first match results AL="S", but only
; if we set the DS-register to the address of the codesegment and additional
; if we set BX to the offset address of the text-buffer.
je Show ; We jump only if the zero-flag is set from the compare-instruction above.
inc bh ; We increase the high byte of the BX offset register,
; so we step 256 bytes forward with it.
mov [bx], ah ; We store the high byte of an address in AH into the codesegmet at DS:BX.
; BX is pointed to the offset of "Text" + 256 Bytes.
cmp al, '$'
mov [bx-1], ax ; We store the first ASCCI in AL("S") together with the high byte of
; an address in AH to the address in DS:BX-1.
je Show
mov [bx], bl ; We store the low byte of the offset address in BX to the address of DS:BX
dec bl ; we decrease the low byte of the offset address in BX
jmp Loop ; First the BX offset register pointed to the text-buffer,
; if we set DS to the address of the codesegment and additional
; if we set BX to the offset address of the text-buffer.
; But after we increase only the high byte of the offset register
; and additional we decrease only the low byte of the offset register,
; we loose the pointer to the text-buffer.