在MySQL Rails 3应用程序中,我的一个列被序列化为Hash。我的问题很简单:如何根据此专栏获得结果?
example_hash = {id:666}
ExampleTable.last.hash == example_hash
:true ###### Here you can see that both hashes are the same
ExampleTable.where('hash LIKE ?', example_hash)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
my_hash = {id:666}
search_term = my_hash.serializable_hash
我在现有的Rails 4应用程序中试过这个。您将不得不测试它是否在Rails 3中有效。我的模型中没有include ActiveModel::Serialization
Loading development environment (Rails 4.0.0)
$pry(main)> t = Tool.first
Tool Load (10.9ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ORDER BY "tools"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
=> #<Tool id: 2, name: "6", serial: "134989652", purchased: nil, put_in_service: nil, cost: nil, value: nil, in_service: true, retired: nil, created_at: "2013-07-17 06:12:59", updated_at: "2014-02-13 17:19:10", note: "", condition: "5 - Brand New Condition", old_location: "Sta 75", model: "Stihl 066", loaner: false, location_id: 9, category_id: 2, annual_service: false>
$pry(main)> x = t.serializable_hash
=> {"id"=>2,
"created_at"=>Tue, 16 Jul 2013 23:12:59 PDT -07:00,
"updated_at"=>Thu, 13 Feb 2014 09:19:10 PST -08:00,
"condition"=>"5 - Brand New Condition",
"old_location"=>"Sta 75",
"model"=>"Stihl 066",
$pry(main)> Tool.where(x)
Tool Load (10.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = 2 AND "tools"."name" = '6' AND "tools"."serial" = '134989652' AND "tools"."purchased" IS NULL AND "tools"."put_in_service" IS NULL AND "tools"."cost" IS NULL AND "tools"."value" IS NULL AND "tools"."in_service" = 't' AND "tools"."retired" IS NULL AND "tools"."created_at" = '2013-07-17 06:12:59.638381' AND "tools"."updated_at" = '2014-02-13 17:19:10.674233' AND "tools"."note" = '' AND "tools"."condition" = '5 - Brand New Condition' AND "tools"."old_location" = 'Sta 75' AND "tools"."model" = 'Stihl 066' AND "tools"."loaner" = 'f' AND "tools"."location_id" = 9 AND "tools"."category_id" = 2 AND "tools"."annual_service" = 'f'
=> [#<Tool id: 2, name: "6", serial: "134989652", purchased: nil, put_in_service: nil, cost: nil, value: nil, in_service: true, retired: nil, created_at: "2013-07-17 06:12:59", updated_at: "2014-02-13 17:19:10", note: "", condition: "5 - Brand New Condition", old_location: "Sta 75", model: "Stihl 066", loaner: false, location_id: 9, category_id: 2, annual_service: false>]